Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/758

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720 CHRONOGRAPH COAL Chronograph, a printing, III, 271, Hough, G. W. Chrononnotonthologos. sobriquet, I. 453, Burgoyne. Chrysler's Field, battle of, I, 340, Boyd, J. P. ; 442, Buell, J. D.; IV, 421, Morrison, J. W.; VI, 319, Walbach. Chubb. Capt. Pascho, IV, 171, Madockawando. Chubbuck. Emily, III. 485, Judson, E. C. Chupas, battle of, I. 545, Carvajal, F. ; 556, Castro, V. ; 561. Centeno : II, 177, Diente ; III, 214. Hinojosa. Chuquinga, battle at, II, 661, Giron ; IV, 661, Giron ; 580, Ondegardo. Church, Fidelia, I, 665, Coan, T. Church, Jonathan M.. I, 613, Church, L. R. Church-builder, the, IV, 494. Nerinekx. Church, the established in N. E., VI, 407 ; in Maryland, I, 362, Bray. Churches, the oldest in New York, IV, 758. Philipse ; in United States, V, 243, Richardson ; oldest Protestant in United States, illustration, III, 291 ; in America, illustra- tion, V, 99 ; Christ, Philadelphia, III, 497, Kearsley ; com- munion service of, II, 381, Evans, E. ; of the Heavenly Rest, New York, III, 287. Hoicland, R. S. ; of the Strangers, New York, VI, 241 ; of the Holy Communion, New York, IV, 455, Muhlenberg, W. A.; American con- gress of, IV, 509, Newton, W. W. Church fathers, the, as geographers, H. 627-628. Geraldini. Church Monthly, the, HI, 325,- Huntington. F. D. Church of England, the, in Canada, IV, 447-448, Moun- tain. Church of God, the, VI, 562, Winebrenner. Church property, controversy on, IH, 305, Hughes, J. Churubusco, battle of, I, 482, Butler, P. M.; V, 441. Cia, city of, H. 373, Espejo, A.; 398, Fabert. Cibola, kingdom of, I, 490, Cabeza ; city of, II, 398, Fabert ; report of the wealth of,— its capture, IV, 526, Nina, M.; seven cities of, I, 39, Alarcon ; 745, Coronado ; IV, 298, Mendoza, A. de. Cicero, the American, I, 249, Berrien. Cicero of America, the, III, 745, Livingston, R. R. Ciceron, Blanco, H, 354, Encalada. "Cid," the, II, 361. Cider, process for, V, 623, Spaulding. E. Cider-tract, the, I, 271, Black. J. Cieneguilla, N. M., battle of, II, 87, Davidson, J. W. Cigar-boat, the, I, 450, Burden ; VI. 559, Winans, T. D. K. Cinchona, species of, IV, 472. Mutis. Cincinnati. Society of the, II, 113. Dayton, E.; Ill, 705, Leu-is, M. V, 751, Sumner, John : founded, VI, 403, Webb, S. B.: last survivor of the original, II, 337, Elmer, E.; pamphlet oh, I, 454, Burke, A.; opposition to, H, 631 : constitution of, drafted. Ill, 325, Huntington, Jedi- diah. Cincinnati, O., founder of, VI, 16, Symmes, J. C; first name of, II, 457. Filson : present name of, V, 369, St. Clair ; in the civil war, VI, 334, Wallace, L. ; mob violence in, 1, 268 ; bank fraud in, IV, 78, McCarty ; historic remains found at, I, 636, Clarke, Robert ; suspension-bridge at, V, 303, Roebling ; literary club, III, 134 ; public library, gift to, IV, 472, Mussey; observatory, founded in, IV, 341, Mitchel, O. M. ; institutions of learning in, I, 458, Burnet, J. ; 1. 413. Browne, S. J.; Ill, 706, Lewis, S.; 1819, V. 546, Slack. E.; law-school at, HI, 544, King, E. ; VI, 331, Walker, T. ; medical schools, V, 135, Pulte, J. H. ; IV, 422, Morrow, T. V. ; College of music, the, IV, 513. Nichols, G. W. ; music-hall of,— gifts to religious, charitable, and art in- stitutions of, V, 640, Springer, R. R. ; IV, 403, Morgan, M. S. ; VI, 440, West, C. W. ; V, 33, Pitman, B. ; IV, 740, Peter, S.; V, 651, Starbuck ; V, 554, Smead ; Are depart- ment, IV, 766, Piatt. J. W.; first R. C. church and bishop of, II, 431. Fenwick, E. D.; sisterhoods in, IV. 740, Peter, S. ; financial embarrassment in the diocese of, V, 136, Purcell ; fort on the site of, illustration, VI, 679. Cincinnati, loss of the, V, 661. Steinbel. Cincinnatus, pen-name. V, 42, Plumer, W. Cinnamon-tree, expedition to discover the country of the, V, 865, Rivera. Cinto, Fray, V. 82, Portillo. Cipher despatches, the, m. 111, Hassard, J. R. G.; 140. Circassian, case of the. Ill, 641, Lawrence. W. B. Circular letter, the, of the Massachusetts assembly. IH, 664, Lee, R. H. Circular motion, inventor of method of transferring, VI, 15, Sylvester, J. J. Circumnavigation of the globe, first, II, 318, Elcano. Cisneros, Baltasar de, II, 135, 136. Deliniers. Cisneros. Hidalgo de, IV, 520, Nieto, V. Cissey, Gen. de. V, 199, Read, J. M. Citizen, pen-name, V, 501, Sherman, R. Citizen of Massachusetts, pen-name. IV, 42, Lowell, J. City of Mexico, capture of the, V, 609, Soto. City Point, engagement at, in. 70. Hampton. Ciudadela, revolution of the, III. 5as, Lnfragna. Ciudad Real de Guayra. founded, n. 367, Escalera. Ciudad, Victoria, engagement at. I. 122, Avezzann. Civics, American institute of, VI, 818, Waite, H. R. Civil-rights bill, the, V, 749. Civil service, the : the spoils system, HI, 380 ; Jefferson's removals. Ill, 421 : appointments, VI, 380 ; reform in the, 1, 100. 101, 105, 654 ; II, 478, Ftanaghan, W.; H, 720, Grant ; HI, 399, James, T. L. ; HI, 486, Jenckes ; com- mission on, n. 293, Eaton, D. B. III, 135, 136. 138, 139, 140 ; competitive examination system, 140, 143, Hayes, R. B. : IV, 37, Low, S. ; documents on cause of removals called for, II, 305, Edmunds. Civil war, the, in the United States predicted, I, 407 ; feel- ing in England at the time of. 13, Adams, C. F.; proposed peace convention, HI, 445, Johnson, W. P.: con'erence in Hampton Roads, 323. Hunter, R. M. T. ; seizure of war material, 390, Jackson, M. M. ; mission to Europe, 304 ; official date of the close of, 438. See War of Se- cession. Civis, pen-name, II, 496, Foote, G. A. Claiborne, engagement at, IV, 49, Lucas, T. J. Claremont, estate of, V. 86, Post, A. C. Clarendon, tract called, VI, 640, Yeamans. Clarendon, Earls of, I, 740, Cornbvry ; HI, 413, Jay, W. ; IV, 95, McCosh ; V, 645, Stanley, F. A. Clarina, Lord, IV, 249, Massey, E. Clark, Daniel, I. 628, Clark, James. Clark, Daniel, II, 572, Gaines, Myra C. Clark, Edward, V, 542, Singei: Clark, Ezekiel, V, 118, Price, H. Clark, Richard. I. 628, Clark, G. W. Clark, Thomas, I, 623, Clark, A. Clark, Col. William, I, 630, Clark, M. H. Clark, William, VI, 57, Tecumseh. Clarke, Edward, IH, 322, Hunter, J. D. Clarke, Prof. H. A., H, 648. Gilchrist, W. W. Clarke, Matthew St. Clair, II, 499, Force, P. Clarke, Robert, II, 645, Gilbert, Sir H. Clarke, Sara J., HI, 735, Lippincott, S. J. Clarke, Walter, I, 636, Clarke, Robert. Clarke, Col. William J., I, 635, Clarke, M. B. Clark's island, I, 631. Clarkson, Thomas, reply to, III, 68, Hammond, J. H. Clarkson, T. S., HI, 744, Livingston, R. R. Clark university, Ala., gifts to, IH, 117. Haven, G. Claro river, the, battles on. III, 633, Lautaro. Olason, Isaac S., Ill, 239, Holman, J. G. Classen, Ars, III. 684, Le Maire ; V, 427, Schouten. Classification bill, the, VI, 230. Claudeboye, Viscount, II, 247, Dufferin. Claudia, pseudonym, H, 77, Dargan, C. V. Claus, Col. Daniel, III, 452. Claverack patent, the, VI, 253, Van Rensselaer, H. Clavers, Mary, pen-name, III, 556, Kirkland, C. M. Clavijero, H, 28, Cultzhayotl. Clay, Henry, birthplace of. illustration, I, 640 ; tomb of, 644 ; quoted, 499 ; H, 303, Edgar, J. T. ; anecdote of, 194, Dodge, O. E.; petition to, V, 659, Steel. Clay, William, I, 638, Clay. C. C. Claypoole, David C., V, 92, Poulson. Claypoole, James, V, 102, Pratt. M. Claypoole, John, I, 645, Claypoole, James. Clayton, James, I, 646, Clayton, J. M. Clayton-Bulwer treaty, the, I, 103, 279, 431 ; 448, Bulwer ; 646 ; H, 215. Cleaveland, Kate, pen-name, IV, 514. Nichols, R. S. R. Cleaveland, Rev. John, I. 647, Cleaveland, M. Clemenceau, M., quoted, HI, 327, Huntington, W. H. Clemm, Virginia. V, 45. Clemmer, Mary, I, 65, Ames, M. C. Cleopatra expedition, the, H, 385. Evarts, W. M. Cleopatra's needle, the, II, 409, Farman . Clepsysaurus Pennsylvanicus, the. IH, 646, Lea, I. Clere, Laurent, II, 579, Gallaudet, T. H. Clerk, Admiral Jacob, II, 437, Fernandez de Cordova. Clermont. See Livingston Manor. Clermont, the, HI, 745, Livingston, R. R. ; illustration, H, 563. Clergymen, home for disabled, IV, 300, Mercer, A. J. Clergy reserves, IV, 419, Morris, W. ; 421, Morrison, J. C. Cleveland, Moses, I, 657, Cleveland, G. Cleveland, Rev. Richard F., I, 651, Cleveland, G. Cleveland, William, I, 651, Cleveland, G. Cleveland, O.. founded, I, 647, Cleaveland, M.; spelling of the name, 647 ; school system of, V, 247, Rickoff ; acad- emy of science, the, HI, 558, Kirtland ; gifts to charities of. V. 699. Stone, A.; IV, 729, Perkins, Jos.; P. O. of, VI, 344, Walworth, J. Clifton, Sir Jukes Granville, II, 130, De Lancey, J. Clinch, Jacob. V, 682. Clinton, Catherine, VI, 238, Van Cortlandt, P. Clinton, Elizabeth, VI, 26, Talmadge, M. B. Clinton, Miss, H, 624, Genest. Clinton, William, I, 659, Clinton, C. Clinton, Conn., school at, IV, 395, Morgan, C. Clinton, Mass., I, 260, Bioelow. E. B. Clinton. N. Y., founded, *II. 497, Foote, T. M. Clive, Lord, n, 245, Duer, W. Cloberry, William. I, 620. Clocks, inventor of astronomical, V, 409, Sarton ; for time- signals, improvements in, II, 693, Qoutd. B. A.; inven- tions for, I, 301, Bogardus, J. ; manufacture of, VI, 66,- Terry, E. ; 86. Thomas, Seth. Cloyd Mountain, engagement at, HI, 134. Clyde, Rev. J. C, V. 321, Rosbrngh. Coal, theories of the origin of, IV, 7, Logan, Sir W. E. ; of formations, HI, 695, Lesley ; study of flora, 697, Lesque-