Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 3.djvu/5

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MESSRS. CLARK have much pleasure in issuing to their Subscribers: Tatian, Theophilus, and the Clementine Recognitions, in one volume, and the first volume of Clement of Alexandria, completing the first year's subscription.

The very great favour with which this series has been received, assures the Publishers, not only that it was needed, but that the public are satisfied with the learning and impartiality with which the Editors and Translators have so far executed their task; and all care is being taken in carrying out the arrangements for the future.

The first issue (of two volumes) for the second year will be ready about October; it will consist of one volume of Irenæus, and probably of the Clementme Homilies and the Apostolic Constitutions. The Publishers endeavour to adhere as nearly as possible to chronological order; but, as formerly stated, this is not always practicable.

The success of such an enterprise depends very much on the kindness of Subscribers in making the series known among their friends, and the Publishers have been already very much indebted in this matter.

The subscription for second year may be remitted as soon as convenient after the issue of the present volumes.

Edinburgh, 38, George Street,
May 1867.