Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 6.djvu/15

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3. Further Exposition of the Heresy of the Naasseni—profess to follow Homer—acknowledge a Triad of Principles—their technical Names of the Triad—support these on the authority of Greek Poets—allegorize our Saviour's Miracles—the Mystery of the Samothracians—why the Lord chose Twelve Disciples—the name Corybas, used by Thracians and Phrygians, explained—Naasseni profess to find their System in Scripture—their Interpretation of Jacob's Vision—their idea of the "Perfect Man"—the "Perfect Man" called "Papa" by the Phrygians—the Naasseni and Phrygians on the Resurrection—The Ecstasis of St. Paul—the Mysteries of Religion as alluded to by Christ—Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower—Allegory of the Promised Land—Comparison of the System of the Phrygians with the Statements of Scripture—Exposition of the Meaning of the higher and lower Eleusiuian Mysteries—the Incarnation discoverable here according to the Naasseni, 138
4. Further use made of the System of the Phrygians—Mode of celebrating the Mysteries—the Mystery of the "Great Mother"—these Mysteries have a joint Object of Worship with the Naasseni—The Naasseni allegorize the Scriptural Account of the Garden of Eden—the Allegory applied to the Life of Jesus, 148
5. Explanation of the System of the Naasseni taken from one of their Hymns, 153
6. The Ophites the grand Source of Heresy, 154
7. The System of the Peratse—their Tritheism—Explanation of the Incarnation, 154
8. The Peratæ derive their System from the Astrologers—this proved by a Statement of the Astrological Theories of the Zodiac—hence the Terminology of the Peratic Heretics, 156
9. System of the Peratæ explained out of one of their own Books, 160
10. The Peratic Heresy nominally different from Astrology, but really the same System allegorized, 163
11. Why they call themselves Peratæ—their Theory of Generation supported by an Appeal to Antiquity—their Interpretation of the Exodus of Israel—their System of "the Serpent"—deduced by them from Scripture—this the real Import of the Doctrines of the Astrologers, 164
12. Compendious Statement of the Doctrines of the Peratæ, 168
13. The Peratic Heresy not generally known, 170