Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 5.djvu/11

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Introductory Notice, xv
Preface, 1
1. Absurd ideas of the disciples of Valentinus as to the origin, name, order, and conjugal productions of their fancied Æons, with the passages of Scripture which they adapt to their opinions, 4
2. The Propator was known to Monogenes alone. Ambition, disturbance, and danger into which Sophia fell; her shapeless offspring: she is restored by Horos. The production of Christ and of the Holy Spirit, in order to the completion of the Æons. Manner of the production of Jesus, 7
3. Texts of Holy Scripture used by these heretics to support their opinions, 11
4. Account given by the heretics of the formation of Achamoth; origin of the visible world from her disturbances, 16
5. Formation of the Demiurge; description of him. He is the creator of everything outside of the Pleroma, 20
6. The threefold kind of man feigned by these heretics: good works needless for them, though necessary to others: their abandoned morals, 24
7. The mother Achamoth, when all her seed are perfected, shall pass into the Pleroma, accompanied by those men who are spiritual; the Demiurge, with animal men, shall pass into the intermediate habitation; but all material men shall go into corruption. Their blasphemous opinions against the true incarnation of Christ by the Virgin Mary. Their views as to the prophecies. Stupid ignorance of the Demiurge, 28