Page:Arabian Nights (Sterrett).djvu/131

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tears, threw the first earth upon the body, after which the slaves filled up the grave.

This being done, all the furniture was brought up, and, with the remaining provisions, put on board the vessel. The old man, overcome with sorrow, was carried upon a litter to the ship, which stood out to sea, and in a short time was out of sight.

After the old man and his slaves were gone, I was left alone upon the island. I lay that night in the subterranean dwelling, which they had not cared to shut up, and when the day came, I walked round the island.

I led this wearisome life for a whole month. Then to my amazement I perceived that the sea had sunk so low, that there remained between me and the continent but a small stream, which I crossed, and the water did not reach above the middle of my leg. At last I got upon more firm ground; and when I had proceeded some distance from the sea, I saw a good way before me something that resembled a great fire, which gave me some comfort; for I said to myself, I shall here find some persons, it not being possible that this fire should kindle of itself. As I drew nearer, however, I found my error, and discovered that what I had taken for a fire was a castle of red copper, which the beams of the sun made to appear at a distance like flames. As I wondered at this magnificent building, I saw ten handsome young men coming along; but what surprised me was that they were