Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/385

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Book vi.]

These chosen abodes, which are three, are indicated by the numbers in the Gospel—the thirty, the sixty, the hundred.[1] And the perfect inheritance belongs to those who attain to "a perfect man," according to the image of the Lord. And the likeness is not, as some imagine, that of the human form; for this consideration is impious. Nor is the likeness to the first cause that which consists in virtue. For this utterance is also impious, being that of those who have imagined that virtue in man and in the sovereign God is the same. "Thou hast supposed iniquity," He says, "[in imagining] that I will be like to thee."[2] But "it is enough for the disciple to become as the Master,"[3] saith the Master. To the likeness of God, then, he that is introduced into adoption and the friendship of God, to the just inheritance of the lords and gods is brought; if he be perfected, according to the Gospel, as the Lord Himself taught.



The Gnostic, then, is impressed with the closest likeness, that is, with the mind of the Master; which He being possessed of, commanded and recommended to His disciples and to the prudent. Comprehending this, as He who taught wished, and receiving it in its grand sense, he teaches worthily "on the house-tops"[4] those capable of being built to a lofty height; and begins with the doing of what is spoken, in accordance with the example of life. For He enjoined what is possible. And, in truth, the kingly man and Christian ought to be ruler and leader. For we are commanded to be lords over not only the wild beasts without us, but also over the wild passions within ourselves.

Through the knowledge, then, as appears, of a bad and good life is the Gnostic saved, understanding and executing "more than the scribes and Pharisees."[5] "Exert thyself,

  1. Matt. xiii. 8.
  2. Ps. l. 27.
  3. Matt. xxv. 10.
  4. Matt. x. 27; Luke xii. 3.
  5. Matt. v. 20.