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While they were talking the supper was brought in and there was a good deal of joking too tedious to repeat, and finally Yaji and Kita, the effects of the saké having already passed off, went back into their own room where, as soon as it was dark, they went to bed. In the next room also the witches were apparently going to bed, worn out by their travels.

“That young witch is sleeping on this side, I know,” said Kita in a low voice. “I’ll creep in to her after a bit. Yaji, you’d better go to sleep.”

“Get out,” said Yaji. “I’m going to be the one to get her.”

“Isn’t he bold?” said Kita. “It would make a cat laugh.”

Thus talking they crept into bed and fell asleep. It was already about nine o’clock, and the night watchman’s rattle, as he went round the inn, echoed through the pillows of the travelers. In the kitchen the sound of the preparations for the next morning’s meal had died away, and all that could be heard was the barking of the dogs. It was just when night was at its darkest and eeriest that Kitahachi decided the time was right to creep out of bed and peep into the next room. The night light had gone out, and he felt his way in very softly and crept into the bed where he thought the young witch was sleeping. To his surprise the witch, without saying anything, caught hold of his hand and pulled him in. Delighted with his reception, Kitahachi sank down under the coverlet with her arm for a pillow and soon realized his desire, after which they both fell asleep quite unconscious of their surroundings.

Yajirobei, who was thus left sleeping alone, soon opened his eyes. “I wonder what time it is,” he muttered. “I must go to the toilet. It’s so dark I can’t see the way.”

Thus pretending that he was going to the toilet he crept into the next room, quite unaware of the fact that Kitahachi was already in there. Feeling about, he came to the side of the bed where Kita was lying, and thinking in the darkness that it was the young witch’s lips from which moans were coming, he put his lips to those of Kitahachi and took a bite.

“Oh! Oh!” yelled Kitahachi.

“Halloa! Is that you, Kitahachi?” said Yaji.