Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/20

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17. There is but one Lord and one God, the Father and Creator of all things, who has loved us in Christ, given us commandments, and remitted our sins; whose Son and Word Christ proved Himself to be, when He forgave our sins, 100
18. God the Father and His Word have formed all created things (which they use) by their own power and wisdom, not out of defect or ignorance. The Son of God, who received all power from the Father, would otherwise never have taken flesh upon Him, 103
19. A comparison is instituted between the disobedient and sinning Eve and the Virgin Mary, her patroness. Various and discordant heresies are mentioned, 106
20. Those pastors are to be heard to whom the apostles committed the churches, possessing one and the same doctrine of salvation; the heretics, on the other hand, are to be avoided. We must think soberly with regard to the mysteries of the faith, 108
21. Christ is the Head of all things already mentioned. It was fitting that He should be sent by the Father, the Creator of all things, to assume human nature, and should be tempted by Satan, that He might fulfil the promises, and carry off a glorious and perfect victory, 110
22. The true Lord and the one God is declared by the law, and manifested by Christ His Son in the gospel; whom alone we should adore, and from Him we must look for all good things, not from Satan, 114
23. The devil is well practised in falsehood, by which Adam having been led astray, sinned on the sixth day of the creation, in which day also he has been renewed by Christ, 116
24. Of the constant falsehood of the devil, and of the powers and governments of the world, which we ought to obey, inasmuch as they are appointed of God, not of the devil, 119
25. The fraud, pride, and tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist, as described by Daniel and Paul, 121
26. John and Daniel have predicted the dissolution and desolation of the Roman Empire, which shall precede the end of the world and the eternal kingdom of Christ. The Gnostics are refuted, those tools of Satan, who invent another Father different from the Creator, 125
27. The future judgment by Christ. Communion with and separation from the Divine Being. The eternal punishment of unbelievers, 128