Page:Anti-mass panphlet.djvu/56

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The existence of corporate liberalism demands that we not be sloppy in our own thinking and response. The strength of its position is that it forces us to acknowledge our own weaknesses-even before we engage in struggle against it. The worst mistake is to pretend that this enemy does not exist.

Urban struggle requires a subversive strategy. Concretely, working “within the system" should become for us a source of money, information and anonymity. This is what Mao means when he says. “Move at night." The routine of daily life is nighttime for the enemy-when they cannot see us. The process of cooptation should become an increasingly disquieting exercise for them.

Exploiting splits within the enemy camp does not mean helping one segment defeat another. The basic aim is to maintain the splits. There are significant differences among the oppressors. These have the effect of weakening them. Under certain circumstances these splits may provide a margin of manueverability which may be strategic for us. The main thing is not to view the enemy monolithically. Monolithic thinking condemns you to one way of acting.