Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/202

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[Book iv.

the friend of God, and was the father of Isaac." "For hospitality and piety, Lot was saved from Sodom." "For faith and hospitality, Rahab the harlot was saved." "From patience and faith they walked about in goat-skins, and sheep-skins, and folds of camels' hair, proclaiming the kingdom of Christ. We name His prophets Elias, and Eliseus, and Ezekiel, and John."

"For Abraham, who for his free faith was called 'the friend of God,' was not elated by glory, but modestly said, 'I am dust and ashes.'[1] And of Job it is thus written: 'Job was just and blameless, true and pious, abstaining from all evil.'"[2] He it was who overcame the tempter by patience, and at once testified and was testified to by God; who keeps hold of humility, and says, "No one is pure from defilement, not even if his life were but for one day."[3] "Moses, the servant who was faithful in all his house,' said to Him who uttered the oracles from the bush, 'Who am I, that Thou sendest me? I am slow of speech, and of a stammering tongue,' to minister the voice of God in human speech. And again: 'I am smoke from a pot.'" "For God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble."[4]

"David too, of whom the Lord, testifying, says, 'I found a man after my own heart, David the son of Jesse. With my holy oil I anointed him.'[5] But he also says to God, 'Pity me, O God, according to Thy mercy; and according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies, blot out my transgression. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgression, and my sin is ever before me.'"[6] Then, alluding to sin which is not subject to the law, in the exercise of the moderation of true knowledge, he adds, "Against Thee only have I sinned, and done evil in Thy sight."[7] For the Scripture somewhere says, "The Spirit of the Lord is a lamp, searching the recesses of the belly."[8] And the more of a Gnostic a man becomes by doing right, the nearer is the illuminating Spirit to him. "Thus the Lord draws near to the

  1. Gen. xviii. 27.
  2. Job i. 1.
  3. Job xiv. 4, 5.
  4. Jas. iv. 6; 1 Pet. iv. 5.
  5. Ps. lxxxix. 21.
  6. Ps. li. 1–4.
  7. Ps. li. 6.
  8. Prov. xx. 27.