Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/824

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786 ST. ROSE SANTIAGO St. Rose of Lima, canonization of, II, 436, Fernandez de Castro. Saints, proposed Canadian, III, 635, Laval, F. X; 714, IS Incarnation. St. Saviour, Mt. Desert island, destruction of, I, 88, Argall. St. Simon. Marquis de, II, 55, Dain. St. Stanislaus, novitiate of, Mo., V, 149, Quickenborne. St. Stephen's college, Annandale, I, 164, Bard, J.; IV, 163, McVickar, J.; V, 475, Seymour, G. F. ~~9, Sands, R. C. St. Tammany Magazine, the, V, St. Teresa, VI, 128, Toledo, G. Saint Thomas, alleged visit of, to Brazil, V, 396, Saraiva. St. Thomas hall, Flushing, HI, 122, Hawks, F. L. St. Thomas home, the, New York, II, 487, Flower, R. P. St. Thomas island, attempt to expel the Danish from, V, 401, Sarmiento. Saint-Venant, J. B., VI, 275, Venant. St. Viateur, clerks of, I, 330, Bourget. St. Vincent, Earl of, III, 430, Jervis, Sir J. St. Vincent de Paul of the Liberals, the, sobriquet, V, 293, Rochefouca uld. Saint Vincent river, battle at, III, 405, Jarric. St. Xavier college, Ohio, III. 207, Hill, W. H. Sakayenkwaraghton, III, 445, Johnson, J. S. Salamanca, battle of. IV, 633, Pakenham. Salanueva. Antonio, IH, 478, Juarez. Salas, Dr. Manuel, IV, 50, Lucio. Salazar, Gen., VI, 272, Veintimilla. Salcedo brothers, rebellion of, II, 436, Fernandez de Castro. Salem, first settler of, IV, 634, Palfrey, Wanvick ; first house in, I, 703, Conant, R. : trade of, H, 147, Derby, E. H.; 355, Endicott, J; III, 124, 127, Hawthorne ; gift to, IV, 257. Mathew, T.; Academy of sciences and collec- tions in, 423, Morse, E. S. ; Peabody museum at, 689, Peabody, G. ; Prescotfs birthplace at, illustration, V, 112 ; witchcraft, see Witchcraft delusion. Salem, N. C, IV, 216, Marschall. Salem, N. J., colony at. II, 432, Fenwick, J. Salem, Va., fighting at, I, 121, Averell. Salerianum, the, III, 169, Henni. Salicylic acid, use of, I, 342, Boyland. Salinas, battle of, LI, 169, Diaz, R. ; III, 214, Hinojosa ; TV, 683. Paullu. Salinas, Marquis of, HI. 329, Hurtado, G.; VI, 272, Velasco. Salines of the Neches. battles at, III, 454, Johnston, A. S. Sallet, Friedrich von, I, 295. Bloede. Salm, Prince von, II, 580, Gallitzin. Salmadena island, in, 427, Jenkins, T. A. Salmagundi, HI, 360 ; IV, 679, 680, Paulding. Salmon Falls, destruction of, II, 554 ; massacre at, III, 189, Hertel. Saltillo, capture of, II, 369, Escobedo. Salt Licks, capture at, I, 315. Salto de Alvarado, El, I, 61, Alvarado, P. de. Saltpetre, II, 445, Feuchtwanger. Salt springs, of Onondaga, discovered, III, 687, Le Moyne, S. Salt-tax, the. I, 241. Salvado del Huerto, IV, 197, Manzo. Salvador, revolutions in. II, 244-245, Dueilas. Salvatierra, Count de, V, 400, Sarmiento de Sotomayor ; IV, 634, Palafox. Salvatierra, founded, V. 400, Sarmiento de Sotomayor. Salvor, capture of the steamer, V, 436, Scott, G. H. Samana bay company, V, 384, Samuels. Samococes. tribe of the, II, 515, Foucher. Sampson, Elizabeth O., HI, 290, Hoyt. E. O. San Agustin del Palmar, battle of, IV, 250, Matamoros. San Antonio, battle at, VI, 681, Garibaldi. San Antonio, Cal., mission of, V, 543, Sitjar ; IH, 489, Ju- nipero. San Antonio, the sloop. HI, 531-532, Kidd. San Antonio de Gibraltar, pillaged, III, 343-344, Illigen ; taken by pirates, IV, 315, Michel. J. L. San BartolomS, town of, IV, 567, Ojedo. San Bernardino, Cal., I, 615, Cifuentes. San Bias, capture of, I, 139, Bailey. San Buenaventura, engagement at, I, 61, Alvarado, J. B. Sanchez de Hoz, VI, 223, Valdivia, P. de. Sand-bars, making channels through, I, 77. Andrews. Sandemanians, the, HI, 397, James, H. ; tenets of, V, 386, Sandeman. Sanders, Sarah. III. 360. Sanders, Thomas, V, 386, Sanders, E. E. Sanderson, James H., V, 386, Sanderson, J. Sandford, C. W., III. 239, Holman.J. G. Sandford, J. F. A., V, 435, Scott. D. Sand Hills, engagement at, HI, 86, Harney, W. S. San Diego, capture of, H 265 ; V, 695. Stockton, R. F. Sandiford, John, V. 387, Sandiford. R. Sandoval, Diego, II, 164, Diaz de Pineda. Sandoval, Don, H, 435, Fernandez, D.; II, 515, Foucher. Sands, Comfort, V, 389, Sands, R. C. Sands, Gen., I, 306. Sandusky, Ohio, Indian conference at, HI, 728. Sandwich, college of. VI, 340, Walsh, J. Sandwich, the, French letter of marque. III. 309, Hull. I. Sandwich islands, discovery of the. I, 715 ; missions to, II, 169, Dibble ; IV, 59, 60, Lyman ; first missionaries to, V, 636, Sprague. Sandy Creek, engagement at, VI, 610, Woolsey, M. T. I, 85, Appling. Sandy Hook, pen-name. III. 462, Jones, Alexander. San Felipe, colony at, V, 737, Suarez, Judn. San Fernando, Tex., founded, I, 10, Acuiia, J. Sanford. Margaret, III, 331. Hutchinson, T. * San Francisco, colony near, I. 161, Baranoff; founded, III, 489, Junipero ; first house in, H, 28, Culwer ; first American alcalde, etc., of, 620, Geary : lawlessness in, I, 686, Coleman, W. T. prophecy regarding, HI, 19, (iuin. W. M.: gifts for charitable institutions in. 709, Lick ; VI, 2, Sutro ; hospital, founded, III, 80, Hardy, B. F.; Bark in, IV, 111, McDowell, I. ; proposed King monument, [I, 547, King, T. S. ; Key monument, illustration, 529. San Francisco, loss of the, II, 702, Graham, J. L. : IV. 302, Merchant, C. S.; V. 531, Silver; VI, 310, Waddell, J. I.; 385, Washington J. M. San Francisco bay, exploration of, I, 123, Ayala. San Francisco medical school, I, 724, Cooper, E. S. San Francisco theological seminary, gift to, V, 733, Stu- art, R. L. Sangara, Juan de, V, 301, Rodney. San Giovanni, pupil of, VI, 108, Thursby. Sangster, George, V, 391. Sangster, M. E. Sanguinaria, in, 132. Hayes, A. A. San Ignacio, Cal., mission of, V, 542, Sistiaga. Sanitary aid societies and fair, IH, 740, Livermore, M. A.; VI, 433, Welsh, J. Sanitary commission, the, I, 231, Bellows, H. W.; IV, 501, Newberry, J. S. ; 578, Olmsted. Sanitation, improvements in, V, 214, Reid, D. B. San Jacinto, battle of, II, 369, Escobedo ; III, 274, Hous- ton, S. ; IV, 339, Miramon ; V, 393, Santa-Anna. San Jacinto, loss of the, IV, 281, Meade, R. W. San Jose, Father Bernardino de, VI, 205, Uhland. San Jose, noted mill near, HI, 709, Lick. San Juan, founded. Ill, 329. Hurtado, G. San Juan, island of, H, 464. Fish, H. ; 720 ; occupation of, V, 5, Pickett, G. E.; HI, 86, Harney, W. S.; 317. Hunt, L. C. San Juan del Obispo, city of, IV, 215, Marroquin, F. San Juan de Nicaragua, destruction of, I, 322, Borland. San Juan de Ulua, fortress of, designed, I, 83, Antonelli ; invested, 174. Barragan : 161, Baranda ; engagement at. III. 120, Hawkins, Sir J. ; castle of, II, 414, 415 : V, 441 : surrendered by the Spaniards, VI, 288, Victoria, G.; naval battle at, II, 223, Drake, Sir F. ; bay of, fight in, II, 359, Enriquez. San Juan Nepomuceno, the, at Trafalgar, 1, 614, Churruca. Sankey, David, V, 392, Saiikey, I. D. San Lorenzo, battle at, II, 167. San Lorenzo el Real, treaty of, H, 327, Ellicott. San Lucar, I, 698. San Luis de Loyola. Argentine, IV, 47. Loyola. San Martin, statue of, illustration, V, 392. San Mateo, battle of, V, 232. Ricaurte. San Miguel, Cal., mission of, V, 543, Sitjar. San Miguel, gulf of, 1, 147, Balboa. San Miguel de Guandape. I, 123. Ayllon. San Pablo, battle at, III, 341, Iglesias, M. San Pablo, Fray Juan de, VI, 586, Witte. San Pasqual, California, engagement at, HI, 497, Kearny, Stephen Watts. Sansac, Count de, VI, 142, Touchimbert. San Salvador, island of, I. 697. San Sebastian, town of, IV, 567, Ojeda. Sanskrit, first American editor of, HI, 40, Hall, F. Santa Ana, capture of, 1, 177. Santa-Anna, Angel, V, 394, Santa-Anna, A. L. Santa-Anna, capture of the, I, 560, Cavendish. Santa Barbara, founded, II, 28, Culwer. Santa Catalina, island of, IV, 400, Morgan, Sir H. Santa Cruz, Gen., IV, 568, Olaneta. Santa Cruz, island of, colony in, IV, 296, Mendaila. Santa Cruz de Haltelolco, college of, IV, 297, Mendoza. Santa Cruz del Seybo, n, 376, Esquivel. Santa Fe, N. M., insurrection in, V, 119, Price. S. Santa F6 de Bogota, capture of, I, 301 : observatory at, IH, 569, Koehler, A. D.; founded, V, 148, Quesada; VI, 226, Valanzuela, P. F. Santa F6 de Vera Cruz, Paraguay. II, 591, Garay. Santa Maria, the, vessel, illustration, I, 697. Santa Maria de la Mar Dulce, V, 29, Pinzon, V. Y. Santa Marta, siege of, 1, 304 ; plunder of, H, 437, Fernandez de Piedrahita. Santander, I, 305. Santarem, I, 63, Amerigo. Santee Sioux Indians, the, HI, 401, Janney, A. M. Santiago, Count of, VI. 272, Velasco, L. Santiago de Anna, founded, IV, 460. Muiloz de Collantes. Santiago de Cali, founded, IV. 460. Munoz de Collantes. Santiago de Chile, founded, HI, 295, Huden ; building of, 800, Huepon ; founder of. VI, 223, Valdivia, P. de ; at- tacked, 1, 734, Copailo ; gift to, V, 392. San Martin, J. de ; earthquake at, VI. 295, Villaroel ; academy of science, and journals of, ni, 623, Lastarria. Santiago de Cuba, college at,VI, 223, Valdes y Sierra. Santiago de Jerez, founded, II, 166, Diaz, Melgarejo. Santiago de Tlaltalolco, II, 168 ; college of, 489, Focher.