Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/223

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Basilides, the doctrines of, i. 90, etc.; absurd notion of, as to the death of Jesus, 91; this notion of, refuted, 253.

Beast, the, ii. 131, etc., 134, etc.

Bishops, a succession of, in various churches, i. 261, etc.; first, of Rome, 261, 262.

Blandina, the martyr, ii. 165.

Blood, the, of Christ, redeems, ii. 58, 59.

Blood, the Christians accused of eating, how the calumny originated ii. 165.

Bodies, the, of men, temples of the Holy Ghost, ii. 69; from the earth 98.

Body and soul, the views of heretics respecting the future destiny of, refuted, i. 228.

Bread and wine in the Eucharist, ii. 59.

Breath of life, the, ii. 83.

Bythus, i. 4, 7, 49; absurdity of, 124.

Cain, i. 365; and Abel, the respective offerings of, 432.

Cainites, the doctrines of the, i. 113.

Carnal and spiritual, ii. 80, etc.

Carpocrates, the doctrines of, i. 93; the followers of, practised magic and incantations, 94; immorality of the system of, 94, 95; his views of the devil, 95; his followers branded with external marks, and have images of Jesus, etc., 96.

Centurion, the, of the Gospels, asserted by the Valentinians to be the Demiurge, i. 30.

Cerdo, the doctrines of, i. 98.

Cerinthus, the doctrines of, i. 97.

Christ, Valentinus' views of, i. 14, 25, 28, 29, 46, 51; the origin of, according to the Ophites, 104; the descent of, upon Jesus, according to the Ophites, 111, 112; the apostles of, their preaching, 266; and Jesus, the same, the only-begotten Son of God, 223–233; not, but the Holy Spirit, descended upon Jesus, 334; and Jesus of Nazareth proved from the writings of Paul to be one and the same, 337, etc.; did not flee away from Jesus at the cross, 340; did not suffer in appearance merely, 342; assumed actual flesh, conceived and born of the Virgin, 359, etc.; the advent of, foretold, 404; the advent of, foreknown and desired by righteous men, 405; did not abolish the law, 408; is the end of the law, 411; did not abrogate the natural precepts of the law, but removed the bondage, 412; came for the sake of men of all ages, 433, etc.; is the treasure hid in the fleld, 461; descended into regions beneath the earth, 467; foreseen and foretold by the prophets, ii. 13–17; the prophets referred all their predictions to, 18, etc.; alone able to redeem us, 55, etc.; took flesh, not seemingly, but really, 56; conferred on our flesh the capacity of salvation, 5861; his resurrection a proof of ours, 70, etc.; the dead raised by, a proof of the resurrection, 87; fitting that He should take human nature and be tempted by the devil, 110, etc.; His victory over Satan, ibid.; temptation of, 111, etc.; His kingdom eternal, 127, 128; the resurrection of, 139, 140; how prefigured, 167, 108; testimony of the sacred books to, 182, 183, 184.

Christians, calumnies against the, ii. 165.

Church, the, her gifts, i. 246; performs nothing by incantations or curious arts, ibid.; of Rome, founded by Peter and Paul, 261; the catholic, the depository of truth, 264, etc.

Clean and unclean, ii. 74.

Colorbasus, the doctrines of, i. 49, etc.

Commandment, the first and greatest, i. 411.

Communion with God, ii, 129.

Cosmocrator, the, i. 23,

Covenant, the new, ii. 19, 20,

Covenants, one author and one end to both, i. 399, etc.; the oneness of both proved by Jesus' reproof of customs repugnant to the former, 408.

Created things, made after the image of invisible things, according to the Marcosians, i. 72, etc.

Created things, not images of Æons within the Pleroma, i. 134–140; not a shadow of the Pleroma, 140–142.

Creation, the, of all things out of nothing by God, i. 144–146.

Creator, but one, of the world, i, 142.