Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/837

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TREAT TYLER 799 Treat, Matthias, VI, 157, Treat. S. H. Treat, Theodore, VI. 157, Treat, S. H. Treaties : of Aix-la-Chapelle, III, 332 ; of Brownsville, IV, 730, Perkins, Simon ; of Casco, 171, Madockawando ; of Cordova, III. 368, declared void in Spain, 368 ; of Florida, IV, 279, Meade, R. W. ; of Ghent, II, 578 ; in- demnity for violations of, 578 ; 587, Gambier ; III, 377 ; V, 271, Roberdeau, I. ; of Guadalupe Hidalgo, modifica- tions of provisions of, II, 568. Gadsden, James ; V, 441 ; of Josepliinton and Hopewell, III, 121, Hawkins, B.; of Lircay, II, 573, Gainza ; of New Echota, V, 249. Ridge ; of Paris, I, 19, 20 ; II, 127, Delafteld, John ; IV. 603. Os- wald, R.; of Piquisa, II, 586, Gamarra, A.; of Port Vin- cent, V, 142, Putnam, R. ; of Ryswick. IV, 171, Ma- dockawando ; of San Ildefonso, III, 330, Huss ; V, 23, Pinckney, T. ; the Scheldt, V, 390, San ford, H. S. ; the Seward-Lyons, 472 ; the Vivanco-Pareja, 100, Prado, M. ; of Washington, the, II, 720 ; V, 322, Rose, Sir J. ; of Watoga, III, 164, Henderson, R. ; the Webster-Ashbur- ton, V, 441 ; I, 110, Ashburton ; Jay's, IH, 420 ; com- mercial, with Germany, VI, 451, Wheaton, H; with China, V. 209, Reed, W. B. ; with Japan, IV, 737, Perry, M. C. : V, 9 ; with Tripoli, 105, Preble, E. ; with Zanzi- bar, 273, Roberts, E. O.; with Muscat, Siam, and Coch in- China, 273 ; reciprocity, with Canada, 9 ; reciprocity, with Mexico, 314, Romero ; securing right of way on Panama, 55 ; with South American republics, 418, Schenck, R. C. ; Indian, 672, Stevens, I. I. ; Fort Har- mar (1789), 369, St. Clair ; with Indians of the upper lakes, 425, Schoolcraft, H. R. ; with the Six Nations, 2 ; 205, Red-Jacket ; 635, Spotswood ; with Shawnees and Dela wares, 114, Pi-eston, W. ; with the Sioux and Chip- pewas, 168, Ramsey, A. ; with Miamis and Pottawat- tamies, 192, Ray, J. B. ; with the Ojibways, 235, Rice, H. M. ; with the Cherokees, 249, Ridge ; 467, Sevier, J. Treaty-making power, the, I, 499. Treddles, Tummas, pseudonym, I, 427, Brymner. Tree of peace, the, III, 561, Knickerbocker, J. Tremont Temple, burning of, VI, 95, Thompson, T. Trenchard. George, VI, 158. Trenchard, E. Trendelenburg, Adolph, II, 655, Gilman, D. C. Trent, the, arctic exploring-ship, I, 428, Buchan ; II, 535, Trent affair,' the,' IV, 243, Mason, J. M. ; V, 549, Slidell ; 748 ; VI. 509, Wilkes, C. : principle involved in, V. 472. Trenton, battle of, II, 543, Frelinghuysen, F. ; V, 198, Read, T. Trepassy, capture of the. I, 180, Barry, J. Tresse, Thomas, V, 262, Rittenhouse. Treuen Sch western, Die, society of, III, 491, Kalisch. Trevillion Station, engagement at, II, 43, Custer ; 714 ; IH, 69, Hampton ; V, 499. Trevino, Gen., II, 167 ; III, 480, Juarez, B. P. Trevithick, II, 384, Evans, O. Trevore island, V, 643, Standish. Trezevant, Louis, IH, 454, Johnson. W. Triangulation, system of, II, 86. Davidson, G. Trico, Catalina, V, 183, Rapaelje. Trigge, Gen., Ill, 644, Laye. Trigueros, C. M.. II, 362, Erauzo. Trimble, Capt. James, VI, 160, Trimble, A. Trinidad, island of, IV, 588, Orellana ; discovered, 523, NiHo, P. A. ; III, 16, Gutierrez de Lara : V, 449, Sedeilo. Trinidad, voyage of the, IV. 173, Magellan. Trinitaria, La., secret society of, II, 136, Delmonte ; 237, Duarte. Trinity church, New York, title to property of, I, 301, Bogardus, E. charter for building, II, 481, Fletcher, B.; Ill, 155, Heathcote ; IV, 309, Merritt ; organ of, IH, 44, Hall, T. ; heirs of the farm, VI, 253, Van Rensselaer, H. ; 284, Vesey, W. ; Lawrence monument, in the church- yard, illustration, III, 640 ; illustrations, IV, 564 ; VI, 213, 302 ; the reredos, illustration, 584. .Trinity college, Hartford, I, 415, Broumell ; removal of, III, 373, Jackson, Abner ; V, 145, Pynchon, T. R. ; VI, 142, Totten. S.; gifts to. IV. 402, Morgan, J. S.: V, 751, Sumner, G.; VI, 450-451, Wheaton, N. S. ; illustration, V, 565. Trinity island, taken possession of, II, 510, Foster, Henry. Triompho, Baron do, IV, 499, Neves. Trip for mining-buckets, invention of a, II, 4, Craven, H. S. Tripoli, pirates of, and war with, I, 140, Bainbridge, W.; violation of treaty by, II, 121 ; war with, I, 179, Barron, S.; II, 120, Decatur ; 295, Eaton, W. III, 640, Lawrence, J. ; V, 73, Porter, D. ; 105. Preble, E. ; 296-297, Rodgers ; 605, Somers, R.; 627, Spence, R. T; 667, Sterett, A. ; 684, Stewart, C; VI, 161, Trippe ; peace concluded, III, 648, Lear. Tristan d'Acunha, shipwreck at, V, 420, Schley, W. S. Trotter, Ann, I. 135, Bailey. Trotter, Lieut. -Col. James. VI, 162, Trotter, G. Trouin, Duguay, III, 596, La. Jonquiire. Troup, Lieut. Robert, II, 133. De Lancey, C. Trowbridge, Judge Edmund, IV, 664, Parsons, T. ; V, 143, Putnam, J. Trowbridge, Dr. J. F., II. 728. Gray, Asa. Troy, iron-works at, I, 450, Burden ; polytechnic institute at, VI. 252, Van Rensselaer, S. ; the Vanderheyden house at, illustration, 243 ; Wool monument at, illustration, 609. True Patriot. A, pen-name, VI, 364, Warren. Joseph. True Reformed Dutch church, the, II, 553, Froeli(;h. Trujillo, founded, IV, 385. Mora, D. Trujillo, Torcuato, HI, 367, Iturbide. Trumbull, Faith, III, 325, Huntington, Jedidiah. Trumbull, Harriet, V, 529, Silliman, B. Trumbull, John, his painting of Cornwallis's surrender, II, 155, Deuxponts, W; quoted, 305, Edson, J.; IV, 742, Peters, S.; V, 469, Sewall, Jonathan. Trumbull, Juliana, VI, 600, Woodbridge, W. Trumbull, Mary, VI, 526, Williams, W. Trumbull, the, and the Wyatt, IV, 515, Nicholson, J. Trumpeter, automaton, invention of, IV, 171, Maelzl. Trusta, H., pen-name, IV, 752, Phelps, E. S. Truxton, Cornelia, IV, 476, Nancrede, J. G. Truxtun. the, I, 419, Bruce, H Tryal, the ship, II, 727, Graves, T. Tryon county. N. Y., I, 479, Butler, J. Tryon Hall, III, 471, Jones, T. Tryoninhokaraven. Chief, IV, 537, Norton, J. Tscheraikoff, wreck of the, III, 86, Haro, G. L. de. Tsomus (Victoria), II, 212, Douglas, Sir J. Tucapel, battle of the, I, 559, Caupolican ; 694, Colocolo ; III, 295, Huden ; 633. Lautaro. Tuckahoe, Randolph of, V, 173, Randolph, T. M.; 174, Ran- dolph, W. Tucker, Ellen L., II, 344. Tucker, Prof. George, in, 423, Jefferson, T. Tucker, G. F., IV, 361, Monroe, f. Tucker, St. George, IV, 91, McClurg, J. Tuckey, Janet, III, 683, Leland, C. G. Tucuman, congress of, V, 301, Rodriguez, M. D. Tudor, Frederic, VI, 178, Tudor. Tufts, Peter, VI, 178, Tufts, C. Tufts, Simon, I, 387, Brooks, John. Tufts college, gift to, I, 173, Barnum, P. T. ; VI, 178, Tufts. Tug Fork of the Big Sandy, named, V, 114, Preston, W. Tuke, Miss, IH, 46, Hallam, L. Tula, kingdom of, III, 371, Ixtlilcuechahua ; rebellion in, ruin of the city, 299, Huehuetemixcatl ; convent of, VI, 654, Zamora, C. Tulane university, II, 640, 641, Gibson, R. L.; Ill, 456, Johnston, W. P. ; illustration, VI, 179. Tungstall Station, action at, V, 499. Tungsten, discovery of, II, 339, Eluyar. Tuning-forks, II, 195, Dolbear. Tunis, violation of treaty by, II, 121. Tunja, battle at, I, 305. Tunnelling-machine, invention of a, II, 4, Craven, H. S. Tupac-Amaru, II, 485, Flores, I. Tupinamba Indians, the. V, 616, Souza, T. de ; 642, Staden. Tupper, Tristram, VI, 181, Tupper, H. A. Turbines, improvement in, I, 341, Boy den, U. A.; VI, 120, Timby. Turgot, botanist, II, 196, Dombey; quoted, 531. Turgofs Memoirs, anonymous publication on, VI, 267. Turk, the, sobriquet, VI, 254, Van Satlee. Turk, William, III, 744, Livingston, J. W. Turkey island, Va., V, 174, Randolph, W. Turkeys, first mention of, II, 628, Geraldini. Turkish compassionate fund, the, I, 186, Bartlett, W. L. A. Turmeric, compounds of, III, 384, Jackson, C. L. Turnbull, Col. George, V, 752. Turner, Dr. Edward, H, 226, Draper, J. W. Turner, Horsefall, I, 693. Collyer, R. Turner, Nathaniel, III, 312, Humfrey. Turner, Robert, V, 262, Rittenhouse. Turner, W. G., statue by, IV, 736, Perry, 0. H. Turreted monster, the, V, 75. Tuscahachees, Chief, IV, 125, Mcintosh, W. Tuscaloosa Monitor, the, V, 596, Smith, W. R. Tuscarawas, peace of, I, 329, Bouquet ; fighting with, 173, Barnwell ; H, 700, Graff enried ; IH, 643, Lawson, J.; 337, Hyde, E. Tuscarora John, sobriquet, I, 173, Barnwell, J. Tuscarora, the. I, 224, Belknap, G. E. Tuskegee college, Ala., HI, 735, Lipscomb, A. A.; VI, 372, Washington, B. T. Tustinugee-Thlucco, VI. 58. Tecumseh. Tuthill, Rev. Cornelius, II. 284, Dwight, H. E. Tuthill, Cornelius, VI, 189, Tuthill, L. C. Tutul Xin, I, 602, Chi-ah-kin ; II, 613, Gaspar. Tuxedo Park, IV, 26, Lorillard, P. Tuxtepec. plan of, II, 167. 168. Twain, Mark, pen-name, I. 648, Clemens, S. L. Tweed charter, the, VI, 115. Tweeddale, Marchioness of, V, 323, Rose, Sir J. Tweed suits, the, IV, 555, CConor. Twelve Seigneurs, the, IV, 300, Huet : 310, Mesnard. Twickenham, skirmish at, VI. 447, Wharton, T. Twiggs, Gen. John, VI, 191, Twiggs, D. E. Twilight club, the, VI, 564, Wingate, C. F. Twiss, Dr., I, 669, Cobbett, T. Two-third rule, the, V, 405, Saunders, R. M. Tybee island, II, 266, Du Pont ; 654, Gillmore. Tycoon, defeat of the, H. 358, English, E. Tydings, Keely, VI. 192, Tydings, R. Tyler, Grafton, VI, 201, Tyler, S. Tyler, President John, house of, illustration, VI, 196.