Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 6.djvu/20

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Contents, 328
1. An Account of Contemporaneous Heresy, 328
2. Source of the Heresy of Noetus—Cleomenes his Disciple—its Appearance at Rome during the Popedoms of Zephyrinus and Callistus—Noetianism opposed at Rome by Hippolytus, 329
3. Noetianism an Offshoot from the Heraclitic Philosophy, 330
4. An Account of the System of Heraclitus, 331
5. Heraclitus' Estimate of Hesiod—Paradoxes of Heraclitus—his Eschatology—the Heresy of Noetus of Heraclitean Origin—Noetus' View of the Birth and Passion of our Lord, 332
6. Conduct of Callistus and Zephyrinus in the matter of Noetianism—avowed Opinion of Zephyrinus concerning Jesus Christ—Disapproval of Hippolytus—as a contemporaneous event, Hippolytus competent to explain it, 336
7. The Personal History of Callistus—his Occupation as a Banker—Fraud on Carpophorus—Callistus absconds—attempted Suicide—condemned to the Treadmill—Recondemnation by Order of the Prefect Fuscianus—banished to Sardinia—Release of Callistus by the interference of Marcia—Callistus arrives at Rome—Pope Victor removes Callistus to Antium—Return of Callistus on Victor's Death—Zephyrinus friendly to him—Callistus accused by Sabellius—Hippolytus' Account of the Opinions of Callistus—the Callistian School at Rome and its Practices—this Sect in existence in Hippolytus' Time, 338
8. Sect of the Elchasaites—Hippolytus' Opposition to it, 345
9. Elchasai derived his System from Pythagoras—practised Incantations, 347
10. Elchasai's Mode of administering Baptism—Formularies, 348
11. Precepts of Elchasai, 349
12. The Heresy of the Elchasaites a derivative one, 350
13. The Jewish Sects, 351
14–20. The Tenets of the Esseni, 352
21. Different Sects of the Esseni, 357
22. Belief of the Esseni in the Resurrection—their System a suggestive one, 358
23. Another Sect of the Esseni—the Pharisees, 359