Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/845

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WILLIAMS COLLEGE WOMEN 807 589 ; Wythe house at, illustration, VI, 634 ; convention, the, I, 361, Braxton. Williams college, II, 600 ; III, 257, Hopkins, M. ; observa- tory of, 257, Hopkins, A . ; gifts to, 638. Laicrence, A. ; IV, 398, Morgan, E. D. founder of, VI, 522, Williams, Ephraim ; gift to, VI, 565, Winkley. Williamson, Gen. Andrew, III, 144, Hayne, I. Williamson, J. S. and J. P., V, 254, Riggs, S. R. Williamson, Matthias, VI, 537, Williamson, I. H. Williamson, Passmore, case of, III, 492, Kane, J. K. Williamstadt, manor of, IV, 716, Penn, W. Willing, Anne, portrait, I, 264. Bingham, W. Willing, Capt., II. 584, Gdlvcz, B. Willing, Charles. IV, 416, Morris, R. Willing, Elizabeth. V, 94, Powel, E. W. Willing, Mary, I. 487, Byrd. Willis, Henry, I, 409. Brown, O. Willis, Louisa, II, 279, Dwight, L. Willis, N. P., his duel with Marryat, IV, 216 , his marriage, III, 1, Grinnell. J. Willis, Sara P.. IV. 666. Parton, S. P. W. Willis, Rev. William, VI, 539, Willis, A. Williston, Rev. Payson. VI, 541, Williston, S. Willoughby. Lord. V, 569, Smith, John. Willshire. W., V. 255, Riley, J. Willson, Hiram, VI, 542, Willson, F. Wilmer, Rev. J. J., VI, 543, Wilmer, W. H. Wilmington, Del., gunpowder works near, II, 265 ; old church at, illustration, VI, 208. Wilmington, N. C taken by Schofleld, II, 715. Wilmot, Daniel, III, 6, Grow. Wilmot, John M., VI, 544, Wilmot. L. A. Wilmot proviso, the. I, 242 : 377, Brinkerhoff ; 502 ; 643 ; III, 65. Hamlin, H. ; IV, 86, McClelland, R. ; V, 53, 54 ; VI. 544, Wilmot, D. Wilson, Alexander, VI, 552, Wilson, J. H. ; 554, Wilson, J. L. Wilson, Bluford, VI, 553, Wilson, J. H. Wilson, Rev. D., I, 298, Blyden. Wilson, Harrison, VI, 552. Wilson, J. H. Wilson. James, V, 483, Sharswood ; 508, Sherwood, M. E.; VI, 384, Washington, B. Wilson, J. Arbuthnot, pen-name, I, 52, Allen, Grant. Wilson, John, I, 425. Wilson, Prof. John, quoted, II, 70, Dana. R. H. ; IV, 128, McKean, T.; V, 730. Stuart, James ; VI, 182, Turell. Wilson, Rev. Joseph R., VI, 558, Wilson, W. Wilson, L. M., II, 380. Evans, A. J. Wilson, Matthew. Ill, 727, Lincoln, A. Wilson, Rev. Norval, VI, 546, Wilson, A. W. Wilson, Sir Thomas, VI, 553, Wilson, J. Wilson, W. H., III. 705, Lewis, Ida. Wilson, William. V, 493, Shelton, F. W. Wilson, Dr. William, VI, 553. Wilson. J. Wilson college. Pa., II, 312, Edwards, T. ; gift to, II, 627, George, S. C. Wilson library, Dartmouth, illustration, VI, 456. Wilson"s creek, Mo., battle at, IV, 68 ; 98, McCulloch, B. ; V, 119, Price, S. Winans, William Lewis, VI, 559, Winans, J. D. K. Winchester, Earls of, V, 150, Quincy. Winchester, Gen. James, III, 97. Winchester. Jonas, II. 734. Winchester, Va., founder of, VI, 594, Wood, J.; battles of, II, 714 ; III, 134 ; 392, Jackson. T. J.; IV, &34, Milroy ; in- formation regarding Confederate forces, VI, 626, Wright, R. M. : incident of the battle of, IV, 458, Mulligan. Windmill, the, engagement at, II. 698, Gowan, O. R. Windmills, improvement in, V, 200, Read, N. Window-blinds, machine for making, V, 567, Smith, H. B. Window-tax revolt, the, II, 551, Fries. Winds and currents, investigations on, IV, 265. Windship, Dr. Amos, VI, 562, Windship. G. B. Windsor Locks, Conn., bridge at, III, 632. Laurie, J. Windward islands, the, discovery of, I, 697. Wine, manufacture of, IV, 17. Longirorth. Wingate, John and Joshua. VI. 564, Wingate, P. Winn, Richard. IV. 90, McClure, J. Winnebagoes. III. 292. Hubbard, G. S. Winnipeg, college at, I, 427, Bryce. Winser. Francis J., VI, 565, Winser, H. J. Winslow, John and Kenelm, .VI. 567, Winslow, E. Winston, Judge Anthony, II, 525, Francisco. Winston. Miss. V, 448. Beaton, Winter, Col., II, 370. Escobedo, M. Winterbotham. Ann S.. V. 665 Stephens, A. S. Winthrop, Adam, VI, 572, Winthrop. J. Winthrop, Francis Bayard, VI, 577, Winthrop, T. Winthrop, J. B., I, 335, Bowdoin. Winthrop. John, quoted. II. 295, Eaton, N.; 321, Eliot, J.; his journal discovered, V, 405, Savage, J. Winthrop, Judith. V, 737, Stuyvesant, N. W. Winthrop, Lucy. II, 222. Downing, Sir G. Winthrop, Mrs. Robert C, II, 706, Granger, F. Winthrop, Stephen. VI. 575, Winthrop, J. Winthrop. Thomas C. VI, 578, Winthrop, F. Winton, Earls of, V, 465, Seton. W. Winton. N. C. destruction of, V, 146. Quaekenbush. Wire, inventor of process for making, IV, 521, Niles, 2V. ; use of, in bridges, V, 303, Roebling. Wire fence, machine for making, IV, 495, Nesmith, J. Wire-grip fastening machine. V, 288, Robinson, S. W. Wirt, Jasper, VI, 578, Wirt, W. Wirt, William/original of a character of, VI, 57, Tazeivell ; the blind preacher, I, 45, Alexander, Archibald ; VI. 309, Waddel. Wirz, Henry, trial of, VI, 334, Wallace, L. Wisconsin, founder of. III, 611, Langlade ; ancient people of, 616, Lapham, I. A.; botany and geology of, 616 ; first white man in. IV. 516, Nicolet ; territory of, V, 548, Slaughter, W. B.; colonies in, VI, 239-240, Van den Broek ; R. C. institutions in, III, 574, Krautbauer ; gu- bernatorial contest in, HI, 284, Howe, T. O. Wisconsin insurance company, certificates of, as currency, V, 565, Smith, George ; IV, 342, Mitchell, A. Wisconsin university and academy of sciences, III, 290, Hoyt, J. W. ; observatory at, VI, 372, Washburn, C. C. Wise, George Stuart, VI, 580, Wise, H. Alexander. Wise, Henry A., quoted. I, 407. Wise, Jonathan B., I, 700, Colwell. Wise, Joseph, VI, 580, Wise, John. Wise, Obadiah J., VI, 580, Wise, H. Alexander. Wisenburgh, Catherine, III, 452. Wissahickon, the, III, 734, Lippard. Wistar, Dr. Caspar, IV, 659, Pai-rish, J. Wistaria, the, VI, 583, Wistar, C. Wister, Mrs. Annis L., II, 565. Fumess. Wister, Dr. Caspar, VI, 583, Wister, A. L. Witchcraft delusion, the Salem, executions, I, 229, Bel- lingham ; 470, Burrouqhs. G. ; 498, Calef : 535. Carrier ; II, 80, Daston ; III, 115, Hathorne, J. ; 124. 125, Haw- thorne ; IV, 546, Nurse ; proposal to indemnify children of sufferers by, 28, Loring, I. ; 253 ; 255 ; tragedy founded on, 258, Mathews, Cornelius ; 377, Moody, Joshua ; 532, Norris, E. ; 543, Noyes, N. ; supposed witches hanged, be- ginning of, the victims, 659, Parris, S. ; 764, Phips : V, 139, Putnam, I. ; 468, Sewell, Samuel ; 710, Stoughton, W. Withers, Cora. VI, 508, Wilhorst. Witherspoon, Frances, V, 166, Ramsay, D. Witherspoon, Rev. James, VI, 584, Witherspoon, John. Wittgenstein Berleberg, Countess of, IV, 268, Maximilian, Wituwamat, Chief, V, 643, Standish ; VI, 444, Weston. Wixom, Emma, IV, 498, Nevada. Wizard of the north, the, I. 69, Anderson, J. H. Wodenethe, estate of, V, 398. Sargent, H. W. Wofford, Gen., IV, 307, Merrill, L. Wohler, Prof. Frederick, II, 356, Engelhardt ; 671, Goess- mann. Wolcott, Dr. Alexander, VI, 587, Wolcott, O. Wolcott, Laura, II. 637, Gibbs. Wolcott, Mary, 1. 470, Bur-roughs, G. Wolfe, Capt. David, VI, 589, Wolfe, J. D.. Wolfe, Lieut. -Col. Edward, VI, 588, Wolfe, J. Wolfe and Montcalm monument, illustration, IV, 364. Wolfe exploring expedition, the, VI. 590, Wolfe, C. L. Wolff, Albert, HI, 530. Keyser ; VI, 342, Walters. Wolf -hunt, Putnam's, V. 140. Wollstonecraft, Mary, III, 345, Imlay. Wolsey. Cardinal, I, 371, Brewster. W. Wolsieffer, M., IH, 112, Hassler. S. Women, rights of, I, 82, Anthony, S. B.; 274, Blacku'ell, A. L. B.; 2a5, Blake. L. D. 296, Bloomer ; 455, Burleigh, C; first lectures in England on, II, 46, Cutler. H. M. T. ; 345 ; 515, Foster, A. K. ; 568, Gage, F. D. : 569, Gage, M. J. : III, 283, Howe. J. W.; proposed constitutional amendment giving suffrage to, 486, Julian, G. W.; 740, Livermore, M. A.; candidate for the presidency, 751, Lockwood, B. A. B.: IV, 337, Minor, V. L. first national convention, 441, Mott, J. and L. ; first public advocacy of suffrage for, 484, Neal, J.; V, 322, Rose, E. L.; 578, Smith, J. E. 631. Spen- cer, S. A.; first convention, suffrage question, 650, Stan- ton, E. C. ; advocates of rights of, 656, Steams, O. P. and S. B. 703, Stone. L.; VI, 13, Swisshelm ; beginning of the agitation for rights of, 425, Weld, A. E.G.; pioneer in the movement, 622, Wright, F.; legal rights of, IV, 512, Nichols, Clarinda H.; 616, Ou-en, R. D.; the first Michi- gan bill on property rights of, V, 13, Pierce, J. D.; prop- erty rights of married, 213, Reeve, T. 117, Price, E. K.; education of, VI, 513, Willard, E. : 677. Cowles ; first pro- fessor in a co-educational college, IV. WQ„Morgan, H. C. ; first public lecturer, V, 589, Smith, E. O.; first journalist, VI. 390, Watson. Ebenezer ; first newspaper advocating suffrage for, II, 106, Darts, P.; a soldier, HI. 603, Lan- castro ; a pirate, 365, Irtving, M. K. ; first, in America to make literature a profession. I, 14, Adams. Hannah ; missionary societies of. Ill, 35, Hale, S. J.; admission of, to Bellevue, IV, 48, Lozier, C. I.; excluded from the World*s anti-slavery convention, establishment of jour- nals, 441. Mott, L.: as members of anti-slavery societies, 761 ; early preachers and physicians, I, 274-275, Black- welt : admitted to the bar in California. II. 493. Foltz, C. S. practice of law bv, in Illinois, IH, 307, Hulett ; prac- tice of medicine by, V, 112, Preston, A.; employment of, in government offices, 632. Spinner ; society for the edu- cation of eastern. I, 8, Abeel ; medical colleges, IV. 48, Lozier. C. S. : I. 275, Blackwell ; TV, 732, Perot : New Eng- land club. Ill, 283. Howe, J. W. : association for advance- ment of, VI, 503, Wilbour, C. B.