Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/808

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770 NULLIFIER OLIVER Nullifler, a, signature, III, 209. Hilliard. H. W. Numancia, voyage of the, IV, 545, Au/iez, C. M. Numantinos, society of, VI, 271, Vega, V. Number 8. gun-boat, V, 627, Spence. B. T. Numismatic and archaeological society, the, IV, 536, Nor- ton, F. H. Nunez, Albert A., V, 630, Spencer, W. L. Nunez, Vela, II, 165, Diaz de Pineda ; 190, Decampo. Nun of Kenmare, the, II, 38, Cusack. Nun of Mexico, the, II, 24, Cruz. Nuremberg, ancient globe at, I, 222, Behaim. Nurse, Francis, IV, 546, Nurse, B. Nursing, New Haven school of, I, 130. Bacon, B. T. Nutt, Rodney, IV, 547, Nutt, G. W. M. Nyack, college at, II, 238, Dubois, J. Nye, Bill, pen-name, IV, 547, Nye, E. W. Nym Crinkle, pen-name, VI, 452, Wheeler, A. C. Nymphe, capture of, II, 395, Exinouth ; VI, 102, Thorn- borough. O, signature, II, 312, Edivards, J. Oajaca, founded, II, 135, Delgadillo ; administration of Juarez in, III, 479 ; storming of, IV, 392, Morelos ; capt- ure of, I, 202, Bazaine ; siege of, II, 166, Diaz, Porflrio. Oajaca, Marquis of, I, 749. Oakey, Maria R., VI, 678, Dewing, M. B. Oak Hill, IV, 221, 222, Marshall. Oak Hill cemetery, Washington, I, 738, Corcoran, W. W. Oak Hill, Va., view of Monroe's residence at, IV, 359. Oak Hills, battle of. See Wilson's Creek. Oak Knoll, Danvers, illustration, VI, 494. Oakland college, Miss., I, 565, Chamberlain, J.; gift to, 583, Chase, B. Oakland County Farmer, I, 530. Carpenter, C. K. Oaklands, Geneva, II, 127, Delafleld, John. Oak Lawn, La., V, 71, Porter, Alexander. Oakleaf , Simon, pen-name, V, 255, Biley, H. H. Oaks, the, S. C, IV, 316, Middleton, E. Oaths, opposition of Methodists 1o, I, 108, Asbury. Oats lodge, London, IV, 122, McHenry. Obando, J. M., V, 739, Sucre, A. J. Obelisk, the, II, 409, Farman. Obelisk, Egyptian, its removal to New York, II. C89, Gor- ringe : its history, 690 ; copy of, illustration, 689. Oberholtzer, John, IV, 549, Oberholtzer, S. L. Oberlin college, founded, I, 217 ; gifts to, III, 501, Keep. J.; VI, 32, Tappan, A.; colored students admitted, III, 501. Oberlin Evangelist, the, II, 462, Finney. Object-teaching, introduction of, V. 492, Sheldon, E. A. Oblate Fathers, missions of, HI, 12, Guigues : VI, 17, Taba- ret ; 18, Tache, A. A.; college of, IV, 197, Manucy. O'Brien, Father, III, 86, Haro, A. N. de. O'Brien, John, IV, 550, O'Brien, Jere. O'Brien, John, V, 194, Baymond, J. T O'Brien, Morris, IV, 550, O'Brien, Jeremiah. O'Brien, Smith, H, 178, Dillon, J. B. Ocampo, Melchor, II, 124, Degollado. Ocampo, Ortiz de, IV, 23, Lopez y Planes. Ocana, congress of, I, 307 : college at, H, 135, Delgado. O'Carroll family, the, I, 536. Carroll. Occident, the, magazine, III. 676. Leeser. Occultator, invention of an. III, 206, Hill, T. Ocean cable, the, direct, II, 291, Eastman, M. E. Oceanica, discovery of islands of, V, 148, Queiros. Ocean island, VI, 21, Talbot, J. G. Ocean Queen, interview on board the, illustration, V, 505. Ochre Point, Newport, III, 641, Lawrence, W. B. Ochus, discovered, II, 153, De Soto. O'Connor, Agnes, III, 262, Horan, M. A. O'Connor, Joseph, III, 448, Johnson, E. M. O'Connor, W. D., I, 51, Allen, E. A. Octoroon, the, play of, V, 733, Stuart, W. Oculists, invention of instruments for, V, 224, Beiding. Ocumare, battle near, I, 304. Odd-Fellows, founded in U. S.. VI, 507, Wildey, T. Odell, William, IV, .556, Odell, J. Odometer, the, III, 419. O'Donnell, Gen., I, 305. O'Donnell, Marshal, II, 252, Didce. Odontornithes, discovery of, IV, 218, Marsh. O. C. QEdipus Tyrannus, music for the, IV, 629, Paine, J. K. Oella Huacco, IV, 186, Manco Capac. Oello, Mama Chimpu, VI, 180, Tupac Inca. Oersted, Hans Christian, IV, 559, Oersted, A. S. Oexmelin. A. O., V. 419, Schimmelin. O'Fallon, James. IV, 559, O'Fallon, John. Offensive partianship, I, 655. Offley. Mr., II, 2. Crane, W. M. Offord. Rev. R. M., IV, 74. McAidey. Offutt. Denton, in, 715, Lincoln. O'Flaherty. Edmund, V, 733, Stuart, W. Ogden, Catherine, IV, 679, Paulding ; VI, 237, Van Cort- landt, Philip. Ogden, Samuel G., IV, 450, Mowatt. Ogden land company, the, VI, 85, Thomas, P. E. Ogdensburg, founding of, IV, 560, Ogden, A. ; R. C. institu tions at, VI, 812, Wadhams. Ogilvie, Earl of Finlater, V, 448, Seaton. Oglethorpe, James, charge against, VI, 20, Tail/er, Oglethorpe, Sir Theophilus, IV, 564, Oglethorpe, J. E. O'Hara. James, HI. 254, Hopkins, J. H. O'Hara. Kane, IV, 565, O'Hara, T. Ohio river, discovery of. III, 621, La Salle : Indian fight on, 294, Hubbell, W. ; French possession of the valley, I, 560, Celoron ; boundary dispute of, with Michigan, IV, 243, Mason, S. T. Ohio, state, in the civil war, I, 391, Brough ; discharge of debt of, HI, 504, Kelley, A.; first white boy born in, V, 333, Both, J. L. land grants to. I, 458, Burnet, J.; pioneers of, IV, 72. McArthur, D. : 288, Meigs ; VI, 16, Symmes, J. C; 344. Walworth, J.: R. C. institutions in, V, 136, Purcell : 184, Bappe ; VI, 76, Thienpont ; Indian treaties in, IV. 72, McArthur, D. Ohio, the, vessel, II, 299, Eckford. Ohio canal, subsidy to, IV. 144, McLean. W. Ohio company, the, VI, 447, Wharton, S. Ohio Gong. the. I, 56, Allen, W. Ohio Idea, the, I, 56, Allen, W. Ohio land company, the, 1, 166, Barlow, J. Ohio Wesleyan university, gift to, VI, 533. Williams, S. O'Horan, Gen., II, 124. Degollado ; execution of, HI, 4C0, Juarez, B. P. ; IV. 270, Charlotte. Oil- lands of Asia, IV, 59, Lyman. B. S. Oil, transportation of, in pipes. III, 116, Haupt, H. Oil-wells, machinery for, I, 528, Curll. Ojibways, language, boo*ks in the, 1, 160, Baraga : missions for, the, II. 8. Cretin : translation of the New Testament for. III. 397, James, E. 6 Joven Pernambucano, pen-name, IV, 609, Ottoni. Okeechobee, battle of, Vt 53. Okey, Col., II, 222, Downing. Sir G. Okie, A. H., I, 721, Cooke, N. F. Olaguibel, Francisco M., IV, 739, Pesado. Olalla's Leap, III, 186, Herrera y.Olalla. Olando. Francisco, III. 605, Lando. Olano, Lope, IV, 519, Nicuesa. Olcott, F. P., I, 291, Blavatsky. Olcott, Helen, I, 609, Choate. B. Old Abe, war-eagle, II, 487, Flower, F. A. Old and New. magazine, III, 32, Hale, E. E. Old Blizzard, sobriquet, IV, 28, Loring, W. W. Oldboy, Felix, IV, 336, Mines, J. F. Old Brick church. Isle of Wight. Va.. illustration, III, 291. Oldbuck. Jonathan, pen-name, V, 691, Stilwell. Oldbug, Jonathan, pen-name, VI, 586, Withington. Old Bullion, I, 242. Old Catholics, HI, 609, Langdon, W. C. Old Colony club, VI, 568. Winslow. E. Old Denmark, sobriquet, II, 424, Febiger. Old Dominion, origin of the name, HI, 663, Lee, B. Olden Barneveldt. Ill, 306, Huidekoper, H. J. Old-field schools, III, 373, Jackson, Andrew ; V, 173, Ban- dolph, T.J.: VI, 373. Old Folks at Home, song, n, 514. Foster, S. C. Old Fort Wayne, battle of, I, 298. Blunt. J. G. Oldham. John. II. 581, Gallop ; VI, 566, Winslow, E. Old Hickory. III. 376. ^ . . Old Ironsides, III, 240, Holmes, O. W. ; sobriquet, V, 684, Stewart, C. : the frigate, illustration, V, 684. Old Landmarkism. II. 728, Graves, J. B. Old Man of the Mountain, pen-name, V, 309, Bogers, N. P. Old Manse, the. of Concord, II, 344. Old Master Leavitt, III, 649, Leavitt, D. Old Pete, sobriquet, IV, 16, Longstreet, J. Old Samm, I, 591, Chatham. n ^ Oldschool, Oliver, pen-name, II, 141, Dennie ; V, 397, Sar- gent. N. Old Side party, the. II. 248. Duffield. G. Old Smithfield church, illustration. III, 291. Old South, pseudonym, I, 120, Austin, B. _ Old South church, the, I. 67,.Amory, T. C: organized. II, 83, Davenport, J. ; historical work, IV, 279, Mead, E. D. ; communion-service. VI. 569, Winslow, J. Old Stars, sobriquet, IV. 342, Mitchel, O. M. Old Stone Hammer, sobriquet, IV, 312, Metcalfe, T. Oldstyle, Jonathan, pen-name, in, 360. Oldstyle. Oliver, pen-name. IV, 679, Paulding. Old Swedes' church, Philadelphia, illustration. VI, 618. Old Swedes' church, Wilmington, illustration, VI, 208. Old Temple, the, HI. 566. Old Un, pen-name, H, 272, Durivage. Old Wheel-horse of Democracy, sobriquet. TV, 285, Medary. Oldys, Francis, pen-name, I, 564, Chalmers, G. Oleana, colony of, I, 445. Bull, O. B. Oleomargarine, manufacture of, IV, 444, Mott, H. A. Olibahali river, discovery of, IV, 54, Luna. Oliff, Mr., HI, 47. Olinda, founded, II, 237, Duarte Coelho. Oliphant, I^dy, HI, 94, Harris, T.L. Olive Branch, the, tract, II, 51, Dabney, B. ; 1, 524. Carey, M. Olive-oil, inventions for making, I. 724, Cooper, E. Oliver, Andrew, quoted, II, 302, Edes, B. Oliver, Daniel, IV. 573, Oliver, A. Oliver, Dr. J. P.. TV. 575. Oliver, G. A. Oliver, Col. Robert. II, 389, Everett, E. Oliver, Rev. T. F., IV, 574, Oliver, D. Oliver, Thomas, rV, 573, Oliver, A. Oliver Optic, pen-name, I, 33, Adams, W. T.