Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/380

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[Book vi.

chief seat,[1] he will sit down on the four-and-twenty thrones,[2] judging the people, as John says in the Apocalypse.

For, in truth, the covenant of salvation, reaching down to us from the foundation of the world, through different generations and times, is one, though conceived as different in respect of gift. For it follows that there is one unchangeable gift of salvation given by one God, through one Lord, benefiting in many ways. For which cause the middle wall[3] which separated the Greek from the Jew is taken away, in order that there might be a peculiar people. And so both meet in the one unity of faith; and the selection out of both is one. And the chosen of the chosen are those who by reason of perfect knowledge are culled [as the best] from the church itself, and honoured with the most august glory—the judges and rulers—four-and-twenty (the grace being doubled) equally from Jews and Greeks. Since, according to my opinion, the grades[4] here in the church, of bishops, presbyters, deacons, are imitations of the angelic glory, and of that economy which, the Scriptures say, awaits those who, following the footsteps of the apostles, have lived in perfection of righteousness according to the gospel. For these taken up in the clouds, the apostle[5] writes, will first minister [as deacons], then be classed in the presbyterate, by promotion in glory (for glory differs[6] from glory) till they grow into "a perfect man."[7]



Such, according to David, "rest in the holy hill of God,"[8] in the church far on high, in which are gathered the philosophers of God, "who are Israelites indeed, who are pure in

  1. πρωτοϰαθεδρία, Mark xii. 39, Luke xx. 46.
  2. Rev. iv. 4, xi. 16.
  3. Eph. ii. 14, 15, 16, iv. 13.
  4. προϰοπαί.
  5. 1 Thess. iv. 17.
  6. 1 Cor. xv. 41.
  7. Eph. iv. 13.
  8. Ps. xv. 1.