Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/748

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710 BILOXI BOLIVIA Biloxi. settlement at, I, 259, Bienville : IV, 525, Nivelles. Bimetalism, III, 205, Hill, N. P. ; confidential mission, VI, 326, Walker, G. Bimini, island of, V, 62, Ponce de Leon. Binders, grain, invention of, III, 460, Johnston, S. ; IV, 95, McCormick, C. H. Bingley, Lord, I, 452, Burgoyne. Binon, M., II, 756, Greenough. Binnacle illuminator, the, invention of, III, 707, Lewis, Winslow. Biobio, battle at. I, 694, Colocolo ; III, 199, Higuaihue. Biology, researches in, III, 680, Leidy ; IV, 230, Martin, H. N. ; 337, Minot, C. S. Birch, Harvey, in The Spy, original of, n, 18, Crosby, E. Birchard, Sardis, III, 136. Birks, Elizabeth, I, 488, Cabell. Birmingham, Eng., riot in, V, 121, Priestley. Biron, Due de, III, 633, Lauzun. Bisbee, Rev. John, III, 390, Jackson, M. B. Bishop, Rev. Artemas, II, 343, Emerson, J. S. Bishop, Sir Edward, VI. 463, Whistler, J. Bishop, Sir Henry, II. 647, Gilbert, W. B. Bishop. Mary R„ I. 463. Bishops, clandestine consecration of. for America, VI, 21, Talbot, J. ; first consecrated in the U. S., I, 619, Claggett ; first appointed to U. S., Ill, 481, Juarez, Juan ; suspen- sion of, IV, 581, Onderdonk, B. T.; succession of Ameri- can, V, 445^146, Seabury. Bishop, church without a, controversy on, VI, 315, Wain- wright. Bishop's college, Canada. IV, 448, Mountain, G. J. Bishop's wood, the, II, 435, Fernandes-Sardinha. Bison, first account of the, I, 745. Bissot, Clara F., Ill, 461, Jolliet. Bissot, Frangois, VI, 298, Vincennes. Bizarre, the Randolph residence, V, 178. Bjarnar. VI, 101, Thorfinn. Bjiirck, Rev. Eric T., Vl, 208, Unander. Black, G., V, 323. Rosebrugh. Black, James and Henry, I, 272, Black, J. S. Black boys, the, V, 568, Smith, J. Blackbeard, sobriquet, II, 301, Eden, C. Blackburn, Rev. F., Ill, 237, Hollis, T. Blackburne, Mr., IV, 133, Mackenzie, G. H. Blackburn's Ford, engagement at, IV, 110. Black code, the, H, 567, Gabaret ; 587, Gamboa. Black David, sobriquet, II, 502, Forman, D. Black Dick, sobriquet, III, 280, Howe, R. Black Dome, N. C, Mitchell's grave on, illustration, IV, 343, Mitchell, E. Blackflsh, chief. I, 315, Boone. Black Goronwy of Anglesea, IV, 614, Owen, Goronwy. Black Hills, the, H, 44. Black Hawk purchase, the, II, 764, Grimes, J. W. Black Hawk war, the, I, 273, Black Hawk ; II, 193, Dodge, H; m, 716; VI, 52, 53. Black Jack, I, 406. Blacklock, Thomas, I, 253, Beveridge. Black Mingo river, the, engagement at, IV. 208. Black Rock, N. Y., expedition against, II. 234, Drummond, Sir G. ; 703, Graham, J. H. ; HI, 548, King, W. ; V, 78, Porter, P. B. ; 678, Stevens, T. H. Blacksmith, the learned, I, 469, Burritt. Black Snake, sobriquet, VI, 400, Wayne, A. Blackstock Hill, S. C, engagement at, V, 752 ; VI, 35, Tarleton. Blackstone, Sir William, I, 423 : influence of the study of, in, 416 ; IV, 255 ; V, 120, Priestley. Black Swan, the, sobriquet, n, 755, Greenfield. Black Watch, the, IV V 151, MacNab. Blackwater. engagement on the, V, 69, Pope, J. Blackwell, Henry B., V. 703, Stone, L. Blackwell, Gov. John, in, 748, 749, Lloyd, D. and T. Blackwell, Capt. John. IV, 210, Markham. W. Blackwell, Samuel C, I, 274, Blackwell, A. L. B. Bladensburg, Md., engagement at, I, 672, Cockburn, G. ; II, 382, Evans, Sir G. : V, 332, Ross. Blaine, Ephraim L., I, 275, Blaine, J. G. Blaine, J. G., his oration on Garfield, II, 604. Blair, Elizabeth, V, 585, Smith, Robert. Blair, Mary, V, 233, Rice, David. Blair, of Balthayrock, II, 432, Ferguson, A. J. Blair's plantation, engagement at, V, 457, Selfridge. Blaisel, Marquis de, I, 264, Bingham, W. Blake, Admiral, I, 284. Blake, Joseph. Blake, Daniel S., VI, 225, Vale, E. Blake, E. V., Ill, 38. Hall, C. F. Blake, Francis, I. 284, Blake, G. S. Blakeney. Gen., Ill, 119. Haviland, W. Blanchard, Elizabeth, in. 55, Hamblin, T. S. Blanchard, Jonathan, V, 236, Rice, N. L. Blanchard, Susan, II, 318, Elder, S. B. Blanco, Gen., VI, 297, Villeraye. Bland, Frances, VI, 175, Tucker. St. G. Bland. Theodorick, I, 486, Byrd, W. Blasphemy, trial for, III, 501, Kneeland, A. Blathwayt, William, VI, 237, Van Cortlandt, S. Blavatsky, Gen. N. V.. I, 290, Blavatsky, H. P. Bleaching, American system, II, 67, Dana, Samuel Luther. Bleckley, L. E., U, 4. Crawford, M. J. Bledsoe, Isaac, V, 279, Robertson, J. Bledsoe, Jesse, I, 201, Baylor, R. E. B. Bleecker, Eve, V, 128, P>-ovoost. Bleecker, Mary, V, 478, Seymour, H. Bleecker, Rutgers, II, 243, Dudley, B. Blenkensoff, Catherine, II, 379. Euphemia. Blenkinsop, George, V, 67. Pope, F. L. Blennerhassett, home of, illustration, I, 292. Blessing, Abraham, II, 390. Eyster. Blessington, Countess of. VI, 545, Wilmshurst. Blifil and Black George, I. 26 ; III, 379. Blind, the, education of, II, 579, Gallaudet, E. M. ; UI. 283, Howe, S. G. and J. R. first attempt to instruct— alpha- bet, maps, and books for, V, 351-352, Russ, J. D. ; Nesmith fund for, IV, 495, Nesmith, J. ; Perkins institution for, 731, Perkins, T. H. writing-case for, described, V, 111. Blind minister, the, VI, 599, Woodbridge, T. Blind preacher, the, IV, 321, Milburn. Blind preacher, the, VI, 309, Waddel. Blind singer, the, V, 486, Shaw, O. Bliss, Rev. Asher, I, 294, Bliss, P. C. Bliss, Rev. Daniel, II, 343, Emerson, R. W. Bliss, George, VI, 429, Wells, D. A. Bliss, Capt. John, I, 294, Bliss, W. W. S. Bliss, Judge Philemon, IV, 662, Parsons, C. C. Bliss, Sylvester, IV, 330, Miller, W. Blitz, Jennie, VI, 257, Van Zandt. Blockade-runners, capture of, I, 139, Bailey ; IV, 77, Mc- Cann : fired upon, HI. 324, Hunter, W. Bloede, Dr. G., I, 295, Bloede, M. Blood, discoveries concerning the, I, 416, Brown-Sequurd. Blood letter, the, I, 574, Chandler, Z. Bloody angle, the. III, 73. Bloody Bridge, fight of, V, 64, Pontiac. Bloody Run, engagement at, II, 61 , Dalzell, J. Bloody Tennent of Persecution, the, anonymous book, VI, 532, Williams, R. Bloomer, Amelia, II, 625. Genin. Bloomer, Dexter C. I. 296. Bloomer, A. J. Bloomfield-Moore, Clara, IV, 879, Moore, C. I. Bloomingdale, II, 132, De Lancey, O. Blooming Gap, engagement at, III, 604, Lander, F. W. Blotter, Samuel, pen-name, II, 195, Doe, C. H. Blount. Jacob, I, 296, Blount, W. Blowers, Rev. T. I, 297, Blowers. S. S. Blow-pipe, oxyhydrogen. Ill, 81, Hare, R. Blue Book, the, II, 499, Force, P. Blue Earth river, the, III, 698, Le Sueur. Blue-glass theory, the, V, 40. Pleasanton, A. J. Blue Hen's Chicken, the, VI, 298, Vincent, Francis. Blue Jacket, pseudonym, II, 53, Dahlgren. Blue Jeans Williams, sobriquet, VI, 523, Williams, J. D. Blue laws, the, story of, IV, 742, Peters, S. Blue Licks, battle of the, I, 315, Boone ; II, 662, Girty ; IV, 2, Logan, B. ; VI, 126, Todd, J. Blue Mountain Valley, capture of the ship, IV, 561, Ogden, Aaron. Blue Water, battle of, V, 257, Van Vliet. Bluff, Harrv, pen-name, IV, 265. Bluff ton movement, the. IV, 768, Pickens, F. W. Blum, Robert, II, 553, Frcebel. Blume family, the, I, 80, Antes. Blumenbach, Prof., I, 154, Bancroft, G. Blumenthal, Carolus E.. rv, 87, McClintock, J. Blunders of a Bashful Man, anonymous book, VI, 287, Vic- tor, M. V. Blythe, Samuel, grave of, illustration, I, 471. Boats, invention for raising or lowering, II, 563 ; for sub- marine navigation, 563 ; for stemming rapids, V, 347, Rumsey, J. ; for detaching, VI, 598. Wood, W. M. Bobadella, Count of, II, 542, Freire de Andrado. Bochsa, R. N. C, I, 269, 270. Bishop. Bockholtz-Falconi, Mme., II, 403, Fairlamb. Body of Liberties, the, VI, 353, Ward. X Boehm, Jacob, I, 300, Boehm, H. ; III, 509, Kelpius ; IV, 743, Peters, R. Boehm, Martin, I, 300. Boehm, H. Boel, Rev. Henricus, II, 237, Du Bois, G. Bogaert, Theunis Gysbert, V, 183, Rapaelje. Bogart. Rev. David S., I, 302. Bogart, E. Bogle, Paul, II, 686, Gordon, G. W. Bogota, scientific institutions at. IV, 472. Mutis ; college in, 727, Pirez, S.: riot in, VI, 137, Torres, J. M. Bogran, Gen., V.. 609. Soto. Bohemia Manor. III. 188, Herrman, A. Boiling water. III. 657, Lee, C. Boisbriand, Dugue de, VI, 143, Tour, L. B. Boisduval. M., Ill, 652. Le Conte, J. E. Boisfontaine, Baron. II, 572, Gaines, Myra C. Boisgirais, M., VI, 306, Volney. Bold bean-hiller, the, sobriquet, H, 273, Durkee. Bolingbroke, Lord, II, 254, Dummer, J. Bolivar, engagement at, I, 363, Brayman. Bolivia, separated from Buenos Ayres. I, 306 ; formation of. into a state, V, 739, Sucre. A. J.; insurrection in, IV, 459. Mnilecas ; Indian rebellion in, V, 455, Segurola ; revolutions in, VI, 272, Velaso, Jost, ; war for indejH'tid- ence, confederation with Peru, dictator of, reforms in,