Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/746

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708 BARING BEJUCO Baring, Alexander, I, 109, Ashburton. Baring, Sir Francis, I, 109, Ashburton. Baring, Henry, I, 264, Bingham, W. Barker, Elizabeth, IV, 742. Peters, E. ; VI, 560, Winslow, E. Barker, George. I, 244, Berg. Barker, Col. Joseph, II, 568, Gage. Barker, Lieut., V, 127, Proctor, T. Barkly, Sir H., III. 474, Jordon. Bark-peelers, the, IV, 97, McCullagh. Barksted, Col., II. 222, Downing, Sir G. Barnard. Rev. C. F.. I, 167, Barnard, C. Barnard, G. G., VI, 115. Barnard, Pierre, V, 245, Richings, C. M. Barnave, M., Ill, 405, Jarric. Barn-buiUiing. improvement in, IV, 157, MacPherson, D. M. Barnburners, I, 484, Butts ; VI, 232-233. Barnes, Charles M. , III, 522, Kent, James. Barnes, David, II, 396, Eytinge. Barnes, Earl, V. 493. Sheldon, M. D. Barnes, John, III, 22, Hackett, J. H. Barnes, Mary, I, 708, Connor, E. S. Barnes, Mrs. Mary T., II, 422, Fauntleroy. Barnes, Robert O., VI, 243, Vanderpoel, A. P. Barneveld islands, discovery of, III, 684, Le Maire. Barney, Nathaniel, II, 514. Foster, S. S. Barnsley mine disaster, poem on the, IV, 59, Lyle, W. Barnuevo, Maldonado, VI, 60. Tejeda. Baroa, capture of. II, 25, Cueneciira. Baron, the, Huron chief. III, 572, Kondearonk. Baronet, first native, of America, IV, 721, Pepperrell. Baronetcies, American, I, 48, Alexander, W. Baron de Kalb, the iron-clad, VI, 328, Walker, J. G. Barouco, cacique of, II, 359, Enrique. Barquisemeto, engagement at, I, 304. Barr, confederation of, V, 133, Pulaski, K. Barr, Robert, I, 174, Barr. Barr, Robert and Alexander, IV, 592, Orr, H. Barranca, Jos6 S., IV, 576, OUantai. Barranca Seca, battle at, IV, 215, Mdrquez, L. Barre, John de la, I, 620. Barre, Mass., change of name of, IH, 333. Barrel Mirabeau, IV, 338, Mirabeau. Barren Hill, Lafayette surprised at, HI, 587 ; H, 708, Grant, James. Barrens, seminary of the, IV. 486, Neckere. Barreto, Isabel, IV, 295, Mendana. Barrett, Giles Leonard, I, 175, Barrett, G. H. Barrett, Jackson. VI. 287, Victor, F. A. Barrett, Joseph H., HI, 727, Lincoln, A. Barrett, Walter, pen-name, V, 442, Scoville. Barrie Herald, the, IV. 677, Patton, J. Barrier forts in China, the, II, 496, Foote, A. H. Barriga, Juan Gonzalez, V, 400, Sarmiento de Sotomayor. Barringer, Victor C, I, 5, Abbott, B. V. Barrington, Lord, III, 658. Barrington, R. I., IV, 474, Myles, J. Barrow strait, explored, IV, 661, Parry, Sir W. E. Barry, David, VI, 206, Ulloa, A. de. Barry, Capt. Thomas F.. V, 433, Schwatka. Barstow, Elizabeth, V. 697, Stoddard, E. B. Barstow, Marguerite, IV, 33, Loud. Barth, Ferdinand, pupil of, VI, 206. Uhle. Barth, Count Joseph de, VI, 319, Walbach. Barth, Louis A. and John de, VI, 319, Walbach. Barthelemy, the poet. V, 611. Bartholdi statue, speech at the unveiling of, n, 145, Depew. Bartlett, D. W.. Ill, 727, Lincoln, A. Bartlett, Ellis, I, 186, Bartlett, W. L. A. Bartlett. Richard, I, 281, Blair, H. W. Bartolini. Lorenzo, pupil of, V, 309, Rogers, Randolph. Barton, tragedian, II, 41, Cushman. Barton, Capt. Stephen, I, 187, Barton, C. Bartram homestead, the, illustration, 1, 189. Barye, Antoine Louis, works by, VI, 342, Walters. Barye, M., Ill, 511, Kemeys. Bases organicas, the, IV. 386, Morales, J. B. Baskervill, Dr. W. M., HI, 100, Harrison, J. A. Basque, Le, IV, 315, Michel, J. L. Bass. Lyman K., I, 651, Cleveland, G. Basse, Jeremiah, III, 62, Hamilton, A. and John. Basse Terre, capture of, in, 305, Hugues. Batavia, N. Y., located, II, 328, Ellicott, J. Bateman, H. L., I, 192, Bateman, K. J. Bateman. Virginia F., I, 192, Bateman, K. J. Bateman's cottage. Newport, II, 597, Gardner, C. Bates, Hervey, I. 192, Bates, C. F. Bates college, gift to. II. 490, Fogg. Bathori, Sigismund, V, 570. Bathometer, inventor of the, IV, 729, Perkins, Jacob. Bathyometer, invention of the, IV, 428, Morse, S. E. Baton Rouge, taken, II, 584, Gdlvez, B. ; surrender of ar- senal at, III, 110, Haskin, J. A. ; attack upon, VI, 534, William*, T. Batteries, invention of plans for, VI, 120, Timby. Battery, the, New York city, III, 681, I^eisler. Battle above the clouds, the, III, 251, Hooker. J. Battle island, Indian engagement at, II, 5, Crawford, W. Battle of Dorking, the, I. 599. Chesney. Battle of the kegs, the, HI, 260, Hopkinson, F. Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over, HI, 743. Baudelaire, Charles, V, 46. Baudin, Capt., HI, 654, Ledru, A. P. Baudin, Admiral C., V, 158, Radiguet. Baudouin, Pierre, I, 335, Boicdoin. Bavaria, governmental crisis in, IV, 368, Montez ; reforms made in, V, 346 ; gifts to school of, VI, 294, Vttlard. Baxter, Mr., IH, 170, Henry, A. Baxter, Richard, his " call," H, 323. Bayamo, burning of, I. 561, Cespedes. Bayard, Harriet E., VI, 252, Van Rensselaer, S. Bayard, Judith, I, 197, Bayard, J. Bayard, Judith, V, 736. Stuyvesant, J. B. Bayard, Margaret, V, 574, Smith, M. B. Bayard, Samuel, I, 197, Bayard, J. Bayard, Samuel, II, 481, Fletcher, B. Bayard, Samuel J., I, 196, Bayard, G. D. Bayard of the Revolution, the. III, 631, Laurens, J. Bayley, Elizabeth A., V, 465, Seton, E. A. Baylies, William. I, 423. Baylor, Walker, I, 201, Baylor. R. E. B. Bayly, Bishop, his Practice of Piety, U, 323. Bayne, Dr., II, 251, Duhamel, W. Bay of Buen Succeso, IV, 529, Nodal. Bay of Fundy, engagement in the. III, 339, Iberville. Bayonet fastening, inventor of a, IV, 576, Oliver, P. A. Bay Psalm-Book, the, n, 323 ; VI, 425, Welde. . Bazaine, Marshal, charge against, of treachery, II, 168. Bazin, Rev. Theodore, II, 580, Gallitzin. Beach, John, I, 202, Beach, A. Beall, Edgar C, III, 348, Ingersoll, R. G. Beanes, Dr. W., Ill, 529, Key, F. S. Bean, Pole, sobriquet, III, 466, Jones, J. C. Bean's Station, battle of, II, 441, Ferrero. Beard, Isabel, V, 538, Simpson, G. S. Beard, Sir James, I, 206, Beard, J. H. Beard, Maj., hanging of, IV, 62, Lynch, C. Beardsley, Fredericka, VI, 683, Gilchrist. Bear Flag revolt, the, I, 87, Arce, F. ; IV, 221, Marshall, James Wilson. Beas, Admiral Antonio, V, 82, Portocarrero. Beatriz, Dona, the, H, 25, Cueva. Beatriz, Princess, of Peru, V. 36, Pizarro, F. Beattie, James, III, 78, Hardie, J. Beatty, Rev. C, I, 208, Beatty, E. Beauchamp, trial of, III, 228. Hoffman, C. F. Beaufort, Canada, battles at, lit, 481, Jucherau. Beaufort, N. C, surrender of, I, 463. Beaufort, S. C, fort on the site of, V, 232, Ribaut ; found- ed, II, 2, Craven, C. Beauharnais family, the, III, 475, Josephine. Beauharnais, Eugene, IV, 171, Maelzl. Beaumarchais, his Marriage of Figaro, III, 419. Beaumont, Elie de, IH, 384, 385, Jackson, C. T. ; V, 370, Sainte-Claire. Beau Hickman, sobriquet, III, 195, Hickman. Beaujeu. HI, 622. Beau Neill, sobriquet, IV, 488, Neill, T. H. Beauport, Quebec, asylum at, founded, II, 212, Douglas, J. Beau Trumps, original of, III, 691, Leonard, D. Beauty and Booty, countersign, V, 48, Poindvxter. Beauty of Holiness, the, magazine, II, 548, French, M. Beauvallon, case of, III. 583. Lacour. Beauvoir, estate of, H, 102, Davis, J. ; 207, Dorscy, S. A. Beaver Dam, capture at, V, 498. Beccaria, Abb6, III, 550, Kinnersley. Bechamel, Francois, II, 767, Grillet. Beck, Caleb, I, 212, Beck, T. R. Beckamville, engagement at, IV, 90, McClure, J. Becker, Jacob, IV, 354, Momberger. Becker, Mr., V, 184, Rapp. Beck with, N. M., I, 214, Becknith, J. C. Bedel, Gen. Moody, I, 214, Bedel, J. Bedel. Sarah, I. 731. Bedell, Rev. Gregory. II, 340, Ely, E. S. Bedford, Duke of, V, 851, Russell, A. G. Bedford, fight of the, II. 534, Franklin, Sir J. Bedford House, the, illustration, III, 410. Bedini, Archbishop, III, 305, Hughes, J. Bedlow, Catharine, II, 17, Crosby, E. Bed low's Island, purchase of, 1, 164, Bard ; statue on, I, 182, Bartholdi. Beebe, Lieut., II, 741, Greely. Beecher, David, I, 216, Beecher, L. Beecher, Isabella, III, 249, Hooker, I. B. Beechey, Sir W.. I, 221, Hm-hey. F. W. Bee-hive, invention of a. IH, 612, Ixingstroth. Bee-hive, the Vermont, VI, 420, Weeks, J. M. Beekman, rebellion of. II. 542, Freire de Andrado. Beekman, Margaret, III, 744, Livingston, R. R. Beekman, Maria, V, 736, Stuyvesant, N, W. Beekman, William, I. 221. Beekman. J. W. Beer, first, made in United States, IH, 533, Kieft. Beers, Isaac, V, 15, Pierrcpont, H. Behagues, Count de, V, 292, Rochambeau, Donatien. Behnes, w., III. iii>. Bbwfc&t*, B. W. Retiring strait, its existence inferred, n, 575, Gali. Beirut, plundered by Bedouins, II. 678. Goodell. Bejuco, bridge made of the vine, IV, 178, Maita Capac