Page:Anthony John (IA anthonyjohn00jero).pdf/37

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only they had remained good—hadn't disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit we might all of us have been good and happy to this day.

"He was the first man, wasn't he—Adam?" demanded the child.

"Yes. God made him out of the earth. And saw that he was good."

"How long ago would that be?" he asked.

His aunt was not sure of the exact date. Along time ago.

"A hundred years?"

Longer than that. Thousands and thousands of years ago.

"Why couldn't Adam have said he was sorry and God have forgiven him?"

"It was too late," explained his aunt. "You see, he'd done it."

"What made him eat it? If he was a good man and God had told him not to?"

It was explained to him that the Devil had tempted Adam—or rather Eve. It seemed unimportant so far as their unfortunate descendants were concerned.

"But why did God let the Devil tempt him—or her, whichever it was. Can't God do everything? Why didn't He kill the Devil?"

Mrs. Newt regarded her knitting with dismay.