Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1900, volume 4).djvu/17

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Adams, Charles Kendall, President of Cornell University. Agassiz, Alexander, Autlior and Professor. Allan, Col. William, Aide-de-C:unp to '• Stonewall " Jackson. Allibone, S. Austin, Anthor " Dictionary of Authors." Amory, Thomas C, Author " Life of General Sullivan," etc. Bancroft, George, Author " History of the United States.' Bayard, Thomas F., Secretary of State. Beehler, "William H., Lieutenant U. S. Navy. Bigelow, John, Author " Life of Franklin," etc. Boker, George H., Poet, late Minister to Russia. Bradley, Joseph P., Justice United States Supreme Court. Brooks, Phillips, Author "Sermons in English Churches." Browne, Junius Henri, Author and Journalist. Carter, Franklin, President of Williams College. Chandler, William E., Ex-Secretary of the Navy. Clarke, James Freeman, Author •' Ten Great Religions," etc. Cooper, Miss Susan Fenimore, Author " Rural Hours," etc. Conway, Moncure D., ^liscellancons Writer. Coppee, Henry, Professor in Lehigh University, Pa. Coxe, Arthur Cleveland, P. E. Bishop of Western New York. Courtenay, William A., Mayor of Charleston, S. C. CuUum, Gen. George W., TJ. S. A., Author " Register of West Point Graduates," etc. Curtis, George Ticknor, Author " Life of James Buchanan," etc. Curtis, George William, Author and Editor. Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth B., Author '• Tenting on the Plains." Daniel, John W., United States Senator from Virginia. De Lancey, Edward F., Ex-President Genealogical and Biographical Society. Didier, Eugene Ii., Author " Life of Edgar Allan Poe." Dix, Morgan, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. Doane, William C, p. E. Bishop of Albany. Drake, Samuel Adams, Author ■■ Historic Personages of Boston," etc. Draper, Lyman C, Secretary of Wisconsin Historical Society. Dupont, Col. Henry A., Of Delaware, late U. S. Army. Eggleston, George Cary, Editor New York •■Commercial Advertiser." Fiske, John, Author and Professor. Frothingham, Octavius B., Author •■ Life of George Ripley." Gayarre, Charles E. A., Author " History of Louisiana." Gerry, Elbridge T., Member of New York Bar. Gilman, Daniel C, President of Johns Hopkins LTniversity. Gilmore, James R., Author '• Rear-Guard of the Revolution," etc. Gleig, George Robert, Ex-C'ha])lain-General British Army. Goodwin, Daniel, Member of Illinois Bar. Greely, Gen. Adolphus W., XT. S. A., Author ■■ Three Years of Arctic Service." Green, William Mercer, Late P. E. Bishop of ^Mississippi. Greene, Capt. Francis Vinton, United States Engineer Corps. Hale, Edward Everett, Author ■• Franklin in France," etc. Hart, Charles Henry, Member Pennsylvania Bar. Hay, Col. John, Author " Life of Lincoln," etc. Henry, William Wirt, Of the VirL'inia Historical Society. Higginson, Col. Thomas W., Author '• History of the United States," etc. Hilliard, Henry W., Late Minister to Brazil. Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell, Author and Poet. Hoppin, Prof. James M., Of Yale College. Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward, Author ■' Later Lyrics," etc. Huntington, William R., Rector of Grace Church, New York. Jay, John, Late Minister to Austria.