Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/19

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Among the Contributors to the sixth volume of this work are the following . Samuel Austin Allibone, LL. D. Ticknor, George. Henry Carey Baird. Walbach, John de Barth, Washington, William. Lieut. William H. Beehler, U. S. N. Articles on Officers of the U. S. Navy. Marcus Benjamin, F. C. S. Wyman, -Jeffries, Harrison, Benjamin. (In Supplement.) Arthur Elmore Eostwick, Ph. D. Winthrop, Theodore, Fuller, Melville W. (In Supplement.) James C. Brogan. Thorfinn the Dane, Warren, John Collins. Junius Henri Browne. Thompson, Maurice, Watterson, Henry. James Monroe Buckley, D. D., LL. D. Articles on Methodist Episcopal Bishops. Mrs. Isa Carrington Cabell. The Van Rensselaer Family, Washington, Martha. Jefferson Davis. Taylor, Zachary. John Ward Dean. Ward, Nathaniel, WlGGLESWORTH, MlCHAEL. Edward Floyd De Lancey. The Van Cortlandt Family. Eugene Lemoine Didier. Thompson, Robert Ellis, Tiernan, Luke. Capt. James W. Dixon. Terry, Alfred Howe, Wright, Horatio Governeur. William Henry Egle, M. D. Watts, Frederick, WlCKERSHAM, JAMES PyLE. Col. Benjamin Stoddert Ewell. Stoddert, Benjamin, Tucker, Judge St. George. Prof. John Fiske. Tyler, John, Webster, Daniel. Octavius Brooks Frothingham. Thoreau, Henry David. Albert H. Gallatin, M. D. Voce, George Leonard, Woodhouse, James. James Roberts Gilmore. Wayne, Anthony, Wilkinson, James. Daniel Goodwin. Blodgett, Henry W. (In Supplement.) Lawrence, Charles B. (In Supplement.) Andrew H. Green. Tilden, Samuel Jones. William Elliot Griffis, D. D. Van Curler, Arendt, Yung Wing. Albert David Hager. Trumbull, Lyman, Yates, Richard. Jacob Henry Hager. Vallandigham, Clement Laird, Wigfall, Louis Trezevant. Miss Emma Polk Harris. Torbert, Alfred Thomas A., Wesley, John. Charles Henry Hart. Willis, William. Prof. Samuel Hart. Wheaton, Nathaniel Sheldon, Williams, Bishop John. Rev. Horace E. Hayden. The Van Dyke Family, Wood, James. George Morgan Hills, D. D. Talbot, John, Wharton, Charles Henry. Prof. James Kendall Hosmer. Vane, Sir Henry. Cecil H. C. Howard. The Waldron Family. Frank Huntington. Taney, Roger Brooke, Whitefield, George. Abram S. Isaacs, Ph. D. Articles on Jewish Clergymen. Gen. Bradley Tyler Johnson. Tilghman, Matthew and Lloyd, Trimble, Isaac Ridgeway. Rossiter Johnson, Ph. D. Webster, Noah, Worcester, Joseph Emerson.