Page:Anthony Hope - The Dolly Dialogues.djvu/125

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'I've seen the piece twice,' said I.

'How tiresome of you! You've seen everything twice!'

'I've seen some things much oftener,' I observed.

'I'll get a nice girl for you to talk to, and I'll have a young man.'

'I don't want my girl to be too nice,' I observed.

'She shall be pretty,' said Dolly generously.

'I don't mind if I do come with you,' said I. 'What becomes of Archie?'

'He's going to take his mother and sisters to the Albert Hall.'

My face brightened.

'I am unreasonable,' I admitted.

'Sometimes you are,' said Dolly.

'I have much to be thankful for. Have you ever observed a small boy eat a penny ice?'

'Of course I have,' said Dolly.

'What does he do when he's finished it?'

'Stops, I suppose.'

'On the contrary,' said I. 'He licks the glass.'

'Yes, he does,' said Dolly meditatively.

'It's not so bad—licking the glass,' said I.

Dolly stood opposite me smiling. At this moment Archie entered. He had been working at his lathe. He is very fond of making things which he doesn't want, and then giving them to people who have no use for them.

'How are you, old chap?' he began. 'I've just finished an uncommon pretty——'