Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/547

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Hellenic truth, i. 419.

Helots, the Lacedemonian, i. 305.

Hephæstus, i. 37.

Heracleon, the Valentinian, quoted, ii. 171.

Heraclitus, the Ephesian, quoted, i. 32, 67; ii. 11, 15, 162, 204, 205, 226, 301.

Hercules, i. 38, 40, 400.

Heresies, the diversities of, made an objection to join the church, ii. 472–474.

Heresies and philosophy, aids in discovering truth, ii. 376, etc.

Heresy, i. 416; the criterion of distinguishing between, and truth, ii. 476, etc.; the traditions of the church prior to, 485, etc.

Heretics, the pretexts used by, for indulging licentiousness and lusts of every kind, ii. 95, etc.; two sorts of, 102–105; passages of Scripture perverted by, to the disparagement of marriage, 112, etc., 116, etc., 121, 129, etc., 130, 132.

Hermas quoted, i. 408, 467, 470; ii. 27, 28, 34.

Herodotus quoted, ii. 91.

Hesiod quoted, i. 46, 73, 290, 296, 305, 364, 372, 424, 470; ii. 230, 280, 295, 427.

Hevia, i. 27.

Hiccup and sneezing, i. 229.

High priest's robe, the, its symbolic import, ii. 243.

Hipparchus, the Pythagorean, quoted, ii. 255.

Hippias, i. 457.

Hippo, immortalizes his own death, i, 59; Euripides quoted respecting, 400.

Hippocrates of Cos quoted, ii, 71.

Hippodamus, the Pythagorean, quoted, ii. 59.

Hiram, i. 436.

Holy place, the, of the tabernacle, ii. 240.

Holy things not to be given to dogs, ii. 5.

Holy women among the Germans, i. 399.

Homer, time of the birth of, i. 429; quoted, 37, 39, 40, 47, 49, 51, 60, 63, 75, 93, 103, 106, 147, 228, 268, 282, 364, 392, 468; ii. 281, 284, 288, 289, 295, 305, 306, 393, 401, 421.

Honey, its spiritual import, i. 147, 179.

Hoof, dividing the, i. 326; ii. 251, 488.

Hope, ii. 17, 228, 229; the objects of, perceived by the mind, 229.

Horse, the, forbidden to be eaten, ii. 252.

Hosanna, i. 122.

Hospitality, ii. 26.

Human affections, how ascribed to God, ii. 43–45.

Human sacrifices among the heathen, i. 48.

Husband and wife, i. 304, 332, etc.

Husband, the, of the barren woman, i. 25.

Husbandry, twofold, i. 352. Husbandry, the, of the Mosaic law, its typical import, ii. 56.

Hyena, the, i. 246, 247.

Hylobii, the, i. 399.

Hymn to Christ the Saviour, a, i. 343–345.

Hymn, a noble, of God, i. 96, 97.

Hypotyposes, the, of Clement, i. 15.

Idanthuris, king of the Scythians, his symbolic message to Darius, ii. 247.

Idolatry, the origin of, i. 34, 35.

Idols to be rejected, ii. 402.

Idols, the ministers of, i. 86.

Idols, things sacrificed to, to be rejected, i. 91.

Illumination, i. 132; ii. 259.

Image of God, the, i. 91, 109, 110; ii. 277.

Images of the gods, the, the absurdity and shamefulness of some, i. 52, etc.; the stupidity of the worship of, 56, 57; often of beautiful material and form, but senseless and shameful, 61, 91.

Immodesty of women in baths, i. 296, 297.

Indignation, i, 168.

Indians, the philosophy of the, ii. 324, 325.

Induction, ii. 502.

Inquiry, philosophical and theological, its object, ii. 490.

Instructor, the, the office of, i. 113; His treatment of our sins, 115; the philanthropy of, 118; men and women alike under the charge of, 121; who He is, 149–151; deals with us as we do with children, 164; mode of His discipline, 165; instructs by the law and the prophets, 179, 180; His severity and benignity, 181.