Page:Answer to the blue bonnet.pdf/5

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Then she pat me behint a chair,
And hap'd me wi' a plaidie;
Where I was like to swarf wi' fear,
And wish'd me wi' my daddie.
The laird gaed out, he saw na me,
I staid till I was ready;
I promis'd, but I ne'er gaed back
To see his bonny lady.

a new song; being an answer to


I once was a stranger, in a far country did roam,
When young Jemmy of Newry came to me alone,
He said, My dear jewel, now tell me I pray,
How you came to wander in a desart this way?

She said, Pray young man don't attempt persuade,
Or take an advantage of me a poor maid;
It was my cruel father who caus'd me to stray
So far from my home, and to wander this way.

I loved a young man, and he loved me,
But because he was poor, and of low degree,
It was my cruel parents that press'd him to sea,
Which made me to wander here, and a stranger to be.