Page:Apollo 11 Goodwill Messages.pdf/14

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"Let this important step in the cosmic conquest remain for generation to come a mark of an epoch of fellowship and of universal peace. These are the earnest wishes of the Chadian people and of its government."


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"May the men of our planet take to the moon a message of peace and good will from this place on the Earth that is Chile."


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"It is our sincere desire that the astronauts, upon the date of their landing on the moon, will have made a significant contribution to a world utopia and peace through the universe."

President, Republic of China

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"As you prepare to undertake one of the most extraordinary feats in history, I wish to send you on behalf of the people and the Government of Colombia, a warm greeting with our wishes for the complete success of your mission. I also want to express the admiration of all Colombians for your personal heroism, for the scientists and technicians that have contributed their knowledge to this enterprise and for the great North American nation whose support has made possible a project that only yesterday appeared to be unfeasible.
