Page:Anthony Hope - The Dolly Dialogues.djvu/16

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'Oh, not always. I've observed that your——'

'Please don't! It's no use, is it?'

I looked very unhappy. There is an understanding that I am very unhappy since Miss Foster's engagement to the Earl of Mickleham was announced.

'What was I saying before—before you—you know—oh, about Phil Meadows, of course. I did like him very much, you know, or I shouldn't have taken all that trouble. Why, his own mother thanked me!'

'I have no more to say,' said I.

'But she wrote me a horrid letter afterwards.'

'You're so very elliptical.'

'So very what, Mr. Carter?'

'You leave so much out, I mean. After what?'

'Why, after I sent him away. Didn't I tell you? Oh, we had the most awful scene. He raved, Mr. Carter. He called me the most horrid names, and——'

'Tore his hair?'

'It wasn't long enough to get hold of,' she tittered. 'But don't laugh. It was really dreadful. And so unjust! And then, next day, when I thought it was comfortably over, you know, he came back, and—and apologised, and called himself the most awful names, and—well, that was really worse.'

'What did the fellow complain of?' I asked in wondering tones.

'Oh, he said I'd destroyed his faith in women,