Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/779

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GUERRA HANCOCK 741 Guerra. Louis and Christopher de la, TV, 524, Nino. Guerrero, capture of, by the Lealtad, V, 76, Porter, D. H. Guerriere, the, II, 52, Dacres ; fight of, with the Constitu- tion, III, 310, 311. Guevarra, Vasco, II, 169, Diaz, R. Guiana, taken from the Spaniards. I, 305 ; exploration of, II, 767, Orillet ; French colony. III, 300. Huet ; explora- tion of, 340, Iff ; Dutch, 473, Jordeens, M. exploration of, IV, 299, Mentelle ; French, missions in, 8, Lombard ; mission in, 449, Mousse ; French claims in, complication -with Portugal, 498, Neuville, J. N. colonies in, 530, Noirclerc ; Ralegh's description of, V, 163 ; scientific exploration of, 424-425, Schomburgk : exploration of, 615, Soutman ; French, VI, 183, Turgot, E. F. ; first missions in. 297, Villiers. Guichen, Count de, III. 527, Kersaint ; IV, 179, Maitz. Guide to Christian Perfection, A, magazine, IV, 308, Mer- ritt, T. Guild, James and Anne E., VI, 486, Whitmarsh. Guilford, Earl of, IV, 534, North, F. Guilford, Conn., settlement of, II, 182, Disbrowe ; found- ing of, III, 676, Leete ; founded. VI, 481, Whitfield. H.; old stone-house at, illustration, 481 ; Halleck's home and monument at, illustrations, III, 47. Guilford Court-House, battle of, I, 744 ; II, 752 ; in, 600, Lamb, R. Guillemet, J. B. A., VI, 171, Tryon, D. W. Guillermin, Gilbert, II, 439, Ferrand. Guillotine, the, III. 256, Hopkins, L. Guiney, Gen. P. R., VI, 684, Guiney, L. I. Guio, David, I, 657, Clevenger. Guistersigo, Chief, VI, 399. Guizot, F. P. G., V, 622. . Gulf coast, exploration of, I, 489, Cabeza. Gulf of California, old map of, III, 306. Hiihne. Gulf of Mexico, grant of the coast of, II, 590, Garay, F. de. Gulf of Pearls, the, IV, 524, Nino. Gulf Stream, the, first correctly described, IV, 265. Gully, John W., murder of, I, 607, Chisolm. Gumery, M., pupil of, V, 273. Roberts, H. Gum Swamp, capture at, III, 464, Jones, J. R. Gun-barrels, machine for making, I, 288, Blanchard, T. Gun-carriages, I, 240, Benton, J. G. Gun-cotton, discovery of method for preparing, II, 327, Ellet, W. H. Gun-lock, a self-acting, II, 364. Gunn, Alexander, III, 747, Livingston, J. H. Gunnery, the, school, VI, 684, Gunn. Gunny Green, Va., Ill, 703, Lewis, F. Gunpowder, manufacture of, II, 265. Guns, firing, by locks, introduced, II, 211, Douglas, Sir C; 271, Durfee, W. F.; 363, Ericsson, J.; revolving battery, 617, Gailing ; telescope sight for, IV, 23, Lorain ; fired by steam, 729, Perkins, Jacob ; invention of a hammer for, V, 257, Ringgold, S.; invention of method for casting, 298, Rodman, T. J. ; multicharge, VI. 687. Haskell. Gun-stocks, machine for working, I, 439, Buckland, C. Gunston Hall, Va., illustration, IV, 241. Gurney. John J., VI, 503, Wilbur, J. Gurowski, Ladislas, ID, 14, Gurowski, A. Guthrie, Sarah J., V, 573, Smith, J. L. Gutierrez, Gen., I, 153, Balta. Gutierrez, Tomas, IV. 645, Pardo. Guyard, Mdlle, III, 714, Z/ Incarnation. Guy Park, III, 453, Johyison, Guy. Guzman, Alonzo D. R. de, pseudonym, II, 361. Gwin, Rev. James, III, 19, Gwin, W. M. Gwynn island, II, 260, Dunmore ; Lord Dunmore driven from, III, 702, Lewis, A. Gye, Ernest, I, 39, Albani. Gymnasium, first, in America, IV, 484, Neal, J. Gymnotus electricus, the, II, 594, Garden. Gynecology, revolution in the practice of, V, 541, Sims, J. Marion. Gyroscope, the, electric, invention of, n, 195, Dolbear. Habeas corpus act, first use of, I, 254, Beverly ; right of, to suspend, II, 720 ; 451, Field, R. S. ; VI, 30. Hackensack, attempted union of churches in, II, 553, Froe- ligh ; engagement near, I, 466. Hackleman, John, III, 23, Hackleman, P. A. Hackley, Martha J., II, 48, Cutts, R. D. Haddington college, III, 464, Jones, H. G. Haddonfield, N. J., II, 377. Estaugh ; engagement at, V, 133, Pulaski. Haddon, John, n, 377, Estaugh. Hadermann. Charles J., VI. 344, Walworth, J. R. A. Hadley, John, II, 669, Godfrey, T. Hadley, Mass., II, 672, Goffe ; Indian attack on, IV, 756 ; 32, Lothrop, T. Hagerman, Mr., II. 229, Draper, W. H. Hagerstown, hospitals at, IV, 485, Nebinger, G. W.; 487, Neill, J. Hague, the frigate, TV, 189, Manley, J. Hahn, Peter, I, 290, Blavatsky. Hahnemanian Monthly, the, II, 555, Frost, J. H. P. Haight, Fletcher M.. Ill, 27. Haight. H. H. Hail Columbia, the song, I, 22 ; HI, 261, Hopkinson, J.; suggestion of, IV, 556, Odell, J. Haines, Elias, n, 202, Doremus. Haines's Bluff, attack on, II, 712. Hait, Monson, trial of, III, 80, Hardy, E. Hal, a Dacotah, pen-name, V, 522, Sibley, H. H. Halcyon Luminary, the. magazine, VI. 608, Woodworth, S. Haldeman, Walter N., VI. 394, Watterson, H. Haldimand collection, the, H, 569, Gage, T. Hale, Rev. Cyrus. IH, 51, Hallock. Hale, David, III, 34, Hale, S. ; a5, Hale, S. J. Hale, Rev. Enoch, VI, 524, Williams, E. Hale, Sir Matthew, HI, 416. Hale, Nathan, statue of, illustration, in, 31. Half-moon, the, illustration, III, 297. Half-way covenant, the, II, 83, Davenport, J. ; 310, 312 ; IV, 345, Mitchell, J. ; 253. Halifax, Earl of, II, 526, Franklin, B. Halifax, R/ C. institutions founded in, TV, 549, O'Brien, C. Halkett, Sir Colin. IV, 448, Mountain, A. S. H. Halkett, James, HI, 36. Halkett, Sir P. Hall, Anne, III, 545, King, S. Hall, Rev. E. B., Ill, 42, Hall, L. J. P. Hall, Sir J., HI, 37, Hall. B. Hall, Sir James, II, 133, De Lancey, W. H. Hall, Col. James Carvill, V, 587, Smith, S. Hall, Rev. John, I, 46, Alexander, J. W. Hall, Dr. John, III, 37, Hall, B. R.; IV, 346, Mitchell, D. G. Hall, Mrs. S. C, HI, 245, Home. Hall. Prescott, II, 637, Gibbs. Hall, Samuel, IH, 43, Hall, R. P. Hall, Sarah, I, 298. Boardman ; III, 484, Judson, S. H. B. Hallam, Admiral. Ill, 46. Hallam, W. Halle, M., II, 691, Gottschalk. Halleck, F. G., quoted, I. 719, Cooke, T. F. ; his home and monument, illustrations, III, 47 : statue of, 48 ; poem of, IV, 271, Maxwell, H. ; subject of poem by, V. 254, Riker, R. ; subject of one of the Croakers, V, 319. Root, Erastus ; quoted, VI, 5, Swartout, S. ; life and letters, 552, Wil- son, J. G. Halleck, Peter, HI, 46, Halleck, F. G, Halley, Edmund, I, 683, Colden : Tl. 668. Godfrey. T. Hallowell, Benjamin, VI, 266-267, Vaughan. Hallowell, Briggs, III, 333, Hutchinson, T. Hallowell, Robert, II, 596, Gardiner. Hallowell, Sarah, VI, 266, Vaughan. Hallowell, Me., VI, 267, 268, Vaughan, B. and C. Haloid benzyl compounds, HI, 384, Jackson, C. L. Halpine, Charles G., H, 738. Halpine, Rev. N. J., Ill, 53, Halpine. Halsted, Caleb O., HI. 54, Hoisted, N. N. Halsted, Oliver, VI, 307, Voorhees, J. S. Hambacher Volksfest, the, VI, 590, Wollenusber. Hamet, bashaw of Tripoli, I, 179, Barron, S. ; II, 295, Eaton, W. Hamilton, pen-name, VI, 393, Watson, W. R. Hamilton, Alexander, his home, illustration, III, 57 ; his tomb, 59. Hamilton, Maj. Archibald G., V, 323, Rose, T. E. Hamilton, Frederick, III, 239, Holman. J. G. Hamilton, Gail, pseudonym, H, 193, Dodge, M. A. Hamilton, James, HI, 55, Hamilton, A. ; 469, Jones, John Paul. Hamilton, John, IV, 300, Mercer. A. J. Hamilton, Lady Maud Evelyn, ni, 615, Lansdowne. Hamilton, Robert. III. 64, Hamilton, John. Hamilton, Sir William. VI. 201, Tyler, S. Hamilton college, first president of. I, 129, Backus, A. ; founded, III, 555, Kirkland, S. ; TV, 534, North, S. and E. ; 536, Norton, A. S. ; gifts to, II, 162, Dexter, S. N. ; HI, 567, Knox, James ; V, 272, Roberts, C. R. Hamilton literary and theological institution, IH, 109, Has- call, D. Hamilton outrage, the. IV. 152. MacNab. Hammida, Admiral Rais, II, 121 . Hammonaset, Conn., VI, 23, Talcott, J. Hammond, Benjamin, III, 67, Hammond, E. Hammond, G., Ill, 420. Hammond, Harry, III, 67, Hammond, J. H. Hammond, W. G., IH, 710. Hampden, pen-name, III, 253, Hooper, W. ; IV, 593, Orr, 1. Hampden Sidney college, V, 585, Smith, S. S. Hampton, Va., post established at, II, 134, Delawarr. Hampton, Caroline, V, 115, Preston, J. S. Hampton, Susan F., IV, 193. Manning. R. I. Hampton institute, founded, I, 130, Bacon, R. T. ; VI, 668, Armstrong. Hampton Roads, peace conference in, H, 101 ; battle in, VI, 602, Woodford, W. Hampton's legion, HI, 70. Hanaford, Joseph H., III. 71, Hanaford. P. A. Hancock, siege of, III, 604, Lander, F. W. Hancock, capture of the, I, 690, Collier, G; IV, 189, Man- ley, J. Hancock, captures by the schooner, VI, 174, Tucker, Hancock,' B. F., III. 72, Hancock, W. S. . Hancock, Ebenezer, III, 71, Hancock, J. Hancock, Richard, III, 72, Hancock, W. 8. Hancock, Thomas, II, 684, Goodyear. Hancock house, the, illustration, IH, 72.