Page:Anthony Hope - The Dolly Dialogues.djvu/25

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'Oh, no, I can't,' and she folded up the letter.

'Then I will,' and I'm ashamed to say I snatched the letter. Miss Dolly jumped to her feet. I fled behind the table. She ran round. I dodged.

'"Or——"' I began to read.

'Stop,' cried she.

'"Or a young spendthrift like that man—I forget his name—whom you used to go on with at such a pace at Monte Carlo last winter."'

'Stop!' she cried, stamping her foot. I read on:

'"No doubt he was charming, my dear, and no doubt anybody would have thought you meant it; but I never doubted you. Still, weren't you just a little——"'

'Stop!' she cried. 'You must stop, Mr. Carter.'

So then I stopped. I folded the letter and handed it back to her. Her cheeks flushed red as she took it.

'I thought you were a gentleman,' said she, biting her lip.

'I was at Monte Carlo last winter myself,' said I.

'Lord Mickleham,' said the butler, throwing open the door.