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776 PICARD PNEUMATIC tion, III, 206, Hill, U. C. ; .#k>lian attachment, I, 686, Coleman, O. M. ; improvements, 602, Cnickering, Jonas. Picard, le., V, 14. Pierre. Pichardo, Jos6, VI, 20, Talamantes. Piehincha, battle of, I, 306. Pichot, M. Amedee, V, 111. Pickatolika, engagement at, II, 193, Dodge, H. Picken, Ebenezer, IV, 767, Picken. Pickens, Rebecca C, I, 131. Bacon, J. E. Pickens, Samuel, IV, 768, Pickens, I. Pickering, Mary O., V. 3, Pickering, J. Pickering. Timothy, trial of, VI, 475, White, S. Picket-shovel, invention of a, I, 234, Benham. Pico de la Mirandola of Chili, the, I, 86, Aracena. Picot, F. E., pupils of, II, 68, Dana, W. P.; Ill, 642, Law- rie ; V, 371. Saintin ; VI, 271, Vedder. Picquet. M. de la Motte, II, 178, Dillon, A. Picquotaine, III, 599, Lamare-Picquot. Pictet, Mile., II. 577, Gallatin. Picton, Col. T., Ill, 180, Herbert. Picton, Rev. T., V, 6. Picton, J. M. W. Pictorial national library, the, V, 535, Simonds. Pictou, Roman Catholic institutions in. IV, 105, McDonald. Picture-writing, key to, I. 360, Brasseur. Pie-Crust Palmer, sobriquet, IV, 639. Palmer, J. S. Piedmont, battle of. Ill, 321. Hunter, D. Piedrahita, II. 437, Fernandez de Piedrahita. Pieras, Father Miguel, V, 543, Sitjar. Pierce, Benjamin, V, 7, Pierce, F. Pierce, Bradford K., II, 684, Goodyear. Pierce, Franklin, birthplace, illustration. V, 8 ; tomb, 10. Pierpont, Juliet, IV, 402, Morgan, J. S. Pierrepont manor, V, 15, Pierrepont, W. C. Pierrepont, Sarah, II, 309, Edwards, J. Pierrot, President, V, 244, Riche, J. B. Pierson, Abraham, statue of, illustration, VI, 93. Pierson, Charles T., II, 176, Dickson, T. Pierson, Elijah, IV, 262. Matthias. Pierson, John L., VI, 189, Tuthill. Pierson, Lydia J., V, 677, Stevens, T. Pieterson, Eriek, IV, 744, Peterson, C. J. Pietists, the, III, 509, Kelpius. Pigale, M.. HI, 270, Houdon. Pigeon Hill, Pa., proposed college at, rv, 476, Nagot. Pigeons, artificial. I. 245, Bergh. Pigeon's Ranche, battle of, V, 552, Slough. Pig-iron Kelley, III, 505, Kelley, W. D. Pigot, Rev. Mr., Ill, 448. Johnson, S. Pigwacket, battle, IV, 36. Lovewell ; V, 653, Stark, W. Pike, Rev. Richard, V, 18, Pike, F. W. A. Pike's Peak, V, 19. Pike, Z. M. ; in, 397, James, E. Pike, the, fighting by, I, 593, Chauncey, I. Pilcomayo river, the, discovered, II, 441, Ferrer, R. Piles, first driven for bridges, V, 468, Sewell, Samuel. Pilgrim Fathers, the, V. 286, Robinson, J. ; I. 349. Brad- ford ; 371, Brewster, W.; emigration of, VI, 443, Weston, T. ; monument to, illustration, 567. Pilgrimage, first, from America to Rome, H, 114, Dealy. Piling, iron, and machinery, V, 288, Robinson, S. W. Pillsbury. Wingate, V, 518, Shubrick, T. B. Pilot Knob, assaults on, II, 394, Ewing, T. Piloty. Carl von. pupils of, V, 326, Rosenthal, T. E. : IV, 436, Mosler ; 483, Neal, D. D. Pils, M., HI 15. Guthers. Pincheira, Pablo, V, 22, Pincheira, J. A. Pinckney, William, quoted. I, 499. Pindar, Charles, V, 23, Pindar, S. Pindar Cockloft, III, 363, Irving. William. Pindar Puff, VI, 281, Verplanck. G. C. Pindar's Vale, estate of, V, 23, Pindar, S. Pine, John, V, 23, Pine, R. E. Pine Bluff, attack on, IV, 212, Marmaduke. Pinede, Alphonse, V, 259. Pine Grove house, Saratoga, illustration. VI, 345. Pine-tree shillings, the, illustration, III, 425. Pingree, E. M.. V, 236, Rice, N. L. Pinhorne, William, IV, 354, Mompesson. Pinkard, Miss, III, 665, Lee, R. H. Pinkney, Isabella, VI, 497, Whyte. Pink-root. the. introduced as a vermifuge, II. 594, Garden. Pin-machine, invention of a, III, 282, Howe, J. I. Pinta, the, caravel, I. 697. Pinto, Father, II, 398. Fabert. Pinto, Fernando Mendez, pseudonym, I, 375, Briggs, C. F. Pioneer, the, 1.541, Carter, R.; IV, 40. Piozzi, Mrs., I, 712, Conway, W. A. Pipe-coupling machine, inventor of a, VI, 622, Wright, E. Pipe-lines for oil, use of, VI, 8, Sweet, J. E. Pirates and piracy, capture of sixteen junks. IV. 700, Pe- gram, R. B. ; fleet sent in search of, V, 74. Porter. /). ; in China, 473, Seward, G. F. ; in the West Indies, 720, Stringham ; in Falkland islands, 721. Strong. J. H. ; rapture of ships of, 694, Stockton, R. F. : ravages of, in South America. II. 85, David, E. ; 62, Dampier ; engage- ment with, off Charleston, HI, 447, Johnson, Robert ; Greek, 496. Kearny, L. ; attempt to suppress, 531-532, Kidd ; Moorish, 681, Leisler ; expedition to exterminate, IV, 123, Mcintosh; in Delaware bay. 211. Markham, W. in America, I, 229, BeUomont ; III, 531, Kidd. Piratininga, colony of, V, 615, Souza. Piscataways, king of the, I, 605. Chilomacon. Piscator, lien-name, II, 332, Elliott, W. Pisgah, Mt., identification of, IV, 629, Paine, J. A. Pison, Dr. W., IV, 204, Marggraf. Pistol, invention of a, I, 694, Colt, S. Pitag6rico, Gallo, pen-name, IV, 386, Morales, J. B. Pitcher. Moll, VI, 695, Molly. Pitkin's Falls, mills at, V? 32-33, Pitkin. Pitman, Isaac, V, 33, Pitman, B. Pitman, Theophilus T., V. 33. Pitman, M. J. Pitt, Thomas, Robert, and William, I, 591, Chatham, W. P. Pitt. William, resolution for erection of a monument to, IV, 44, Lowndes, R. ; H, 498. Forbes, John. Pitts, Baruth, V, 34, Pitts. John. Pittsburg, name of, U, 498, Forbes. John ; Catholic insti- tutions in, 576, Gallagher, H. P. ; site of, 207. Duquesne de Menneville ; gift to, I, 529, Carnegie ; cathedral, IV, 554, O'Connor, M. Pittsburgh Landing, battle of. See Shiloh. Pittston, Me., founded, II, 596, Gardiner, S. Pius IX, II, 297, Eccleson. Pizarro, murder of, V, 157, Rada,. Placenta previa, treatment of. II, 371, Eshleman. Placentia, N. F., British attack on. III, 595. La Hontan. Placentia, Paulding's home, illustration, IV, 680. Placide, Alexander, V, 37, Placide, H. Placido. IV, 197, Manzano ; VI, 222, Valdis, Gabriel. Plagiarism, charges of, IH, 228, Hoffman, C. F. ; V, 45, 46. Plagrograph, the, VI, 15, Sylvester, J. J. Plaidy, M., pupil of. I, 437, Buck. D. Plainfield, N. J., gifts to, IV, 181, Male. Plains of Abraham, name of, V, 157, Racine. Planck, Prof., I, 154, Bancroft, G. Plan de Ayutla, the, II, 124, Degollado ; I, 62, Alvarez. Plan de Casa-Mata, III, 368. Plan de Iguala, HI, 368. Plan de las tres garautias, the, III, 368. Plan de Navidad, the, IV, 339, Miramon. Plan de Patzicia, the, 1, 177. Plandome, estate of, rv, 517, Nicolls, M. Planer and lathe, invention of, VI, 543, Wilmarth, S. Planetarium, invented, I, 167, Barlow, T. H. Planets, an extra-Neptunian, intra-mercurial, VI, 11, Swift, L.; 125, Todd, D. P.; undiscovered, 392, Watson, J. C. Planing-machine, invention of a, II, 731, Gray, S. S. Planisphere, inventor of a, VI, 119, Tillman. Plan of Tuxtepec, the, II, 370, Escobedo, M.; IH, 341, Igle- sias, J. M. Planting, machines for. in, 460, Johnston, S. Plantius, Rev. Peter, III, 297. Plaquemines frauds, the, I, 643. Platen, Count, II, 363, Ericsson. Plate, La, river, British expedition to, VI, 480, Whitelocke ; discovery and first name of, II, 165, Diaz de Solis ; 591, Garcia, A.; -settlements on the, IV, 436, Mosquera. Platino-tungstes, II. 638, Gibbs, O. W. Platinum, in California. I, 286, Blake, W. P. Piatt, Erminnie A., V. 563, Smith, E. A. Plattsburg, founder of, V, 39, Piatt, Z. ; battle of. rv, 107. Macdonough, T.; 151, Mac Nab ; 155, Macomb, A.; V, 116, Prevost, G. 125, Pring ; 282, Robinson, F. P. Pleasant Hill, battle of, I, 159, Banks ; VI, 55, Taylor, R. Pleasant Hours, III, 696, Leslie, F. Pleasants, J. J., II, 8, Creswell, Julia. Pleasants, Robert, IV, 435, Mosby, M. W. Pleiades, occupations of the, IV. 701, Peirce. Pleometer, inventor of the, IV, 729, Perkins, Jacob. Plockhoy, Peter Cornelison, V, 661, Steendam. Plough, Loom, and Anvil, magazine, V, 545, Skinner, J. S. Ploughs, invention of a, I, 151. Ball, E. IV, 95, McCor- mick, C. H. 198, Mapes, J. J.: experiments with, 311. Metcalf. L. S.; the first, in Massachusetts, III. 334, Hutch- inson, Jesse ; cast-iron, inventor of. VI, 597, Wood, W. A. Plowden. Sir Edward, V, 126, Printz, J. Plumbago, II, 187, Dixon, Joseph. Plumer, Francis, V, 42, Plumer, W. Plumeria, trees, V, 43. Plumier. Plummer, Jonathan, II. 162, Dexter, T. Plummer, Sarah A., VI, 692, Lemmon. Plumsted, Nathaniel, V, 43, Plumsted, C. Plurality rule, adoption, in congress, I, 158. Banks, N. P. Plutarch of the Lutheran church, the, V, 699, Stoever. Plymouth, Mass., Bradford house at, illustration, I. 349 : first white person on the rock. VI, 369, Washburn, E.; Pilgrim monument, illustration, 576. Plymouth, N. C, attack on, VI, 438, Wessells. Plymouth colony, I, 649, Bradford ; V, 643, Standish ; VI. 443, Weston, T. 566, Winslow. E.; expulsion from, for heresy, H, 690, Gorton ; first book on, in England, IV, 429, Morton, G. : treaty of, with Indians. 249, Massasoit ; union of, with Massachusetts. VI. 583, Wiswall. Plymouth company, the, II, 687-688, Gorges ; 355, Endi- cott, J. Plymouth Friends, the, settlement, V, 188, Rawle. Plymouth Purchase, the, II, 596, Gardiner, S. Plymouth, the, sloop-of-war, II, 54. Pneumatic railway, II, 647. Gilbert, R. H.; steel associa- tion, the, IH, 509, Kelly, W.