Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 9.djvu/228

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Papias, quoted, ii. 146.

Parables, ii. 34, 35.

Parables, the proper mode of interpreting, i. 217.

Paschal solemnities, differences in the observance of, ii. 159, 100.

Passion of the twelfth Æon, how said to be indicated in Scripture, i. 13; not to be proved from Scripture, 190–193.

Passions, animal, produce, according to Valentinus, material substances, i. 22.

Pastors, the, to whom the apostles committed the churches, to be heard, ii. 108, etc.

Patriarchs and prophets foretold the advent of Christ, i. 455.

Paul, caught up into the third heavens, i. 335, 336; and Peter, founders of the church of Rome, 261; sometimes uses words not in their grammatical sequence, 273; knew no mysteries unrevealed to the other apostles, 316; refutation of the Ebionites who disparaged the writings of, 320, etc.

Perfect, why man was not made, ii. 42.

Persecution foretold, ii. 12.

Pharaoh's heart hardened, how, ii. 471.

Plato, quoted, i. 373.

Pleroma, the, of Valentinus, i. 5, 14; shown to be absurd, 124, 168, 170.

Polycarp, conversed with the apostles, i. 262, 263; his reply to Marcion, 263; the epistle of, 263, 264; Irenæus' testimony respecting, 158, 159.

Predictions of the prophets, the, ii. 12, etc.; all uttered under the same inspiration, 22.

Presbyters, the, ought to be obeyed, i. 462; false, 463; faithful, 463, 464.

Proarche, the, of Valentinus, i. 47.

Production, the first order of, maintained by heretics proved to be indefensible, i. 152, etc.; and absurd, 168, 180.

Prophets, the, refutation of the notion that they uttered their predictions under the inspiration of different gods, i. 254, ii. 22; their predictions, 12, etc.; referred all their predictions to Christ, 18, etc.; sent by the same Father who sent the Son, 26, etc.

Propator, the, of Valentinus, i. 4, 7; of Ptolemy, 50.

Protarchontes, i. 103.

Providence of God, the world ruled by, i. 371.

Prunicus, i. 104, 106, 107, 108.

Ptolemy the heresiarch, the doctrines of, i. 49, etc.

Ptolemy, the son of Lagus, procures a translation of the Jewish Scriptures to be made, i. 352, 353.

Pythagoras, the heretics borrow from, i. 164.

Redemption, the views of, entertained by heretics, i. 81, etc.

Resurrection, the, of the dead, asserted by Jesus against the Sadducees, i. 386, 387; of the flesh asserted, ii. 61, etc.; of the body, 64, etc.; various proofs of, from the Old Testament, 63, etc.; proved by the resurrection of Christ, 70, etc., 87, etc.; proofs of, from Isaiah and Ezekiel, 94; an actual, 155, etc.; illustrated, 164.

Retribution, the day of, i. 197.

Ridicule, poured upon the emanations and nomenclature of Valentinus, i. 47, etc.

Righteous, the, and the wicked, ii. 130.

Righteousness, perfect, not conferred by the law, i. 421–425.

Rod, the, of Moses, i. 357.

Roman empire, the dissolution of the, predicted, ii. 125.

Rome, the church of, founded and organized by Peter and Paul, i. 261; the first bishops of, 261, 202.

Sabaoth, i. 255 and note.

Sabbath-day, the law did not prohibit the hungry eating food ready to hand on the, i. 398.

Sacrifices, not required by God for their own sake, i. 420, 427–431; further remarks on, 431.

Sadducees, the reply of Jesus to the question asked by the, i. 387.

Samson, and the boy who guided him, types, ii. 171; further reference to, 178.

Satan, ii. 113; blasphemes God, 127, 128.