Page:Anti-mass panphlet.djvu/43

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What we mean by the use of ad technique is to physically use it. Most of the time we are unconscious of ads and, if we do become conscious, we still don’t act upon them-don’t subvert them. Ads are based on repetition. If you affect one of them, you affect them all. Know the environment of the ad. The most effective way to subvert an ad is to make the contradiction in it visible. Advertize it. The vulnerability of ads lies in the possibility of turning them against the exploiters.

Jerry Rubin says you should use the media all the time. At least he goes all the way. This is better than the toe-dipping approach that seems so common these days. Of course, there are groups who say don’t use it at all and they don’t. They will probably outlast Jerry since the basic technique of mass media is overexposure. That is why Jerry has already written his memoirs. The Situationists say: “The revolt is contained by overexposure. We are given it to contemplate so that we shall forget to participate.”

We are not talking about the packaging of politics. Ramparts is the Playboy of the Left. On the other hand, the underground press is pornographic and redundant. Newsreel s projector is