Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/542

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Christ, the many benefits conferred by the advent of, i. 100–105; the Word, 104; the Son of God, in the form of man, free from human passions, 115; typified by Isaac, 129; the voice from heaven to, at His baptism, 131; in what sense all who came before Him were thieves and robbers, 406; free from all human affections, ii. 344.

Christian, the, alone rich, i. 298.

Christian life, the, a compendious view of, i. 213, etc.; general precepts for the regulation of, 332, etc.

Christians, ii. 11.

Chronology in relation to Greek and Hebrew philosophy, i. 421, etc., 447.

Church, the, a mother, i. 142.

Church, the traditions of, prior to heresy, ii. 485.

Church, the true, ii. 487.

Church, the grades of dignity in, imitations of angelic glory, ii. 366.

Church, going to, i. 328; behaviour out of, 329.

Cinyras, i. 28.

Classification, ii. 506.

Clean and unclean animals, the symbolical significance of the distinction between, ii. 488.

Cleansing, spiritual, i. 309.

Cleanthes quoted, i. 72; ii. 231, 286, 429, 430.

Clemens, Titus Flavius, a sketch of the history of, i. 11; an account of his works, 12–16; refers to his own writings, 355–359.

Clement of Rome, passages from his Epistle to the Corinthians respecting martyrdom, ii. 187–190; other quotations from, 340, 341.

Clothes, considerations and counsels respecting, 255, etc.; anxiety about, 256; given for a covering, 258; foolish kinds of, 258; dyeing of, forbidden, 258, 259; gorgeous, 259; of the primal man, 261; of John the Baptist, 261; long, 261, 262; extravagance in, to be avoided, 262; purple, prohibited, 262, 263; shoes, 264, 265; plain, 313; white, 314; substantial, 314; suited to sex, age, etc., 315.

Cnaxzbi, ii. 250.

Coat, Joseph's, of many colours, interpreted, ii. 253.

Colour in clothes, i. 258, 259; white, 314.

Colts, untamed, i. 124.

Comic poets, nameless, quoted, i. 322.

Command, the universal, i. 101.

Commandments, the, expounded: the first and second, ii. 383; the fourth, 386–391; the fifth, sixth, and seventh, 391; the eighth and tenth, 392.

Communion, the innate and original, of man with heaven, i. 34.

Community of women, Carpocrates' and Epiphanes' opinions respecting, refuted, i. 86–89.

Complaint, i. 165.

Compositions, written and spoken, compared, i. 349–359.

Concupiscence, the Lord free from, ii. 458.

Conjecture, ii. 10.

Contempt for pain and poverty, ii. 148.

Continence, in what respect that of Christians excels that claimed by the philosophers, ii. 110, etc.

Conversation, the regulation of, i. 228.

Coveting, the mandates of the law and of Christ prohibiting, ii. 117.

Corybantes, the orgies of the, i. 30.

Costly vessels and furniture, i. 211.

"Counsel of the ungodly, the," ii. 41.

Counsels, the, of the Instructor, i. 174, 175.

Courage and cowardice, ii. 453, 454.

Crapulousness, i. 204.

Crates, the Theban, quoted, ii. 68, 69.

Cratinus quoted, i. 363; ii. 249.

Criterion, the, for distinguishing between truth and error, ii. 476.

Crœsus, i. 49.

Cropping the hair, i. 317, 318.

Crowns, the use of, as ornaments, disapproved, i. 235–237.

Cruelty, the, involved in sacrifices to the gods, i. 48.

Cud, chewing the, i. 326; ii. 251, 252, 448.

Custom, the, of forefathers, objections to abandoning, refuted, i. 85, 89; to be abandoned, 106, etc.

Culture, the benefits of, i. 371, 379.

Cups of gold and silver censured, i. 211.

Dactyli, i. 400.

Daniel, i. 432; the chronology of the book of, 445, etc.

Dardanus, i. 27.

Darkness hides not the fornicator from God, i. 253.

Day, the seventh, ii. 386, etc.

Death, Valentinian's vagaries about