Page:Apollo 11 Goodwill Messages.pdf/28

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"I have great admiration for the skill and perseverance of all those who have contributed to make the first manned flight to the Moon possible. I hope that this achievement will prove of great benefit for the future of mankind."

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"The arrival of man on the moon will be of great consequence for peace and for the scientific investigation of the origin of the Earth and the Solar System. This extraordinary event and this triumph of man in the application of science inspires us to think of the Creator.

"The People of Nicaragua express their most fervent wishes for the success of the flight of Apollo 11 and show their sincere and profound recognition of the People and government of the United States of America and Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin, and Michael Collins, who, by their efforts will make possible the conquest of the Moon."

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"By this flight man has finally fulfilled the great ambition of setting foot on another celestial body. As Prime Minister of New Zealand I hope that the realization of this dream -- so long remote -- will inspire all those who set their sights high and thus bring closer the dreams we share of peace and cooperation for all mankind."

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"I express my best wishes for the Astronauts carrying out the Apollo 11 mission and for the success of this historic space journey."
