Page:Antidote against the infectious contagion of popery and tyranny.pdf/21

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But tho' this be the principal; yet not the only Duty of the Day: If Opportunity is afforded us, we declare our Willingneſs to apply ourſelves to ſuch other Reſolutions and Actions as ſeem moſt ſuitable and neceſſary at this time, for the Defence of Religion, King and Country: And whereas ſome of the Presbyterian Denomination have aſſiſted in the making of Targets, Scull-caps, Tents, Shoes, Pans, and other Pieces of Armoury to the Enemy: others of them have paid their Proportion of the Subſidy expreſly impoſed for defraying the Expence thereof; others have, without Conſtraint, paid in to them their Proportion of Ceſs and Exciſe, whileſt others have ſworn Oaths to them touching the having or knowing of Arms, accepted of Protections from them, and the moſt have been ſome how acceſſory in aiding them, or owning of their Authority: We declare that albeit we be ourſelves as liable to yield to Temptations as others, and deſire to exerciſe Charity towards our Brethren who have thus complied: yet we are not at Freedom ourſelves to do ſo, for the following among other Reaſons.

1. Becauſe this Pretender claims hereditary Right to theſe as his Due: but, this being what the Nation's Repreſentatives have refuſed, we muſt not do any Thing that may be interpreted an owning of his Title: For as the Effect can never be more noble than the Cauſe, ſo no more can our Obedience than his Command; and if it be his Sin to require, ſo does it ſeem our Sin and Shame to give.

2. Becauſe the End of the Demand is wicked: For tho' it is not expreſly declared to be ſo, yet is it declared virtually and indiſputably, and is univerſally known, that theſe Payments and Services are for aſſiſting the Pretender in the Recovery of his ſuppoſed just Rights.

3. Becauſe we are commanded (Jer. xxiii. 14.) not to ſtrengthen the Hands of Evil-doers, and we find Jehoshaphat reproved for helping the Ungodly,