Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/797

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MARGARITA MATAMORAS 759 Margarita, the island of, 1, 304 ; attacked by Spanish forces, IV, 405, Morillo. Marggravia, the plant, IV, 205, Marggrof. Margravate of Azilia, the, IV, 372, Montgomery, B. Margry, Pierre, III. 461, Jolliet. Maria da Gloria, II, 567, Gabriac ; IV. 698, Pedro I. Maria del Oceidente, pseudonym, I, -388, Brooks, M. G. Maria Louisa Victoria, Princess. Ill, 521, Kent, Duke of. Maria Luz, coolies from the, IV, 77, McCartee, D. B. Mariames, tribe of the, I, 489, Cabeza. Mariana, tract called, IV, 246, Mason, J. Marianist nuns, the, I, 330, Bourget. Marica, Marquis of, II, 494, Fonseca, M. J. P. da. Maricourt, Sieur de. III, 687, Le Moyne, P. Marie Antoinette, II, 376, 377, Estaing ; III, 586, Lafay- ette ; 589. Marie-Galante, island of, III, 305, Hugues. Marie-Garrison lawsuit, the, II, 610, Garrison, C. K. Marie Leczinska, Queen, III, 586, Lafayette. Marietta, Ohio, founded, II, 47, Cutler, M.; V, 142, Put- nam, B. ; settlement of, 640, Sproat ; first frame house on the site of, IV, 272, May, J. ; college founded, II, 548, French, M. Mariguefiu, III, 9, Guanoalca. Marin, Luisa, V, 203, Becabarren. ' Marin, Mercedes, V, 604, Solar. Marina, III, 434, Jicotencal. Marine governor, for engines, V, 531, Silver. Mariners' children, asylum for, V, 486, Shaw, B. G. Marine Turtle, the, III, 662, Lee, Ezra. Marion, anonymous poem, II. 733, Grayson, W. J. Marion, Benjamin, IV, 207, Marion, F. Marion's grave, illustration, IV, 209. Marion, Gabriel, IV, 207, 208, Marion, F. Marion of the Mexican army, the. III, 607, Lane, Joseph. Marion college, Mo., gift to, U, 340, Ely, E. S. IV, 491, Nelson, D. Mariposa estate, the, II, 546, Fremont. Mariquita, city of, founded, IV, 546, Nunez- Pedroso. Maritime law, the French, adopted in South America, n, 567, Gabriac. Marius, pen-name, VI, 431. Wells, W. C. Markham, Albert H.. IV, 210, Markham, C. B. Markham, Sir Robert, IV, 210, Markham, J. C. Markland, II, 363, Eric the Bed ; VI, 101. Thorfinn. Markman, Arthur H.. IV, 598. Osborn, S. Marl, discovery of fertilizing qualities of, V, 342, Buffln, E. Marlborough, Duchess of, I, 591, Chatham. Marlborough free library, II, 555, Frost, B. S. Marmontel, II, 270, Dureau ; 403, Fairlamb. Maroncelli, Signor, III, 162, Hempel. Maroni river, exploration of, VI, 221, Vaillant. Maroons', the, II, 641, Giddings. Marquesas islands, IV, 294, Melville, H.; discovered, 295, Mendana ; V, 74, Porter, D. Marquette river, IV, 214, Marquette. Marquiegui, Gen., II, 000, Gorriti. Marquis of the Royal Defence, II, 371, Eslaba. Marr, Lieut. R. A., IV, 265. Marriage, sect repudiating, III, 656, Lee, Anne ; with a sis- ter-in-law, in Canada, H, 661, Girouard, Desire ; VI, 500, Wiggins. S. A. S. Married for Fun, anonymous book, III, 262, Hoppin, A. Marrin, Dr., II, 212, Douglas, J. Mars, moons of. discovered, III, 37, Hall, A. Marschalk, Andrew, I. 619, Claiborne, J. F. H. Marsh, Rev. Joseph, IV, 652, Parker, P. J. M. Marshall, Alexander J., IV, 225. Marshall, C. Marshall, Col. C, III, 674, Lee. B. E. Marshall, Capt. Christopher, IV, 227, Marshall. T. Marshall, Humphrey-, his defeat by Garfield, II, 600 001. Marshall, John, II, 702, Graham, /.; IV, 221, Marshall, T. Marshall, Dr. J. E., IV. 221, Marshall, O. H. Marshall, Joseph M., IV, 227, Marshall, W. B. Marshall, Thomas. IV, 220, Marshall, E. C. Marshall college, Mich., II, 333, Ellis, J. M. Marshall college, Pa.. IV, 500, Nevin, J. W. V, 186, Bauch, F. A.; united with Franklin, 80, Porter, T. C. Marshallton, Pa., botanic garden at, IV, 221, Marshall, H. Marshpee. I, 331, Bourne, B. Marshfleld, Mass., VI, 412 : Webster's home at, illustra- tion. 411 ; his grave. 413 : Winslow family-seat at, 567. Marshfleld club, the. III, 108, Harvey, P. Marston, Matthew R., IV, 228, Marston. J. Marston, Philip B., III. 145, Hayne, P. H. Martel, pen-name, II, 556, Frothingham, W. Martel papers, anonymous book, II, 556, Frothingham. W. Martha's Vineyard, grant of, Indian mission, IV, 275, May- hew, Thomas. Martha Washington, burning of the, VI, 6, Swayne, N. H. Martin, Abraham, V, 157, Bacine. Martin, Dom Claude, III, 714, U Incarnation. Martin, Edward Winslow, pen-name, IV, 74, McCabe, J. D. Martin, Enrico, IV. 880, Martinez, E. Martin, Martha, II, 215. Martin, Morgan L., III. 488, Juneau. Martin, Rev. Thomas. IV, 165. . Martin, Rev. W.. IV, 233. Martin, M. M. Martin, William Bend, IV, 233, Martin, B. N. Martineau, Harriet, quoted, III, 513, Kendall, A. Martineau, James, II, 649, Giles, H. Martinez, Gen., Ill, 480, Juarez, B. P.; IV, 21, Lopez, F. S. ; statue of, illustration, 236. Martinique, conquest of, I. 214, Beckwith, G. 672, Cock- burn, G. Dutch colonists in, II, 263, Duparquet ; HI, 395, Jacobsen, S. ; invaded by the English, II. 567, Caba- ret ; proposal for gradual emancipation in, 567, Cabaret; emancipation in, 5:>2, France; captured by British forces, V, 109, Prescott, Bobert ; island of, H, 762, Grey ; build- ings in, IH, 344, Imfreville ; 475, Josephine ; public works in, IV, 299, Menier ; French naval victories off, 444, Motte, E. A.; 445, Motte, G. T.; rebellions in. III, 270, Houdetot ; IV, 704, Pilage ; VI, 269, Vangiraud ; IV, 495, Nesmond, L. F. Martins, Prof., I, 34. Martinsburg, Va.. taken by Early, II, 714. Martlett, pseudonym, H, 107, Davis, B. B. Martyn, Rev. Job H., IV, 238, Martyn, S. T. Martyr of Charity, the. Ill, 571, Kohlmann. Martyr, Peter, I, 78, Anghiera. Marvel, Ik, pen-name, IV, 347, Mitchell, D. G. Marvel], Andrew, pen-name, IV, 317, Middleton, A. Marvin, Judge W., IV, 183, Mallory, S. B. Marye's heights, capture of, V, 450. Sedgwick, J. ; I, 464. Mary Immaculate, arch-confraternity of, I, 330, Bourget. Maryland, colony founded, I, 506, Calvert, L. ; grant and settlement of, 154, Baltimore : insurrections in, ibid. ; the evil genius of, 619. Claiborne, W.; early troubles in, 620 ; rebellion in, HI, 349, Ingle ; under the Long Parlia- ment, I, 237, Bennet, B. ; first chapel in, 61, Altham ; Puritan colony in, V, 704, Stone, W. ; at the Revolution, I, 537; joins the confederation, IH, 450, Johnson, T.; boundary of, IV, 239, Mason, C. ; Catholic institutions in, V, 619, 620, Spalding, M. J.; VI, 481, 482, Whitfield, J.; prevented from joining the confederacy, II, 184 ; bonds of, gift to, IV, 688, Peabody, G.; historical society founded. 273, Mayer ; college of medicine founded, V, 90, Potter, N. ; attempt to evade the emancipation act, 693, Stockbridge, H. : patriarch of, VI, 116, Tilghman, M. Marysville, Cal.', II, 448, Field, S. J. Maryville, Tenn., seminary, founded, I, 69, Anderson, I. Masaya, volcano of, discovered, IV, 523. Nino, A. Mascarenhas, Fernando de, VI, 290, Vieira, A. Mashonda, capture of the, II, 121. Mason, Col. David, V, 572. Smith, S. M. Mason, Ebenezer, IV, 246. Mason, J. M. Mason, Roswell, IV, 240, Mason, E. G. Mason, Gen. Samson, V, 493, Shell Hharger. Mason and Dixon line, the, I, 26 ; IV, 239, Mason, C. Mason homestead, the, illustration, IV, 241. Masonian proprietors, the, IV, 247, Mason, John. Masonic, vessel, claim for the, I, 103. Masonic excitement, the, VI, 419, Weed, T. Masonry, VI, 404, Webb, T. S. Massachusettensis, pen-name, I, 17 ; V, 469, Sewall, Jona- than ; III, 691, Leonard, D. Massachusetts, pen-name, II, 147, Derby, E. H, 3d. Massachusetts, withdrawal of the colonial charter of, IV, 253 ; new charter, 254 ; religious intolerance in, VI, 247, Vane ; prejudice against, I, 17 ; letters on the colo- nists of, 308, Bollan ; archives of, II, 428, Felt ; boundary dispute, 517, Fowler, O. ; salaries of crown officers, 529, 530 ; Hutchinson letters, 529. 530 ; act for remodelling the government of, 580 ; constitution of, IV, 42, Lowell, J. ; 664, Parsons, T.; abolition of slavery in, ibid.; revision of the code, 190, Mann, H. ; school system of, reformed, ibid.; land ceded to, by New York, 752, Phetys, O.; II, 688, Gorham, N.; towns in western, laid out, V, 145, Pynchon, John ; charter declared forfeited, 172, Ban- dolph, E. ; pamphlets burned by order of the legislature, 309, Bogers, J.; charities of, 384, Sanborn, F. B.; rebell- ion in, 487-488, Shays ; contest between the governor and assembly, 520, Shute, S.; revision of the charter of, VI, 408 ; first printed account of, 598, Wood, W : Bible so- ciety, the, V, 18, Pierce, J. ; company, the, IV, 570, Old- ham, J.; grantees under charter of Charles I., V, 379, Saltonstall ; transference of the government to Ameri- ca, VI, 573 ; fields, V, 643, Standish ; historical society, bequest to, II. 222, Dowse ; III. 94, Harris, T. W. ; hos- pital gift to, VI, 179, Tufts, Q. ; institute of technology, V, 307, Bogers, W. B.; reform-school, gift to, IV, 61, Lyman, T. Massachusetts Lawyer, pen-name. IV. 42, Lowell. I. Massachusetts Magazine, the. VI. 83. Thomas. Isaiah. Massachusetts Quarterly Review, the, H, 345 ; IV, 655. Massacre island. Ill, 339, Iberville. Masset, M., n, 403, Fairlamb. Massev, Capt., IV, 46, Lowther. Massillon, Ohio, farm-school near, founded, V, 333, Botch, Charity B. Massow, Frederica von. V, 251, Biedesel, F, C. L. Massue, Aime, IV, 250. Massue, L. H. Masterman, G. F., IV. 21, Lopez, F. S. Masters, Mary, IV, 717, Penn. B. Mastodon, skeleton of a, VI. 366, Warren, J. C. Mata de la Miel, battle of, IV. 022. Paez. Matagorda bay, colony on. Ill, 622. Matamoras, capture of, HI, 607, Lane, Joseph ; VI, 53.