Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 6.djvu/94

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[Book iv.

vailing more by prudence than strength, deriders for the time being, scholars, trustworthy, contentious, quarrellers in a fray, concupiscent, inflamed with unnatural lust, reflective, estranged[1] from their own homes, giving dissatisfaction in everything, accusers, like madmen in their cups, scorners, year by year losing something,[2] serviceable in friendship through goodness; they, in the majority of cases, end their days in a foreign land.

Chapter xvi.

Type of those born under Taurus.

Those, however, who are born in Taurus will be of the following description: round head, thick hair, broad forehead, square eyes, and large black eyebrows; in a white man, thin veins, sanguine, long eyelids, coarse huge ears, round mouths, thick nose, round nostrils, thick lips, strong in the upper parts, formed straight from the legs.[3] The same are by nature pleasing, reflective, of a goodly disposition, devout, just, uncouth, complaisant, labourers from twelve years, quarrelsome, dull. The stomach of these is small, they are quickly filled, forming many designs, prudent, niggardly towards themselves, liberal towards others, beneficent, of a slow[4] body: they are partly sorrowful, heedless as regards friendship, useful on account of mind, unfortunate.

Chapter xvii.

Type of those born under Gemini.

Those who are born in Gemini will be of the following description: red countenance, size not very large, evenly proportioned limbs,[5] black eyes as if anointed with oil, cheeks turned down,[6] and large mouth, contracted eyebrows; they

  1. Or, "diseased with unnatural lust," i.e. νοσοῦντες for νοοῦντες.
  2. Or, κατ' ἔπος, "verbally rejecting anything."
  3. Or better, "weak in the limbs."
  4. Or, "short."
  5. Or, "parts."
  6. Some read καλῶ γεγεννημένων, or καλῶ τετεννημένων.