Page:Apollo 11 Goodwill Messages.pdf/22

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"The courage and the technology of the United States of America have brought to out satellite this message of the Head of the Italian Nation which prides itself to number amoungst its sons Galileo Galilei, whose genius paved the ways for modern science.

The conquest of the Moon is a glorious milestone along the road of all mankind towards the achievement of peace, freedom and justice."



"At the moment when man's oldest dream is becoming a reality, I am very thankful for NASA's kind attention in offering me the service of the first human messenger to set foot on the Moon and carry the words of the Ivory Coast.

I would hope that when this passenger from the sky leaves man's imprint on lunar soil, he will feel how proud we are to belong to the generation which has accomplished this feat.

I hope also that he would tell the Moon how beautiful it is when it illuminates the nights of the Ivory Coast.

I especially wish that he would turn towards our planet Earth and cry out how insignificant the problems which torture men are, when viewed from up there.

May his word, descending from the sky, find in the Cosmos the force and light which will permit him to convince humanity of the beauty of progress in brotherhood and peace."



"May He whose glory the heavens declare grant that mankind may grow in the knowledge of His purposes as we probe into the secrets of His universe."

Prime Minister
