Page:Anon 1830 Remarks on some proposed alterations in the course of medical education.djvu/20

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butes of the divine, to the catholicons and recipes of the physician.

If these changes are effected, then every physician who has received his diploma previous to their completion, must either perfect himself in these supplementary branches of knowledge, or he must rank, if not de facto, at least de jure, as a member of an inferior class of practitioners, and degenerate into a simple "Officier de Santé." All those, therefore, who have not the good fortune to possess the talismanic initials of A. M., S. B. must just make up their minds to study over again. What a beautiful and picturesque view would be afforded by a group of these venerable Eleves, hobbling and skipping across a College court to overtake the lecture hour of some "hoch edel gebohrner hoch gelehrter herr Doctor, A. M., S. B.," lately imported with Holstein horses and Hainault scythes! What a robust nimble scramble there would be among the "lads" for a favourite seat, where the dorsal and lumbar muscles might receive adequate support, where a sufficient supply of artificial caloric might be furnished for the wants of the cutaneous circulation, and where the demands would not be urgent on the auditory and optic nerves? What havoc these veterans would work amongst lamps and shop windows! What rows among the guardians of the night! What ruthless pelting of snowballs! What revelry and romping! Then comes the interesting sequela of the dis-