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missions. Monraouth college, 111., gave him the degree of D. D. in 1874. In addition to sermons ami pamphlets, he has published " Lectures on the Revelation" (Pittsburg. 1878) and "United Pres- byterianism " (issl : new ed., 1882).

REILLY, James William, soldier, b. in Akron, Summit co., Ohio, 21 May. 1828. He received his education at Mount St. Mary's college, at Emmetts- burg, Hid., studied law and was admitted to the bar, and early in 1861 was elected to the legisla- ture of Ohio from Columbiana county. He entered the army in 1861, and on 30 Aug., 1862, he was made colonel of the 104th volunteer infantry of Ohio, and for faithful and meritorious services in several campaigns and important battles became brigadier-general of volunteers on 30 July, 1864 His brigade distinguished itself for gallantry at the battle of Franklin, Tenn., 30 Nov., 1864. where many Confederate battle-flags were captured ; en- gaged in various skirmishes during the Knoxville campaign in the early winter of 1803; and also achieved distinction in the operations at Nashville, 15-16 Dec., 1864. Gen. Keilly resigned his com- mand on 20 April, 1865, and returned to the prac- tice of his profession in his native state.

REILY, John, soldier, b. in Leeds, England, 12 April. 1752; d. in Myerstown. Lebanon co., Pa., 2 May, 1810. He emigrated with his father. Benja- min, to Pennsylvania, studied law. and wa> ad- mitted to the bar just before the Revolution. He was commissioned as captain in the 12th Pennsyl- vania regiment, and was transferred to the 3d regiment in 1778, and severely wounded at Hoti- hamton, X. J. Returning to his home, he recov- ered. He was not a brilliant orator, but was a polished writer, and left several manuscripts. He published " A Compendium for Pennsylvania Jus- tices of the Peace," which was the first work of its character printed in this country (Ilarrisburg, 1795). He married Elizabeth Myer, daughter of the founder of Myerstown, Pa. One of their sons, LUTHER, practised medicine in Harri>burg, was elected to congress as a Democrat, serving from 4 Sept., 1837, till 3 March, 1839, and died soon after the expiration of his term.

REILY, William McClellan, clergyman, b. in York. Pa., 8 Aug., 1837. After graduation at Penn- sylvania college, Gettysburg, in 1856, he studied at Princeton theological seminary and at Berlin and other German universities. He was ordained in the German Reformed church, held pastorates in Lewisburg and Jonestown, Pa., was professor of languages at Palatinate college, Pa., its pre.-ident in 1883, and is now (1898) president of the Allen- town, Pa., female college. He is the author of "The Artist and his Mission" (Philadelphia, 1SS1).

REIMENSN YDER. Junius Benjamin, clergyman, b. in Staunton, Va., 24 Feb., 1841. He was graduated at Pennsylvania college, Gettysburg, in 1861, and at the theological seminary there in 1865. Mi 'an while he served in the 131st regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers from 1 A 111:.. 1M!'J, till 26 May, 1863. Immediately after his ordination in 1865 he became pastor in Philadelphia, where he remained until 1874. Afterward he was pastor in Savannah, Ga., in 1874-'80, and then in New York city, where he still (1898) remains. In 1880 he re- ceived the degree of D. D. from Newberry college, Newberry, S. C. His published works are " Heav- enward, or the Race for the Crown of Life " (Phila- delphia, 1874) ; "Christian Unity," a sermon i Sa- vannah. Ga., 1876); "Doom Eternal The IJible and the Church Doctrine of Everlasting Punish- ment " (Philadelphia, 1880) : and " The Six Days of Creation ; The Fall and the Deluge " (1886).

REINAGLE, Hugh, artist, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., about 1790; d. near New Orleans, La., in May, 1834 He studied under John J. Holland, and became known as a landscape-painter, working in oil and water-colors. For many years he was engaged as a scene-painter in New York, and produced also a panorama of New York, which was exhibited in that city. In 1830 he went to New Orleans, where he died of cholera four years later. He was one of the original thirty members of the National academy of design, and exhibited there, in 1831, a “View of the Falls of Mount Ida.” His “Macdonough's Victory on Lake Champlain” was engraved by Benjamin Tanner in 1816.

REINA MALDOXADO, Pedro, Cuban R. C. bishop, b. in Lima, Peru, in the latter half of the 16th century ; d. in Santiago de Cuba in 1661. He was canon of the church of Trujillo, afterward vicar-general, and next was transferred to Mexico, where he held high ecclesiastical appointments. He went to Spain in 1659 and was consecrated bishop of Santiago de Cuba. His works include " Declaration de las Reglas, que pertenecen a la Sintaxis para el uso de los Nombres y construccion de los verbos, con exposicion del Libro quinto para la cantidad de las silabas " (Madrid, 1622) ; " Suma de los Sacramentos para uso de los ordenados y ordenandos. con las ceremonias de la Misa " (1623) ; "Resunta del Vasallo leal "(1647); "Apologia en favor de la Iglesia de Truxillo pidiendo la fuese a gobernar su electo Obispo D. Pedro de Ortega Sotomayor " ; " Discurso defensorio de la facultad que tiene el Prelado de dejar Gobernador en su Iglesia. cuando pasa al gobierno de otra" (1648); and " Norte claro de un Perfecto Prelado" (Ki.Vli.

REINHART, Benjamin Franklin, artist, b. near Waynesburg, Pa., 29 Aug., 1829; d. in Philadelphia, 3 May, 1885. At the age of fifteen he had some lessons at Pittsburg, in the use of oil-colors, and subsequently he studied at the National academy. New York, for three years. After visiting several of the western cities and painting many portraits, he went to Europe in 1850. For the next three years he studied in Paris and Diisseldorf, with the intention of devoting himself more to historical and genre painting. He followed his profession in New York and other cities until IsiiO, and then went to England, where he remained until 1*1)8. After his return he' .settled in New York. In 1871 he was elected an associate of the Nat i. mil academy, where he had first exhibited in 1. S 47. Among his works, many of which have been engraved, are "Cleopatra" (1865); Kviingeline"; " Pocahontas " (1877): " Katrina Van Tassel" (1878); "Washington receiving the News nf Arnold's Treason "; "Consolation"; " After the Crucifixion " (1875); "Nymphs nf the Wood" ( ISTIh : "Young Franklin ami Sir William Keith ": "The lleuaita"; " The Pride of the Village "; and "Captain Kidd and the Governor" and " Ilaliy Mine" (1884). His numerous portraits include those of the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of NY ea-tle the Countess of Portsmouth. Lady Vane TeinpeM. Lord Brougham, John Phillip. R. A.. Thomas Carlyle. Lord Tennyson, Mark Lemon, Charles O'Conor, George M. Dallas. James Buchanan, Edwin M. Stanton, Gen. Winfield Scott, John C. Breckinridge. Stephen A. Douglas, ami Samuel Houston. His nephew, Charles Stanley, artist, b. in Pitt-bun:, 16 May. 1844 ; d. in New York city, 3D Aug.. 1896. He studied for about a year at the Atelier Suisse. In 1868 he went to Munich, where he became a pupil at the Royal academy. In January. 1870, he entered the establishment of Harper and Brothers, New York, where he remained until July. 1876.