Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 6.djvu/12

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13. Ecphantus—his Scepticism—Tenet of Infinity, 47
14. Hippo—his Duality of Principles—his Psychology, 48
15. Socrates—his Philosophy reproduced by Plato, 48
16. Plato—Threefold Classification of Principles—his Idea of God—different Opinions regarding his Theology and Psychology—his Eschatology and System of Metempsychosis—his Ethical Doctrines—Notions on the Freewill Question, 49
17. Aristotle—Duality of Principles—his Categories—his Psychology—his Ethical Doctrines—Origin of the Epithet "Peripatetic," 54
18. The Stoics—their Superiority in Logic— Fatalists—their Doctrine of Conflagrations, 55
19. Epicurus—adopts the Democritic Atomism—Denial of Divine Providence—the Principle of his Ethical System, 57
20. The Academics—Difference of Opinion among them, 58
21. The Brachmans—their Mode of Life—Ideas of Deity—different Sorts of—their Ethical Notions, 59
22. The Druids—Progenitors of their System, 61
23. Hesiod—the Nine Muses—the Hesiodic Cosmogony—the Ancient Speculators, Materialists—derivative Character of the Heresies from Heathen Philosophy, 61
1. System of the Astrologers—Sidereal Influence—Configuration of the Stars, 64
2. Doctrines concerning Æons—the Chaldæan Astrology Heresy derivable from it, 65
3. The Horoscope the Foundation of Astrology—Indiscoverability of the Horoscope—therefore the Futility of the Chaldæan Art, 66
4. Impossibility of fixing the Horoscope—Failure of an Attempt to do this at the Period of Birth, 68
5. Another Method of fixing the Horoscope at Birth—equally futile—Use of the Clepsydra in Astrology—the Predictions of the Chaldæans not verified, 70
6. Zodiacal Influence—Origin of Sidereal Names, 72
7. Practical Absurdity of the Chaldaic Art—Development of the Art, 73