Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/226

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Homer, laid under contribution by the Valentinians, curious instances of, i. 40, 41.

Hope, i. 211.

Horos and Stauros, i. 8, 9, 14.

Ialdabaotb, i. 106, 107.

I am that I am, i. 270.

Iao, i. 17.

Ignorance, human, of divine things, i. 219–228.

Image of God, the, in which man was created, ii. 99.

Immorality, the, of the Valentinian heretics, i. 26, 27.

Initiation, modes of, practised by the heretics, i. 82.

Intermediate state, the, ii. 140.

Isaac, the history of, symbolical, i. 451, 452; the blessing of, ii. 145.

Isaiah, his prophecy respecting the virgin conceiving, vindicated against Theodotian, Aquila, and the Ebionites, 351, etc.

Jacob, the actions of, typical, i. 452.

Jerusalem, the destruction of, derogates nothing from the majesty of God, i. 383, etc.

Jesus, the significance of the letters of the name, i. 215.

Jesus, how certain Æons are said to be indicated by the name of, i. 13; meaning of the letters of the name of, 60; the generation of, according to Marcus, 60; according to Basilides, was not crucified, but Simon of Cyrene in His stead, 91; descent of the Christ upon, according to the Ophites, 111, 112; His baptism when thirty years old, not a type of the thirty Æons, 197; passed through every stage of life, to sanctify all, 199; the ministry of, extended over ten years, 201, 202; lived at least till near fifty years old, 202; His teaching, 242, 243; the baptism of, 279, the same with Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, perfect God and perfect man, 323; with Him nothing incomplete—His time, 330, 331; neither Christ nor Saviour, but the Holy Spirit descended upon Him at His baptism, 334, etc.; and Christ, proved from the writings of Paul to be one and the same, 337, etc.; not a mere man, but very God, 344; became man so as to be capable of being tempted and crucified, 346; His birth foretold by Isaiah, 354; His reply to the Sadducees, 386, 387. [See Christ.]

John, and Cerinthus, a curious story relating to, i. 263.

Joshua, ii. 168.

Judas not an emblem of the twelfth Æon, i. 191–193.

Judgment, the future, by Jesus Christ, ii. 49, 128, etc.

Justin quoted against Marcion, i. 390.

Keltæ, the, i. 3.

Kingdom, the, of Christ, eternal, ii. 127, 128.

Kingdom, the earthly, of the saints after their resurrection, ii. 147 151; the prophecies respecting, not allegorical, 151, etc.

Knee, bending the, a symbol of the resurrection, ii. 163.

Knowledge, puffs up, i. 215; perfect, not attainable in this life, 219–228.

Knowledge, the true, ii. 11, 175.

Lateiaos, ii. 137.

Law, the old and the new, has but one author, i. 399, etc.; Christ did not abrogate the natural precepts of, but removed the bondage of, 412, etc.; man was placed under, for his own benefit, 416; originally inscribed on the hearts of men, but afterwards, as the Mosaic, made by God to bridle the desires of the Jews, 419–421; perfect righteousness not obtained by, 421–425.

Letters and syllables, the absurd theories of Marcion respecting, i. 56–64, 65–71; absurdity of arguments derived from, 2G4; God not to be sought after by means of, 212, etc.

Levitical dispensation, the, not appointed by God for His own sake, i. 425, etc.

Life and death, ii. 82, etc,

Linus, bishop of Rome, i. 261.

Living creatures, the symbolic import of the four, i. 293.

Logos, the Æon so called, and Sige, i. 150; absurdity of the Valentinian account of the generation of, 175, etc., 224.