Page:Antidote to superstition, or, A cure for those weak minds which are troubled with the fear of, ghosts and witches (NLS104184264).pdf/9

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ſupreme Being ruleth over all; that ſpirits are his miniſters, and when they deſcend from above, it is by ſpecial commiſſion to execute his commands, and then to return. Some of them may be our guardians; but that any of them ſhould ever terrify or affright poor mortals (as the braque ſmells out, and terrifies poor birds), is againſt reaſon, and formally impoſſible.

But does not the devil and his retainers ſometimes appear and ſeek their prey? No; impoſſible: For what is he? Why nothing but a ſervant in chains for rebellion; and whilſt an all-good Being rules the univerſe, he cannot hurt a ſingle ſparrow. His baits and allurements may be laid before us juſt as I have laid bird lime to catch the feath- er'd ſongſters), theſe we may fly to, and be enſnared. No, no; I dread not the black horns of Belzebub, but I fear the being drawn away by my own luſts after the dæ- mons of riches, honours and pleaſures, into avarice, ambition and voluptuouſneſs.

But though you cannot believe in ghoſts and dæmons, there are certainly the ſpirits of dead men, who hover over their graves, and are to be ſeen in temples and church yards. No; I do not believe it. The ſouls of men after death paſs over the irremea- ble gulph to the regions of ſeparate ſpirits; they go to Him who made them; they ne- ver do, nor can return, till the heavens are no more: the bad are ſhut up, impriſoned,