Page:Ante-Nicene Fathers volume 1.djvu/481

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IGNATIUS, who is also called Theophorus, to Hero, the deacon of Christ, and the servant of God, a man honoured by God, and most dearly loved as well as esteemed, who carries Christ and the Spirit within him, and who is mine own son in faith and love: Grace, mercy, and peace from Almighty God, and from Christ Jesus our Lord, His only-begotten Son, "who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from the present evil world,"[1]and preserve us unto His heavenly kingdom.

Chap. i.Exhortations to earnestness and moderation.

I exhort thee in God, that thou add [speed] to thy course, and that thou vidicate thy dignity. Have a care to preserve concord with the saints. Bear [the burdens of] the weak, that "thou mayest fulfil the law of Christ."[2] Devote[3] thyself to fasting and prayer, but not beyond measure, lest thou destroy thyself[4] thereby. Do not altogether abstain from wine and flesh, for these things are not to be viewed with abhorrence, since [the Scripture] saith, "Ye shall eat the good things of the earth."[5]And again, "Ye shall eat flesh even as herbs."[6] And again, "Wine maketh glad the heart of man, and oil exhilarates, and bread strengthens him."[7]

  1. Gal. i. 4.
  2. Gal. vi. 2.
  3. Literally, "have leisure for."
  4. Literally, "cast thyself down."
  5. Isa. i. 19.
  6. Gen. ix. 3.
  7. Ps. civ. 15.