Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/802

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764 MONTE MORTLAKE Monte Pinto, battle at, I, 694, Colocolo. Montepio, the, I, 428, Bucareli. Monterey, battle of, II, 98, Davis, J. ; V, 156, Quitman, J. A.; 585, Smith, C. F: VI, 54; 598, Wood, W. M.; 616, Worth, W. J. ; capture of, II, 369, Escobedo ; taken by Com. Sloat, 546, Fremont. Monterey, Count of, III, 306, Hiihne. Montes, I, 616, Cinque. Montesclaros, Marquis de, II, 361 ; IV, 298, Mendoza y Luna ; VI, 273, Velasco. L. Montesdoca, Francisco, IV, 392, Morelos. Montespan, Madame, II, 554. Montevideo, the British at, II, 135, Deliniers ; engagement near, I, 412, Brown, W. ; siege of, 476, Bustamente y Guerra ; IV, 235, Martin de Moussy ; (1843), V, 266, Rivera ; IV, 687, Paz ; (1814), I, 107. Artigas ; (1811 and 1814), V, 316, Rondeau ; (1843- , 51), 321, Rosas ; capture of (1817) and revolt in, III, 653. Lecor ; occupation of, by the English, IV, 267, Mawe ; (1807), V, 362, Saavedra, C; return of, Vl, 480, Whitelocke ; observatory, IV, 2.35. Montezuma, Counts of, IV, 369, Montezuma ; V, 400, Sar- miento Valladares. Montezumas, the, palace of, II, 585, Odlvez, B. Montford, Col. Joseph, III, 462, Jones, M. M. Montgomery, James, II, 575, Gales, J. Montgomery, James E., II, 419, Farragut. Montgomery, Maj., Ill, 654, Ledyard, W. Montgomery, Thomas, IV, 370, Montgomery, R. Montgomery, the. III, 324, Hunter, W. Montgomery charter, the, II. 129, De Lancey, J. Montgomery's hill, skirmish on, IV, 134, Mackenzie, W. L. Monthly Abstract of Medical Science, the, III, 146, Hays, I. Monthly Anthology, the, II, 343, Emerson, R. W. ; 349, Emerson, W. ; 386, Everett : V, 405, Savage. J. Monthly Magazine and American Review, the, I, 397. Monthly Military Repository, the, V, 558, Smith, C. Monthly Register, Charlestown, I, 532, Carpenter, S. C. Monthly Religious Magazine, IV, 406, Morison, J. H. ; V, 447, Sears, E. H. Monthly Review, the, VI, 628, Wright, W. Monticello, Ga., school founded at, II, 332, Elliott, Stephen; raid upon, VI, 35, Tarleton : capture of, in the Revolu- tion, III, 418 ; confiscation of, 701, Levy ; view of, Jeffer- son's house at, 419. Montmorency-Laval, Duke of, III, 586, Lafayette. Montoneros, the, II, 206, Dorrego. Montpelier, Madison's house at, illustration, IV, 169. Montpensier,, II, 554. Montreal, Indian attacks on, I, 662, Closse ; attempted capture of, 52, Allen, Ethan ; charities in, II, 219. Dowd ; Iroquois attack on, 253, Du Lhut ; threatened by the Iroquois, 554 ; attacked in the war of 1812, III, 69, Hamp- ton; benefactions to, IV, 117, McGill,J.; founded, 178, Maisonneu've ; hospital founded, and island ceded, 185, 186, Mance ; capture of, 371 ; gifts to institutions of, 408, Morrice ; siege of (1760), 468, Murray, James ; purchase and colonization of, 571, Olier ; Catholic institutions in, V, 124. Prince, J. C. ; expedition against, 430, Schuyler, P. ; scholarship of music, 561, Smith, Sir D. A. ; gift to, VI, 291, Viger, D. B. Montreal, the steamer, burning of, IV. 763, Phillips, S. C. Montreal Literary Magazine, the, V, 201, Reade. Montressor, Col. John, V, 339, Rowson, S. Montressor's island, III, 167, Henley, T. Montrose, marquises of, II, 703, Graham, J. Montserrat, Eugene de, VI, 297, Villermet. Montserrat, island of, capture of the, I, 174, Barras, L. Moodie, Benjamin, IV, 375, Moodie, J. W. D. Moodie, Mai. James, IV, 375, Moodie, J. W. D. Moody, Caleb, IV, 377. Moody, S. Moody, Rev. Samuel, II, 343, Emerson, R. W. Moody. William, IV, 376, Moody, G. Moon Hoax, the. III, 751, Locke, R. A. Moor, Joshua, III, 678, Legge; VI, 455, Wheel ock. E.; his charity school, I, 359, Brant ; VI, 455, Wlieelock, E. ; 464, Whitaker N. Moore, Bloomfleld H., IV, 379, Moore, C. J. Moore, Elizabeth, VI, 330, Walker, Thomas. Moore, Sir Francis, IV, 382, Moore, John. Moore, Sir J., IV, 382, Moore, John. Moore. Joseph, IV, 379, Moore, C. L. Moore, Lindlev M., IV, 379, Moore, E. M. Moore, Mary E., Ill, 192, Hewitt, M. E. Moore, Robert, IV, 384, Moore, W. Moore, Roger, IV, 381, Moore, James. Moore, Samuel H., VI, 607, Woodward, A. A. Moore, Thomas, II, 246. Duff, M. A.; memorial to, I, 605, Childs, G. W. ; poem attributed to, IV, 458,. Muller, A. A.; quoted, VI, 498, Wickham, J. Moore, Gov. Thomas O., V, 611. Moore, Capt. Walter, IV, 46, Lowther. Moore, Judge William, II, 366, Erskine, F. Moore, William, III, 532, Kidd. Moorefield, Va., engagement at, III, 504, Kelly, B. F. Moore Hall. Pa., IV. 383, Moore, W. Moore House, the. at Yorktown. illustration, I, 71."). Moore's Creek, battle of, I, 557, Casicell ; III, 712. Lilting- ton ; IV, 382, Moore, James. Moor's Corner, fight at, II, 267, Duquet ; 570, Gagnon. Moos, Prof., Ill, 560. Knapp. J. H. Moose, the steamer, II, 472, Fitch, L. Moot club, the. III, 743, Livingston, William. Morales, Bolivian statesman, H, 114, Daza. Moralist, the, V, 389, Sands, R. C. Moravian, the periodical, V, 434, Schweinitz, E. A. Moravians, the, I, 212, Bechler : settlements, IV, 216, Mar- schall; 489, Neisser ; V, 214, Reichel, W. C; sus- pected, during the French wars, towns of, founded, IV, 125-126, Mack ; missions, I, 300, Boehler ; IU. 7. Qrube : 157, Heckewelder ; IV, 524, Nitschmann, D.; 569, Olden- dorp ; V, 83, Post ; 145, Pyrlmus ; 333, Roth ; 348, Rundt : 417, Schebosh ; 455, Seidel ; 466, Seuseman ; 475, Seyffert ; 514, Shober ; 519, Schultz, T. ; 621, Spangenberg ; massacre of converts, HI, 488, Jungman. More, Sir Thomas. VI, 388, Waterton. Moreau, Father, II, 651, Gillespie^ E. M. Moreland, manor of. Pa., IV, 389, More. Morelia, city of, founded, IV, 298, Mendoza, A. de ; 393, Morelos. Morelos, I, 59, Almonte. Moreno, F. A., II, 314, Egano. Moreton, Clara, pen-name, IV, 379, Moore, C. J. Morey, Israel, IV. 393. Morey, S. Morgan, Rev. Abel, III, 464, Jones, D. Morgan, Abner, IV, 400, Morgan, J. A. Morgan, Catherine. II, 184. Morgan, Daniel, his home, illustration, IV, 397. Morgan, Eliza C, HI, 166, Hendricks, T. A. Morgan, Esther, III, 464, Jones, D. Morgan, Evan, IV, 401, Morgan, John. Morgan, Col. G. N., IV, 399. Morgan, G. W. Morgan, John, IV, 395, Morgan, C. Morgan, Dr. John G., III. 63, Hamilton, F. H. Morgan, John Pierpont, VI, 152, -Tracy, C. Morgan, Nathan, IV, 398, Morgan, E. D. Morgan, Peyton R., IV, 400, Morgan, J. A. Morgan ; the privateer, II, 436, Fernandez de Castro ; 438, Fernandez de Piedrahita. Morgan ap Rhydderch, III, 464, Jones, D. Morgan art collection, the. IV, 395, Morgan, C. Morgan case, the, trial of Mather, II, 764, Griffin, E. Morgan City, La.. IV. 395. Morgan. C. Morgan's raid, III, 223, Hobson, E. H.; 605, Landram. Morghen, Raphael, H, 73, Danforth. M. I. Morison, Rev. John, I, 45, Alexander, Archibald. Moriyama Yenosuke, II, 667, Glynn. Morley, Samuel, III, 14. Gustafson. Morlot, A., quoted, II, 96, Davis, E. H. Mormon, book of. See Book of Mormon. Mormonism, the Edmunds act, II, 305, Edmunds. Mormons, colony of, I, 359, Brannan, S.; in Missouri, II, 200, Doniphan ; trial of Joseph Smith, 213, Douglas. S. A.; question, in Utah, 215 ; their first idea of settling in Utah, 545, Fremont ; III, 13, Gunnison ; revolt of, 455 ; troubles of, 493, Kane, T. L. ; apostle of the, 536, Kim- ball, H. C. ; proclamation of pardon to, V, 95, Powell, L. W.; the Isaiah of. 102-103, Pratt ; 252-253, Rigdon ; first miracle of, 575, Smith, Joseph ; VI, 45-46, Taylor, John ; 486, Whitmer ; removals of, 645 ; doctrine or polygamy first proclaimed, 645 ; outrages by, 645, 646. Morna, pen-name. III, 585, Ladd, C. Morning Star, the, Karen magazine, IV, 240, Mason, F. Morocco, French attack on, IV, 5S9, Orleans, F. F. Moroni, angel named, V, 575, Smith, Joseph. Morphy, Ernest, IV, 407, Morphy, P. Morrell, Abram. IV, 407, Morrell, I. R. Morrin college, Canada, IV. 409. Morrin. Morris, Amherst, IV, 418, Moi-ris, M. P. Morris, Caspar, IV, 301, Mercer, M. Morris, Capt. C. M., IV, 172, Maffitt. Morris, Edmund, IV, 419, Morris, T. A. Morris, Elizabeth, VI, 468, White, A. W. Morris, Henry Gage, IV, 418, Morris, M. P. Morris, Hester, IV, 225, Marshall, J. M. Morris, Isabella. VI, 510, Wilkins, I. Morris, John, IV, 419. Morris, T. A. Morris, Lewis, IV, 613, Owen, G. Morris, Gen. Louis M., Ill, 497, Kearny, P. Morris. Louise A., I, 737. Corcoran, W. W. Morris, Margaret, IV. 556, Odell, J. Morris, Maria. IV. 526, Nixon, J. Morris, Richard, IV, 414, Mot-ris, L. Morris, Col. Roger,- his house, illustration, III, 487. Morris. Thomas, IV, 417, Morris, H W. .Monis. William, in, 624, Lathro/i. F. Morrisania, the Morris house at, illustration, IV. 415. Morris island, operations on, II, 654, Gillmore ; capture of, IV, 133, Mackenzie, R. S. Morrison, Hugh, IV, 421, Morrison, J. C. Morrison, John, IV, 421. Morrison, J. W. Morrison, Mary A., Ill, 392, Jackson, T. J. Morristown, N. J., gifts to, I, 666. Cobb. G. T.; Washing- ton's headquarters at, III, 53, Halsey ; the Minard home at, IV, 335, Minard. Morro Castle, bombardment of. VI, 273, Velasco, L. V. Morse, Dr., Ill, 94. Harris, T. M. Mortimer, John Hamilton. V. 24. Pine. Mortlake manor. Conn., V, 139, Putnam, I.