Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/835

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TENT TIGER 797 Tent, invention of a military, V, 521, Sibley, H. H. Tenth-day excitement, the, IV, 330, Miller, W. Tenth Muse, the, II, 24, Cruz. Tenth Muse, the, lately sprung up in America, 1, 354, Brad- Tenure-of-offlce act, the, II, 718 ; IU, 380, 439. Teomaxtli, the, III, 300, Huematzin ; 371, Ixtlilcuechahua ; original of, VI, 308, Votdn. Teondechoren, IV, 567, Oiouhaton. Tepetlaxtoc, the, III, 183, Hernandez, V. Tepic, capture of, IV, 300, Mercado, J. M. Tepotzotlan college. Ill, 86, Haro, A. N. de. Teresa of the New World, the, III, 714, V Incarnation. Terra-cotta work, discovery of clay suited to, V, 639, Spring, E. A.; coping, VI, 502, Wight. Terray, Abbe, II, 264. Terre Haute, gifts to charities of, V, 322, Rose, C. ; Rose polytechnic institute, illustration, 322. Terrible Tractoration, anonymous poem, II, 445, Fessen- den, T. G. Terror, the, II, 535, Franklin, Sir J. Terry, David S., II, 448, Field, S. J.; V, 482, Sharon. Tertius in Nubibus, pen-name, V, 151, Quincy, J. Testa, Countess, II, 413. Test-oath, the. I, 476, Busteed. Testory, Abbe, I. 89, Arillaga. Tetzotzomoe, King. I, 9. Acalhua. Tewksbury almshouse, I, 478, Butler, B. F.; V, 384, San- bom, F. B. Texan revolution, incident of the, II, 10, Crittenden, G. B. Texaus, 357, shot in Mexico, II, 405, Fannin. Texas, colonization in, I, 121, Austin, S. F.; 555. Castro ; French colony in, II, 703, Graham, G. ; French and Span- ish in, 690, Leon, Alonso de ; Spanish colonies in, VI, 665, Zufliga, B. ; declaration of independence of, 657, Za- vala ; organization of independent government in, the General Consultation, invasion of, by Mexicans, their defeat, first president, second invasion threatened, an- nexation of, III, 274, Houston, S.; war for independence in. IV. 97, McCulloch ; operations at sea, 380, Moore, E. W. V, 393, Santa- Anna ; VI, 155, Travis, W. B.; I, 458, Burnet, D. G. ; independent government of, III, 598, Lamar, M. B. ; U. S. occupation of, I, 155 ; annexation of 431 ; 501, 502 ; II, 214, 578 ; Clay on, I, 643 ; protest against, II, 616, Gates, S. M. ; annexation of, 642, Gid- tlingx, J. R. ; III, .33, Hale, J. P. ; debate on it. V, 8, 52 ; VI, 198, 233 ; opposition in Europe to it, III, 548, King, W. R.; petition against it, VI. 548, Wilson, H.; secession of, III, 275, Houston, S. ; building of the state-house of, II, 420, Far-well, J. V. ; missions in, IV, 205, Margil ; R. C. institutions in, 197, Manucy ; 557, Odin ; church proper- ty in, VI, 121, Timon ; first railway in, III, 537, Kimball, R. B. ; boundary of, V, 52, 53 ; VI, 53 ; communistic col- ony in, IV, 531, Normand ; asylum for political exiles in, III, 404, Jamac ; 597, Lallemand ; V, 252, Rigaud, A. Texcoco, III, 307, Huitzilihuitzin ; kings of, 371, Ixtlilxo- chitl : IV, 495, Netzahualcoyotl;, a centrtj of civilization, 496, Ni'tzahtutlcoyotl. Texeira, I, 10 ; III, 344, Imhoffer. Texmalaca, battle at, IV, 392, Morelos. Tgirhitontie, Iroquois name, V, 621. Spangenberg. Thacher, Rev. Thomas Cushing, VI. 70, Thacher, S. C. Thackeray, W. M., the Virginians, III, 517, Kennedy, J. P.; quoted, V, 405, Savage, J. Thalberg, IU, 228, Hoffman, R. H. Thallene, discovery ot, IV. 430, Morton, H. Thames, battle of the. Ill, 97 ; IV, 685, Payne, D.; V. 127, Proctor, H A.; 484, Shaubena ; VI. 58, Tecumseh ; offer of the Wyandots, 333, Walk-in-the-Water. Thaneraquechta, V, 348, Rundt. Thanksgiving-Day, of 1771, IV, 705, Pemberton ; made na- tional, III, 35, Hale, S. J. Tharin, William C.,VI, 70, Tharin, R. S. S. That Girl of Mine, anonymous novel, II, 313, Egan, M. F. That Husband of Mine, anonymous book, II, 140, Denison, Mary A. Thaxter, Levi L., VI, 71, Thaxter, C. Thayendanegea, I. 359, Brant. Thayer, Rev. Ebenezer, VI, 73, Thayer, N. Thayer, John E., VI, 73, Thayer, N. Thayer, Mrs. J. E., II, 706, Granger, F. Thayer, Sylvanus, statue of, illustration, VI, 73. Thayer expedition, the, VI, 73, Thayer, N. Theatres, contest at London, I. 317 ; Booth, J. B. ; closed by congress. U, 216, Douglas, D. ; colonial, III, 46, Hallam ; Massachusetts law against entertainments in, II, 596, Gardiner, J. ; in old New York, illustration, V, 536 ; the Astor place riots, 11,505, Forrest, E. ; IV, 160, Macready. The Brothers, anonymous novel, III, 180, Herbert. Theiss boycotters. the, V, 621. Spark-man. Theological Review, the, V, 560, Smith. H, B. Theology, the New Haven, VI, 47, Taylor, N. W. ; 192, Tyler, B. Theosophical society, the, V, 191, Rawson, A. L.; I, 754, Coues ; 291, Blavatsky : bequest to, II, 144, De Palm. Theresa de Bourbon, Princess, IV, 699, Pedro II. Thermometers, deep-sea, inventors of, V, 409, Saxton ; 410, Saxton, R. ; inventor of physiological, 454. Seguin, E. Thermophote, the, invention of, V, 550, Sloane, T. O C. Thermostatic apparatus, a, V, 602, Snow, W. D. Thetis, capture of the, II, 625, Gennes. Thibodeaux college. IV, 723, Perche. Thicketty fort, engagement at, V, 492, Shelby. Thiel college, Pa., IV, 668, Passavant. Thierry, Ml, V, 111. Third cavalry division, the, H, 44. Third presidential term, resolution on, V, 640, Springer, William M. Thirteen, committee of, I, 552. Thirty years, the, Guatemalan regime, I, 177. Thoisy, Patrocle de, HI, 270, Houdetot. Thorn, John H., II, 649, Giles, H. Thomas, Caroline, pseudonym, H, 205, Dorr, J. C. R. Thomas, Evan, VI, 85, Thomas, L. Thomas, Gen. G. H., statue of, illustration, VI, 81. Thomas, Isaiah, quoted, III, 244, Holt, John. Thomas, Col. John, VI, 84, Thomas, Jane. Thomas, Capt. John, VI, 412. Thomas, Rev. Nehemiah, VI, 608, Woodworth, S. Thomas, Richard Symmes, VI, 84, Thomas, J. B. Thomas, W.. Ill, 279, Howe, E. Thompson. Benjamin, V, 345, Rumford. Thompson, Benjamin, V, 363, Sabine, Lorenzo. Thompson, Dr., I, 670, Cochran, John. Thompson, Capt. Edmund F., VI, 88. Thompson, C. G. Thompson, George, IV, 160 ; V, 173, Randolph. T. J. Thompson, Hubert O., VI, 88, Thompson, C. G. Thompson, Judge Isaac, VI, 92, Thompson, J. Thompson, Rev. James, IV, 222. Thompson, Mr., V, 86, Potter, A. Thompson, Maria, II, 81, Daveiss. Thompson, Martha, IV, 707, Pemberton, J. C. Thompson, Sarah Diodati, II, 595, Gardiner. Thompson, Thomas, VI, 90, Thompson, E. Thompson, W. C, VI, 95, Thompson, J. L. Thompson, Dr. William, book attributed to, V, 658, Sted- man. C. Thompson, Sir Wyville, I, 34, Agassiz, A. Thomson, Archibald, VI, 96, Thomson, A. Thomson, Charles, II, 632, Gerry, E. Thomson, James, IV, 565, Oglethorpe. Thomson. Stevens, IV, 241, Mason, G. Thomson's island, Mass., V, 643, Standish. Thoracentesis, operation of, I, 334, Bowditch, H. I. Thoreau, John, VI, 100, Thoreau, H. D. •Thorflnnsbudir, VI, 102, Thorfinn. Thorn, Frost, II. 82, Davenport, L. Thorn, the, British sloop, VI, 174, Tucker, Samuel. Thorne, P., pen-name, V, 579, Smith, M. P. W. Thornton, James, VI, 104, Thornton. M. Thornton, James B., VI, 103, Thornton, E. B. Thornton, Presley, VI, 103, Thornton, A. Thorowgood, Thomas. H, 321, Eliot, J. Thorpe, Edmund C, VI, 105, Thorpe, R. H. Thorpe, Kamba, pen-name, I, 228, Bellamy, E. W. Thorpe, Miss, I, 445, Bull, O. B. Thorwaldsen, II. 5, Crawford, T. ; IH, 630, Launitz. Thothmes III., II, 690, Gorringe. Thousand islands, the, purchase of, IV, 155, Macomb, A. Thrale, Mrs., II, 338, Elphinstone. Three-fifths rule, the, IV, 168. Three-mile-point controversy, the, I, 727. Three-million bill, the, I, 502. Three Rivers, founded, I, 569, Champlain ; battle of, II, 537, Eraser, S. ; III. 358, Irvine, W. ; VI, 398, Wayne. Threrwits, E. G., II, 623, Geiger. Throckmorton family, the, IV. 431, Morton, O. P. Throgmorton, Elizabeth, V, 163. Thunefeldt, Countess of, II, 144, De Palm. Thuret, Gustave, II. 409, Farioir. Thurm and Taxis, Princess of, IV, 678, Paul, F. W. Thurman, Rev. Pleasant, VI, 108, Thurman, A. G. Thurmann, Jules, IV, 201, Marcou. Thurston, Franklin, VI, 109, Thurston, L. M. Thurwanger, M , pupil of, V, 326, Rosenthal, M. Tiahuanacu, city of, IV, 178, Malta Capac. Ticker, the, invention of, V, 67, Pope, F. L. Ticket-cancelling boxes, inventor of, V, 72, Porter, H. Ticknor, Benaiah, VI, 111. Ticknor, C. B. Ticknor, Benjamin, VI. 112, Ticknor, W. D. Ticknor, Benjamin H.. VI, 112, Ticknor, W. D. Ticknor, Howard M., VI, 112, Ticknor, W. D. Ticknor, Thomas B., VI, 112, Ticknor, W. D. Ticknor & Fields, book-store of. illustration, VI, 112. Ticonderoga, capture of, I, 51, Allen, Ethan ; 94 ; recapt- ure, 95 ; in the Revolution, 402, Brown, John ; 452, Bur- goyne ; battle of, V, 372, St. Luc ; evacuation of, VI, 680, Fermoy. Tides, machine for predicting, invention of, II. 440, Ferret ; plan for using the force of the, V. 200, Read, N.; instru- ment for recording the height of, V, 409, Saxton. Tientsin, settlement of the affair of massacre at, VI, 652, Yung Wing. Tierra Austral del Espiritu Santo, V, 148, Queiros. Tiffany, C. L., house of, illustration, VI, 113. Tiffany, Sylvester, VI, 113, Tiffany, A. R. Tiger, the, exploring ship, I, 295, Block. Tiger of Alica, the, sobriquet, H, 167 ; IV, 30, Losada, M.