Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/742

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Anatomy, first lectures on, m, 323, Hunter, W. ; 424, Jef- fries, J. : V, 512. Stiippen, W. ; the doctor's mob, V, 84, Post, W. ; original researches in, V, (533, Spitzka : VI, 506, Wilder, B. G. 583. Wistar, C. 632. Ance, the, mission at, I, 160. Baraga. Ancestral tablets, VI, 487, Whitmore. Ancient and honorable artillery company, the, III, 498, Keayne ; V, 450, Sedgwick, R. ' Ancient Brethren's church, the, IV, 453, Muenster. Ancient Order of Hibernians, the, IV, 494, Nesbitt. Ancient Order of United Workmen, the, VI, 211, Upchurch. Ancora, Peter, IV, 483, Neagle ; V, 725, Strother. Anderssen, Adolph, IV, 407, Morphy. Anderson, Evelina, I, 71, Anderson, W. Anderson, Hugh. VI. 20, Tailfer. Anderson, John, I, 36, Agassiz. Anderson, John, V, 308-309, Rogers, M. C. Anderson, John, assumed name. I, 71, Andre". Anderson, Naomi, IV, 179, Makemie. Anderson ville prison, VI, 334, Wallace, L. responsibility for the abuses at, 1, 277. Andes, railroad across the, IV, 287, Meiggs. Andes, Count de los, V, 463, Serna. Andover, settlement and name of, IV, 600, Osgood, S. Andover Review, the, V, 600, Smyth, E. C. Andover theological seminary, purchase of land for, VI, 599, Woodbridge, J.; establishment of, V, 639, Spring, S. ; IV, 424, Morse, J. ; 762, Phillips, P. F. ; gifts to, I, 5, Abbot, S. ; 186, Bartlett, W. ; 674, Codman ; 679, Cogs- well, J.; H, 419, Farrar, S.: HI, 219, Hitchcock, S. A.; IV, 533, Norris, J.; 763, Phillips, William ; V, 211, Reed, W.; VI, 565, Winkley. Andre, John, capture of, IV, 681, Paulding, J. ; medal awarded for the capture, illustration, VI, 257 ; proposal to exchange for Arnold, IV, 561, Ogden, A.; V, 278, Rob- ertson, J. ; burial of, gifts from his friends, H, 138, Demarest, J. ; discussion of his sentence, I, 258, Bid- die, C. J. ; subject of a poem by, III, 283. Howe, R. ; his Cow Chase, V, 268, Rivington ; quoted, 127. Proctor, T. ; VI, 399. Andre., anonymous drama, V, 562, Smith, E. H. Andrea Doria, the, I, 256, Biddle, N. Andrew, John, VI, 21, Talbot, J. Andrew, John A., 'quoted, II, 612, Garrison. Andrews, Isaac, VI, 609, Woolman. Androboros, anonymous farce, IH, 323, Hunter, Robert. Anemometer, invention of a, V, 530, Silliman, J. M. ; a self -registering, I, 676, Coffin, J. H. Anfriso, pen-name. IV, 482, Navnrrete, M. M. Angel, Mr., II, 647, Gilbert, W. B. Angela, Mother, II, 650, Gillespie, E. M. Angel Gabriel, the, ship, I, 678, Cogsioell, J. Angel Gabriel riots, the, V, 569, Smith, Jesse C. Angelos family, II, 358, English, T. D. Anglesea, Marchioness of, HI, 541, King, J. P. Anglican church, missions of, in, 502, Keith, G. ; VI, 21, Talbot, J. ; clandestine consecration of a bishop for America, 21, Talbot, J. See Protestant Episcopal Church. Anglo-American Magazine, IV, 117, Macgeorge. Ango, Jean, IV, 658, Parmentier, J. ; VI, 282, Verrazano. Angol, battles near, H, 32, Curanteo ; HI, 199, Higuaihue ; capture of, II, 25, Cudeguala. Anguita, battle at, I, 333, Boves. Angulo, Jose and Vicente, V, 135, Pumacahua. Angustura, passage of, III, 352. Inhauma. Anhydrous nitric acid, discovered, V. 370, Sainte- Claire, H E. Anian, fabulous strait and city of, III, 306, Hiihne ; H, 575, Gali ; VI, 226, Valerianos ; 665, Zuiiiga, G. Animal heat, researches on, I, 416, Brown-Sequard ; H, 220, Dowler. Animal industry, bureau of, VI, 692, Lc Due. Animals, extinct, new species of, IV, 218, Marsh, O. C. Animals, societies for prevention of cruelty to, I, 244, Bergh ; HI, 541, King, L. W. ; bequests to, I, 244, 312, Bonard. Animikite. discovery of, VI, 629, Wurtz. Aniversario, the manifesto, V, 154, Quintana Roo. Annapolis, settlement of, V, 704, Stone, W. ; engagement at, I, 622, Claiborne ; library at, 362 ; naval academy at, 428, Buchanan, F. ; midshipmen's monument at, illus- tration, V, 518. Annapolis. See Port Royal. Annapolis convention, the, IV, 166, 167. Ann Arbor, history, seminary at, founded, 1. 13, Adams, C.K. Anneau, Father, VI, 277, Verandrye. Annisquam, laboratory at, HI. 335, Hyatt. Ann the Word, HI, 656, Lee, Ann. Annual of Scientific Discovery, the, VI, 429, Wells, D. A. Annuities, inventor of Tontine system, VI, 132, Tonty. Anselmus, pen-name, II, 249, Duffleld, S. W. Anson, Admiral George, II, 567, Gadsden ; V, 37, Pizarro, J. A. Anson, Tex., ni, 463, Jones, Anson. Antarctic ocean, exploration in the, 1, 715; VI, 332, Walker, W. M.; 509, Wilkes, C. Antequera (Oajaca), II, 135, Delgadillo. Anthology club, the. I, 576, Channing ; Ti., 70, Dana, R. H. ; 386, Everett ; 596, Gardiner, J. S. J. ; VI, 178, Tudor. Anthony, Daniel, I, 82, Anthony, S. B. Anthony, Hezekiah, H, 288, Eames, J. A. Anthony, John, I, 81, Anthony, H. B. Anthracene, VI, 361, Warren, C. M. Anthracite coal, first use of, VI, 437, Wemwag; 602, Wood- house. Anthropology, studies in, H, 207, Dorsey, J. O.; IV, 403, Morgan, L. H. See Ethnology. Anthropology, discovery bearing on, V. 144, Puysegur. Anti-Catholic riots. III. 519, Kenrick, F. P. Anticosti, island of, IH. 461, Jolliet. Anties, the party called, I, 242. Antietam, battle of. I, 463 : II, 210. Doubleday, A. ; 765, Griffin ; HI, 250, 670 ; IV, 83 ; 140, McLaws ; IV, 280 ; 476, Nagle ; V, 87, Potter, R. B. ; 727, Stuart, J. E. B. ; VI, 202, Tyndale. Anti-Federalists, the, HI, 149, Hazard, J. J. Antigua, I, 147, Balboa. Antilles, settlement of the, II. 275, Dutertre ; French colo- nies in, 262, Duparquet ; 353, Enambuc. Antillon, Gen., HI, 341, Iglesias, J. M. Anti-Masonic excitement, the. I, 27 ; HI, 51, Hallett, B. F.; in, 236, Holley, M.; IV, 404, Morgan, W. ; V, 470, Seward, W. H. ; 628, Spencer, J. C. Antimony, investigation of, I, 721 , Cooke, J. P. Antinomian controversy, the, VI, 16, Symmes, Z. Antinomians, HI, 331, Hutchinson, Anne ; VI, 573 ; book on the, 425, Welde. Antioch college, IV, 191, Mann, H Anti-poverty society, the, IV, 119, McGlynn. Antiquarian, the, magazine, I, 107, Arthur, W. Anti-renters, the, H, 463, Fish, H.; VI, 252, Van Rens- selaer. S. Anti-slavery cause, the, I, 268 ; 378, Brisbane, Brisbin ; 455, Burleigh ; first book of the, 604, Child, L. M. ; mob vio- lence, 672, Codding, I. ; II, 611 ; HI, 446, Johnson, O. ; 236, Holley, M. ; first paper and lectures of, IV, 54, Lundy, B. ; 328, Miller, J. P. ; beginning of the struggle. 669, Pastorius ; party, VI, 516, Willcox, A. O. See Abo- litionists and Slavery. Anti-Slavery Baptists, the, I, 628, Clark, John. Anti-Slavery Quarterly, the, VI. 621. Wright, E. Anti-Slavery Standard, the, II, 619, Gay, S. H. ; TV, 40 ; V, 20, Pillsbury, P. Anton, Andrews, H, 321, Eliot, C. Antoine, Pere, I, 83, Antonio. Antonides, Rev. Vincentius, I, 221. Beekman, G. Anzures Pedro, HI, 354, Irala. Aondechete, V, 160, Ragueneau. Apaches, the hostilities of, II, 15, Crook ; 629, Geronimo ; TV, 27, Lonng, F. W. ; 323, Miles, N. A. ; the Mescalero, HI, 495, Kautz, A. V. Apartado, Marquis of, II, 399, Fagoaga. Apes, William. V, 601, Snelling, W. J. A. P. L. Parin Papers, the, H, 423. Faxon. Apodaca. Ruiz de, HI, 368 ; 10, Guerrero, V. Apollo, the so-called statues of, VI, 322, Waldstein. Apostle of Brazil, the, I, 68, Avchieta. Apostle of California, the, V, 381. Salvatierra. Apostle of Methodism, the, III, 663, Lee, J. Apostle of Newfoundland, the, rv, 558, CDonnel, J. L. Apostle of Nova Scotia, the. I, 754, Coughlan. Apostle of Oregon, the, I, 288, Blanchet, F. R. Apostle to the Germans, the, HI, 12, Guldin. Appalachian mountains, exploration of, HI, 653, Lederer ; V, 635, Spotswood. Appalachicola river, fort on the, blown up, HI, 378 ; mas- sacre on, by Indians, ibid. Appleton, Daniel, I, 84, Appleton. D. Appleton, Edward D., I, 84, Appleton, D. Appleton. Frances, IV, 13. Appleton, John, I, 85, Appleton, J. J. Appleton, John, V, 345, Rumford. Appleton, John Adams, I, 84, Appleton, D. Appleton, Nathan, IV, 13. Appleton, Capt. Samuel, IV, 403, Morgan. M. Appleton, W. H., I, 84, Appleton, D. Appleton, W. W., I, 84, Appleton, D. Appomattox, surrender at, II, 716, 717 ; scene of, illustra- tion, 710 ; II. 392, Ewell. R. S.; Ill, 673, 725. Apprentices, school for, HI, 226, Hoe, R. M. Apthorne, Rev. East, IV, 275, Mayhew, J. Apthorp, Frances W., VI, 267, Vaughan. C. Apthorp, Sarah W., rv 430, Morton, S. W. A. Apurimac river, IV, 178, Maita Capac. Aqueduct, the Vento, I, 39, Albear. Aqueducts, cast-iron, II, 563. Aquidneck, island of, I, 634, Clarke, John ; 673. Codding- ton ; III, 331, Hutchinson, Anne ; Indian deed of, IV, 313, Miantonomo ; VI, 532. Arabi Bey, insurrection of, rv, 9, Long, C. C. Arago, Francois, H, 693, Gould, B. A. ; quoted, II, 375, Espy. Aragon, Sancho de, IH. 408, Jaureybo I. Araugua, battle at. I, 304. Arama, Col., IV, 207, Mariilo. Arana, Barros, IV, 573, Olivares. Arancara, Mex., founded, H, 52, Dacian.