Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 3.djvu/499

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Just published, in demy 8vo, price 10s. 6d., THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION. Ax OUTLIXE OF ITS HiSTORY IX THE ChUECH, AXD OF ITS ExPOSITIOX FROM SCRIPTURE, WITH Special Eeferexce to Eecext Attacks ox the Theology of the Eeforhiatiox. By JAMES BUCHANAN, D.D., Professor of Divinity, New College, Edinburgh ; Author of ' Analogy as a Guide to Truth and an Aid to Faith.' In crown 8vo, price 4s., REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSIBILITY: A Law of the DmxE Procedure ix Providexce axd Eedemptiox. By Eev. HENET WALLACE, Loxdoxderry. ' The author shows a mind practised in philosophical analysis, and is fully abreast of all our recent literature on both sides of this difficult question.' — Daily Review. In crown 8vo, price 5s.. THE CHURCH: Its Origix, its History, its Presext Positiox. From the Germax of Drs. LUTHAEDT, KAHNIS, axd BEUCKNEE, Professors of Theology, Leipsic. ' A finer theme for popular and instructive discourse it is not easy to have ; and in the illustration of this theme there is much in this volume of suggestive truth, finely and impressively described.' — Freeman. In demy 8vo, price 10s. 6d., ECCE DEUS: Essays ox the Life axd Doctrixe of Jesus Christ. ' The production of a clever, sincere, religious mind The style is decidedly scholarlike, forcible, and pithy.' — London Review. 'Finer sentences than those we have quoted, we make bold to say, are not found even in Jeremy Taylor.' — Daily Review. Now ready, in demy 8vo, price 9s., AN EXPOSITION ON THE EPISTLE OF JAMES, Ix A Series of Discourses. By the Eev. JOHN ADAM. In crown 8vo, price 4s., THE ROMISH DOCTRINE OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. From the German of Dr. E. PEEUSS. In crown 8vo, price 5s. 6d., THE DIVINE FATHERHOOD. By Eev. C. W. WEIGHT, Chaplain to the British Embassy at Dresden.