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714 BUCHAN CABASSON in chains, by yellow fever, 573, Olive ; depredations of, 733, Perrot, P. ; V, 14, Pierre ; 24, Pinel ; 49, Pointis ; history of, 419, Schimmelin ; depredations of, 609, Sou- bin ; VI, 39, Tavernier ; 254, Van Satlee ; 297, Vin ; 314, Wafer ; 642, You. Buchan, Earl, gift to Washington, V, 277, Robertson, A. Buchanan, Grace, V, 672, Stevens, J. G. Buchanan, James, residence of, at Wheatland, I, 432. Buchanan, Margaret F., VI, 700, Sullivan. Buchanan, Mary, V, 391, Sanford, N. Buchard, H., II, 541. Freire, R. Buchez, M., II, 55, Dain. Bucke, Rev. Horatio W., I, 437, Bucke, R. M. Buckinghamshire, Earl of, III, 220, Hobart, A. C. Buckminster, Thomas, I, 440, Buckminster, J. Bucks county rebellion, II, 551, Fries. Buck-shot war, the, II, 521, Fraley ; III, 492, Kane, J. K; IV, 719, Penrose, C. B. ; V, 734, Sturgeon. Bucktails, the, UI, 493, Kane, T. L. VI, 230. Budd, Thomas, III, 429, Jennings, S. ; IV, 408, Morrey. Buddington, Capt., Ill, 106, Hartstene. Buddington, S. O., III. 38, Hall, C. F. Buddington, Mrs. Z. B., Ill, 14, Oustafson. Buell, Sarah J., UI, 35, Hale, S. J. Buell, William, I, 442, Buel, J. D. Buenaventura, founded, I, 68, Andagoya. Buena Vista, battle of, II, 98, Davis, J. ; V, 336, Rousseau ; 394, Santa-Anna ; VI, 54 ; 885, Washington, J. M. ; 609, Wool. Buenos Ayres, province of, V, 302, Rodriguez ; insurrection in, I, 107, Artigas : revolution in, II, 206. Dorrego ; war of independence in, 1, 412, Brovm, W. ; II, 699, Goyeneche ; IV, 350, Mitre ; 520, Nieto, V.; VI, 218, Urquiza ; demand for reparation from France, IV. 126, Mackan ; religious institutions founded in, II, 399, Fahy. Buenos Ayres, city of, newly founded, II, 591, Ooray ; founded and burned, IV, 298, Mendoza, P. de ; defence of, II, 135, Deliniers ; college in, V, 400, Sarmiento, D. F. ; literary society of, IV, 545, Nunez, I. ; museum, I, 457, Burmeister ; seminary in, IV, 510, Neyra ; statue of San Martin in, illustration, V, 392. Buffalo, N. Y., founder of, II, 328, EUicott, J. ; historical society of, 456 ; Fillmore's house at, illustration, 457 ; first church in, IV, 601. Osgood, T. R. C. institutions in, VI, 121, Timon ; library, the, illustration, II, 316 ; gift to, 667, Gliick. Buffalo inedical college, the, II. 483, Flint, Austin. Buffalo, first account of the, I, 745, Coronado. Buffalo, the, balloon, HI, 546, King, S. A. Buffalo Bill, sobriquet, 674, Cody. Buffalo creek, meeting with Indians on, III, 728, Lincoln, B. Bufflngton island, II, 472, Fitch, L. Buffon, II, 196. Dombey : HI, 419. Buffum, Arnold, I, 442, Buffum, E. O. Bugeaud, Marshal, III, 565, Knowlton, M. Buildings, inventions for fire-proof, I, 742, Cornell, J. B. ; instrument for raising, II, 52, Daboll. Buitron, I. 670. Cobos. Bulfinch, Dr. Thomas, I, 444, Bidfinch, C. Bulgaria, Turkish barbarities in, IV, 1 16, MacGahnn ; in- vestigation of Turkish massacres in, V, 431, Schuyler, E. Bulkeley, John, II, 67, Dana, S. Bulkley, William F.. I. 618, Claflin, H. B. Bulkly, Miss, III, 313, Humphreys, D. Bull, the pirate, II, 581, Gallop. Bull. Joseph, V, 417, Schebosh. Bull, Capt. T., Ill, 676, Leete. Bullard, Artemas, I, 219. Bullen, Mary S. L., Ill, 678. Legari. Bullion, Madame de, IV, 185, Ma nee. Bull Run, battle of, I, 463 ; II. 99 ; 536, Franklin, W. B. ; UI, 70, Hampton ; IV, 110 ; 673. Patterson, R.; V, 503 ; 727, Stuart, J. E. B.; incident of, VI. 311, Wade, B. F; second battle of, II, 763, Griffin : battle of. Ill, 391, Jack- son, T. J. ; second, 392 ; 497, Kearny, P. ; 670, 718, 719 ; alleged insubordination at, V, 76, Porter, F. J. ; 228, Reynolds, J. F. ; V, 524. Bull's bay. S. C, expedition to take, V, 502. Sherman, T. W. Bulmer, Sir Fenwick, V, 377, Sales Laterriere. Bulnes, Gen., Ill, 342, Iguain. Buloz, Louis, signature, rv, 589, Orleans, F. F. Bulwer. E. L., accused of plagiarism, II, 403, Fairfield, S. L. Bump, Huldah P., VI, 367. Warren, M. Bump, Mercy L., V, 717, Stratton, M. L. B. Bunbury, Sir H., Ill, 657. Lee, C. Bunce, Hannah, VI, 390, Watson, Ebenezer. Buncombe, speaking for. I, 448, Buncombe. Bunker Hill, battle of, II, 117, Dearborn, H.; 411, Farn- ham, Ralph ; 570, Gage ; 693, Gould, B.; 762, Gridley, R. ; III, 565, Knowlton, f.; IV, 88, McClintock; 669, Pater- son; V, 18, Pigot : 31, Pitcairn ; 61, Pomerny, ft; 652, Stark, J.; 140, 141 ; 109-110, Prescott ; statue, VI, 365, Ware, Joseph ; 348, Ward, A.; statue, V, 109. Bunker Hill, drama of, I, 453. Burk. Bunker Hill monument, II, 756, Greenough ; funds raised for, HI, 35, Hale, S. J.; 638. Lawrence, A.; VI. 178, Tu- dor ; illustration, 409 ; architect of, 515, Willard, Solo- mon. Bunker's Hill, near New York, 1, 198, Bayard, N. Bunner, H. C, IV, 261, Matthews. Bunner, Randolph, IH, 363, Irving, P. Bunsen, Chevalier, I, 113, Astor, W. B. ; quoted, 156, Ban- croft, G. Bunsen, Prof., I, 154, Bancroft, G. H. 625, Genth ; HI, 384, Jackson, C. L. ; V, 707, Storer, F. H. Buntline, Ned, pen-name, III, 485. Judson, E. Z. C. Burdett-Coutts. Baroness, I, 186, Bartlett, W. L. A. Bureau, the magazine, IV, 240, Mason, D. H. Bureau system, the, H, 271, Durell. Burger, Edward G., V, 656, Stearns, S. B. Burgess, Col. Elisha, V, 520, Shute, S. Burgess, Thomas, I, 451, Burgess, G. Burgoyne's plays, incident connected with one. I, 184, Bartlett, J. Burgoyne's surrender, news of, in parliament, H, 531 ; immediate consequences of, 531. Burhaus, Eliza W., II. 411, Farnham^ E. W. Burke, Edmund, I, 166, Barlow, J. ; II, 130, De Lancey, J. ; HI, 417 ; 569, Knox ; 630, Laurens : 658 ; V, 294, Rocking- ham ; 432 ; his knowledge of colonial affairs, HI, 742, Livingston, P. Burke, arrest of, I, 277. Burke, Mrs , HI, 414, Jefferson, J. Burleigh, pen-name, V, 562, Smith, M. H. Burlington, la., library of, II, 767, Grimes, J. W. Burlington, N. J., I, 486, Byllynge ; college at, founded, II, 188, Doane, G. W. Burlington, Vt.. gifts to, III, 278, Howard, J. P.; univer- sity at, illustration, VI, 139. Burmah, mission to, III, 483-484, Judson ; war of, with Eng- land, treatment of missionaries, 483-484. Burne-Jones, E., Ill, 624, Lathrop, F. Burneston, Anna M., I, 452, Burgoyne. Burnet, Bishop, I, 457, Burnet, W. ; cited, III, 502. Keith, G. Burnet, Miss, IV, 144, McLean, N. C. Burnett, Edward, IV, 41. Burnett, Frances H., II, 652, Gillette, W. H. Burney, Capt. James, VI, 283, Verschoor. Burnham, George P., II, 272, Durivage. Burnham, Mary H. II. 521, Fox, M. H. Burnham industrial farm, the, V, 335, Round. Burns, David, VI. 248, Van Ness, M. B. Burns, Robert, I, 37, Ainslie ; IV, 66. Lyon, A.; TV, 603, Oswald, R. ; dedication of a poem of, II, 145, De Peyster, A. S. ; subjects of poems by, III, 603, Oswald, R. : V, 222, Renwick ; quoted, VI, 204, Tytler ; poem attributed to, 545, Wilson. Alex. Burnside, Edghill, I, 462, Burnside. A. E. Burnside, James, I, 462, Burnside, A. E. Burch, William, IV, 684, Paxton, C. Burr, Aaron, original of a character in fiction, II, 267, Du- puy ; trial of, IV, 224 ; speech at the trial of, VI, 578, Wirt ; book suppressed by, 596, Wood, John. Burr, C. C, I, 455, Burleigh. Burr, Frank A., I, 212, Beaver. Burr, Sarah, I, 465, Burr, A. ; V, 213, Reeve, T. Burr, S. J., Ill, 98. Burrows, William, grave of, illustration, I, 471. Burt, Silas W., I, 101. Burton. George, I, 472, Burton, W. E. Bush, Lieut., IV, 208. Bushnell, Mr., Ill, 132, Hayes. C. Bushnell, Judge Charles, VI, 529, Williams, M. B. Bushy Run, engagement at, I, 329, Bouquet. Business colleges, V, 630, Spencer, P. R. Bustamente, Capt., IV, 180, Mala-spina. Busteed, G. AV., I, 475, Busteed, R. Bute, Marchioness of, V, 188, Raivdon. Butler, B. F., effect of a book on the campaigns of, HI, 298, Hudson, H. N Butler, Charles, VI, 673, Butler, G. B. Butler, G. II , II, 396, Eytinge. Butler, James, I, 482, Butler, W. Butler, Capt. John, I, 477, Butler, B. F. Butler, Sir Richard, I, 480, Butler, P. Butler, Samuel, I, 478, Butler, C. Butler, W. H. G., VI, 352, Ward, M. F. Butler, statue in, I, 385, Brooks, C. S. Butterworth, Josiah, III, 484, Judson, A. H. Button-hole machine, invention of, HI, 273, House, J. A. Butts hill, battle at, V, 740. Sullivan, John. Buys-Ballot's Law. I, 676, Coffin J. H. By'fleld, Rev. Richard, I, 4a5, Byfield, N. Byng, Admiral, execution of, I. 591, Chatham ; in, 869, Iturribalzaga ; 593, Ln Gallissonniere. Bvnner. Edwin L., II, 526, Frankland. Byrd, John, I, 486, Byrd, W. Byrd residence, the. illustration, I, 486. Byron, Lord, I, 487, Byron, J. ; I, 527, Carlisle, F.H.; U, 59, Dallas, R. C. ; IV, 653, Parker, Sir P. ; quoted, I, 487, Byron. Cabala, the. rv, 642, Pancoast, S. Cabanel, Alexandre, pupils of. I, 131, Bacon, H. : n, 28, Crowninshield, F. ; 760, Gregory, E. ; III, 275, Hoveu- den ; IV, 757, Philippoteaux ; VT, 351, Ward, E. M. Cabanos, war of, TV, 213, Marques Perdigdo. Cabasson, M., HI, 15, Guthers.