Page:Arabian Nights (Sterrett).djvu/152

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very agreeably. But, alas! this good understanding did not last long, for my sisters grew jealous of the friendship between the prince and myself, and maliciously asked me one day, what we should do with him when we came to Bagdad. Resolving to put this question off with a joke, I answered, “I will take him for my husband;” and upon that, turning myself to the prince, said, “Sir, I humbly beg of you to give your consent, for as soon as we come to Bagdad I design to offer you my person to be your slave, to do you all the service that is in my power, and to resign myself wholly to your commands.”

The prince replied, “I know not, madam, whether you be in jest or no; but for my part, I seriously declare before these ladies, your sisters, that from this moment I heartily accept your offer, not with any intention to have you as a slave, but as my lady and wife.” At these words my sisters changed color, and I could perceive afterward that they did not love me as before.

We entered the Persian Gulf, and had come within a short distance of Bussorah when, in the night, while I was asleep, my sisters watched their opportunity and threw me overboard. They did the same to the prince, who was drowned. I floated some minutes on the water, and by good fortune, or rather miracle, I felt ground. I went toward a dark spot that seemed to be land, and which, when day appeared, I found to be a deserted island, lying about twenty miles from Bus-